05. stuck in a time warp
02.04: the road trip to harvard
05: ❝ stuck in a time warp ❞
There are times in your life when things get rough. Sometimes those things get too much for someone and sometimes you just need to escape for a moment.
That's exactly how Everleigh Morgan felt like for the past month; she ran away to avoid her problems. Now, however, she was ready to face them.
She was ready.
Exhaling heavily, the girl shakingly raises her fist into a ball and knocks against the door three times. Withdrawing her hand back, she sways back and forth on her feet, waiting for someone to answer. The longer she waits, the quicker her breathing picks up a pace. She could practically feel her heartbeat in her ears.
Maybe it was a mistake. She should have never come here.
Everleigh turns around back around, ready to leave but as she turns, the doors swing open with a voice calling her name in question, "Eve?"
She closes her eyes and inhales heavily and turns back around facing him, "Can we talk?"
She softly asks him as she clutches the strap of her shoulder bag tightly. Blaze steps aside, letting her walk in the house without asking further questions. The girl gives a tight smile as she walks inside.
"Uh," He rubs the back of his head, "Do you want something to drink? My mom went to see Morey for a few hours and Dani is at Dean's — she wanted to see Clara."
She wasn't sure why he felt as though he had to defend his mother's or sister's whereabouts or why the two were alone. It wasn't the first time the two were on their own.
"It's okay and I want nothing to drink, thank you though," She adjusts the shoulder bag and suddenly feels a light weight brushing against her ankle. When she looks down, her nervousness slowly starts to fade away at the sight of Blaze's tangerine tabby cat. She kneels down with a smile as she starts petting him, "Pumpkin! I missed you." She looks back up at Blaze as she continues petting the cat, only to find him smiling down at her. She ignores it as she says, "He missed me, I knew I was his favorite."
"Always have been," He hesitates. The girl lifts Pumpkin in her arms and stands up, carrying him. Blaze moves his thumb back, not commenting at the affection towards the cat, "Where uh, where do you want to talk? We can go to my room — or not. We can do it right here next to the front doors. — Or outside, it's —"
"Your room is fine," She softly says, stopping his rumbling. Everleigh puts Pumpkin back down on the floor, "You know, just in case your mom or your sister come back. Don't want things to feel weird."
"Okay." He says.
She nods, copying him, "Okay."
He guides her up the stairs to his room. She felt as if nothing had changed around but it has. It was a completely different room, completely different house and a completely different town. When she steps inside his room, only for her attention to go straight away to his night table where she sees a picture of them together right before her trip to Italy. Both laughing with her leaning into him.
She awkwardly coughs and looks at Blaze again, "So, uhm...Agnes called."
She wasn't lying. She did call and the two did in fact end up talking. To be quite honest, her former best friend was the reason why she was here in the first place. — At least part of the reason.
Everleigh had to sit through a long and painful phone conversation where Agnes explained her side of the story. Only to find out in the end she was growing feelings to her ex boyfriend and being intoxicated didn't help her hide it.
Yet, that also would explain her recent behavior towards Blaze or when Everleigh was with him. How she'd take quick glances at him or how suddenly her mood would drop as soon as Blaze and Everleigh would show affection to one another. Especially a day before she left for Italy, when Agnes ignored all her calls; all because Blaze wanted to spend a day with her and only her.
The more she thought about it, the more it all started to make sense but what happened at that party didn't hurt any less.
"Oh," He quietly says and exhales heavily as he takes a step back from her, "What did — what did she say?"
"Things that I didn't want to hear." She holds her hands together in front of her, "But also things that add up to what happened."
"Oh," He says again. That small reply agitates her but she stays quiet. The girl watches as he rubs his forehead and continues, "Where do we go from here?"
Everleigh tilts her head to the side, "What do you mean?"
"I mean," He starts, "What happens now? You two spoke, what happens to me and you?"
She squints her eyes, "It all depends on what you have to say about the kiss."
He scoffs as he slouches, "Nothing happened. I already told you that. I was in shock, I didn't know what to do."
"Oh? So I should be just fine with all of this?" She asks, crossing arms.
"Yeah." He looks away shrugging. "I just want us to be together again."
She rubs her forehead in frustration as she mumbles, "And I want to meet Dr. Frankie but here we are."
"I'm serious." He sighs heavily, not impressed with her comments and not was she with his.
"So am I but you don't see my point. Blaze, I'm not going to be a Jackie to your Kelso," She throws her hands in the air with a wry laugh, "I can't forgive you!"
She regrets the last part but she wasn't lying either. The girl could practically see those words affecting him; he takes another step back and looks away, shaking his head and covering his mouth.
"What do you want me to do?" He says after a moment. His voice trembling, "I can't lose you."
"I—" She stops. There was nothing she could say. There were no words she could say right now.
"What do you want me to do? I'll do anything, just — just give me a chance. Please," He suddenly says as he approaches her. She looks up at him and notices how he is trying to hold in his emotions and how generous his tone was. He meant it, "I won't let you down. I promise."
She wants to try but at the same time, part of her can't let go of the moment she witnessed. She was at loss of words, the teen just wanted her dad to help her because she really had no idea what to do. Blaze was so willing to do anything right now for her and she knows it but she's also hurting. His actions hurt her and that's holding her back.
However, this was a new town, a fresh start between them would do some good. Therefore she should at least give him a chance.
Just like Dean gave a chance to Rory and things seemed to work out for both of them. He was happy with her— for some reason.
Sighing one last time, she looks down and closes her eyes, "Fine."
"You're forgiving me?" He asks, softly and she looks up to him. A small smile tugging on the corners of his lips but faint enough for no one to notice.
"I'm not forgiving you...yet," She begins and his shoulders fall, "But I am willing to try."
He takes another step closer to her and grabs the hold of her hands, "That sounds good to me."
Everleigh slowly relaxes at his touch and pulls him closer to her and wraps her arms around his chest. Blaze copies her movements straight after; embracing the cuddle.
As the two hold onto one another, she realizes she may have not asked all the things she wanted to know or why he suddenly moved to Stars Hollow without letting her know first. But at that moment she didn't care. She was just glad she could be in his arms again and calling him her boyfriend again. She really has missed him and all these weeks without him was killing her.
Not letting go of him; side of her face pressed against his chest, she suddenly says, "I missed you."
Blaze slightly pulls away and places his hands on both sides of her cheeks as he forces an eye contact, "I have missed you so much."
"You know what I want for my eighteenth?" Everleigh asks as she watches her best friend putting stock back onto the shelves.
"What?" His eyes never leave from the current task, making sure he is placing items on the right shelf. That may be Everleigh's fault as the girl kept messing around and misplacing everything that she saw. Just to make Dean's life a bit harder.
Everleigh looks down at her nails, nonchalantly shrugging her shoulders, "For you to build me a car."
Dean stops lifting boxes to glance at her, "You want me to build you a car?"
She simply nods her head and grabs the vegan chocolate bar from the shelf, "Yeah, and tell me you love me, so I can walk away without saying it back."
Her best friend rolls his eyes with sarcasm dripping through his tone, "Ha-ha, very funny."
"I find it hilarious," She keeps on eyeing the chocolate bar in her hand and continues, "Where's your girlfriend anyways? Usually she's by your hip."
"Rory and Lorelai went on a road trip to avoid the wedding from happening," Dean says as he places his hands on the hips.
She looks up with a raised brow, So let me get this straight, she bailed without pulling a Jo?"
"Do I even want to know what you're talking about?" He questions.
"Yes...," Bobbing her head she replies, "As my best friend it's your duty to think like me."
"No one can think like you."
" Very true." She responds and Dean looks at the register where Taylor was. She quickly puts the chocolate bar in her pocket before he notices.
"I'm gonna have to go before Taylor catches me not doing anything." He rubs the back of his neck.
"Wait, before you go," Her eyes widen in excitement, "Did he see the painting at the back of Doose's?"
"You mean the wall you vandalized?"
"How dare you insult the masterpiece. Grant Wood would be insulted." She dramatically gasps and places a hand on her chest, "I'm just making Stars Hollow pop with color and creativity. No vandalism happening here, I'm a real saint."
He sighs heavily and ignores her continuous references, "To answer your question, yes he did see it and he wasn't impressed and nor am I."
She waves him off, "Thought so, at least I found it amazing."
"You'll get in trouble." He states.
She walks past him and carries on walking backwards, "That's why I have to keep my good girl image up and high."
"I mean it." He adds on.
"See you later, Lurch." She sings out and as she approaches Taylor's direction she says, "Have a wonderful day, Taylor!"
He beams at her, clueless, "Oh, why thank you. That's the Stars Hollow spirit I like to see."
She sends him two thumbs up and walks out of Doose's. Once the doors close behind her she takes the chocolate bar she stole and rips it open. Her lips twitched upwards how smoothly it all went. The only vegan chocolate to exist in Stars Hollow and she still was getting it for free. She truly was amazed by herself.
Not long after leaving Doose's, she kept walking around the town on her own until she heard Lydia calling after her and she stops walking, allowing her friend to catch up with her.
Before she could even ask anything, Lydia says, "I heard you're back together with Blaze."
She arches a brow at the mention of her boyfriend, "How do you know him?"
"You're kidding, right?" She laughs dryly and her heart sinks; thinking all the worst she could possibly think of, "It's Stars Hollow. Everyone knows everyone and besides he is related to Morey who is also married to Babette. She knows everything there's to know about this town. But if you want a short answer, Dean's friends with him and I am friends with Dean."
"Oh," relief washes over her, "Okay that makes sense."
"Why?" She asks and waves a finger in her direction, "How else do you think I knew him?"
"It doesn't matter," She shakes her head, brushing off the question, "I'm still getting used to this town."
"Right," Lydia nudges her elbow against hers, making the girl's mood to uplift, "I forgot you were a born and raised Chicago girl."
"Not a born and raised Chicago girl." Everleigh corrects.
"You're not?"
"Nope." Evereleigh states with a small smile, "My roots start from New York."
"Wow," Lydia gushes and Everleigh rolls her eyes at, "You keep surprising me more and more every single day."
"Welcome to the world of Everleigh Mae Morgan. Where things take turn the last minute."
Amazed, Lydia stares at the other girl in awe, "I think I've found my soulmate."
The girls continue messing around and talking to one another as they walk around the town. Everleigh was starting to realize she was glad Lydia and her were friends. The girl was so different from anyone she has ever met and was nothing like Agnes. Don't get her wrong, Agnes was fun to be around as well but she was more reserved. She preferred to watch from the side and not actually get involved in action. Lydia on the other hand was the one to drag her around and cause a little bit trouble here and there. — Nothing that would harm others.
She really liked that. She needed someone like Lydia in her life right now. Someone who was a little bit more careless and free.
Their gaze from one another adverts as they find Babette and Miss Patty talking among themselves. With just a single thought, they both decide to join their conversation. They always found something to gossip about, especially about the people living here and Everleigh wanted to hear all about it.
"━ He is so charming; the smile, the muscles and the behind.'' Miss Patty points out dreamily as her attention goes elsewhere, "I'd marry him.''
''I heard he's new in town.'' Babette adds, her gaze in the same direction as Patty's, "And single."
"Not for long." Patty continues to add.
Lydia glances from one woman to another and chims in, "Who are we talking about?"
"The guy talking to Bootsy. " Babette answers pointing at someone on the opposite side of the street by a newsstand, ''He's the new talk of the town."
"Cool." Lydia adds, nodding her head. Both teenagers too curious of the mysterious man, turn their heads in the direction of his location. However, just as they did so, Everleigh's face scrunch up in disgust while Lydia's head tilts sideways; pouting. Everleigh knew the man all too well and knowing what everyone thought about him, didn't sit right with her.
"Oh, no."
"Eve, is that—"
"Yup. "Everleigh agrees, "I think I'm going to throw up."
Lydia turns to her new friend with spark in her eyes as she nudges the girl with an elbow, a wide smile spreading on her face, "Patty has hots for your dad."
The Morgan girl narrows eyes at her and pushes her playfully, ''Shut up."
Without another word to any of them, she leaves the ladies behind to cross the street and approach her dad. She had no clue he'd be here without her. That wasn't the plan. She wanted to introduce him to everyone she knew so far or show him around before anyone could. In a way, she hoped, showing off her knowledge about Stars Hollow would impress him or maybe how people would smile or greet her walking past. But according to her dad, he clearly had other plans.
Hearing Lydia trailing after her, she approaches her dad and demands, "What are you doing here?" She turns to the owner of the town's newsstand with a small smile, "Hiya, Bootsy."
Bootsy returns the greeting as both adults stop the conversation. Her presence doesn't seem to faze her dad. He folds the newspaper as he says, "Hello to you too, Eve. I'm feeling wonderful, thanks for asking."
She rolls her eyes, "Dad."
"Daughter," Her dad mimics.
"Everleigh." He replies, "I'm so glad we still know each other's names."
At the interaction, Lydia titters shortly and comments, "So this is where you get your traits from."
Her dad turns to Lydia with a welcoming smile while Everleigh gives her a look. Definitely not being helpful in this situation, "Wait, until she shows her mother's side."
Everleigh ignores the mention of her mom and brushes it off as she repeats, "Dad? What are you doing here?"
"I live here?"
"I am very well aware of that sort of information," The daughter replies sarcastically but then sighs, "I just thought you'd wait for me to show you around."
"I know," He agrees, "But you said, you had a shift at the diner today, so I didn't want to stress you out too much."
"So not telling me you're going to show up was the plan?" She wonders, simpering.
He nods, "Yeah, that's right."
The other girl watches the two talking with one another and leans sideways towards Everleigh and whispers, "Can your dad adopt me? He is so cool."
The Morgan girl exhales, "Not when you have to live with him."
"I can hear you." Her dad points out.
Luke's diner. Truly adds the charm of Stars Hollow. A very small diner, right in the centre of the town where anyone could see the place. Being a part-time worker also was a benefit to Everleigh Morgan because she could witness anything and everything in her workplace.
And sometimes this place did freak her out. She knew the town was small and she knew people would know each other. What she didn't know was that everyone knew each other in this town. She has witnessed on multiple occasions people walking in and asking for the usual's. She simply stared back at any of them with a blank expression plastered on her face. The teen clearly had no idea about any of their drinks and that just led to the girl looking for Luke in pure panic.
Today was different.
A lady came in. A very bubbly and bright lady named Sookie, making Everleigh's job a lot easier and guiding her through everyone's drinks ━ even before they could enter the diner. After a short period of time, she was grateful for her presence. The only downfall of it all; Sookie refers to her as 'Dean's friend'.
Just as the teen was refilling the coffee jug, Sookie calls out, ''Dean's friend!'' She turns her head at her in question, who was sitting by the counter and nodding her head in the direction of the entry door, "He usually has a coffee with three sugars and two muffins on the go."
"Thanks," She notes gratefully and starts making the coffee in a takeout cup. The woman was right once again about another order with no mistakes.
Just as the man leaves with the coffee and his muffins, her attention drifts off past Sookie who was on the phone by now and she found herself eavesdropping on Luke's and Kirk's conversation by the window table. She watches how Luke slips a check Kirk's way as he says, "You've been sitting there for two hours."
"I want more coffee." Kirk retorts and Everleigh fights off the urge to smile.
"You've had eight refills. Half provided by Morgan, if not more.'' Luke mentions and points at Everleigh.
The girl instantly raises her hands in the air as a defeat and both men glance at her, "Woah, hey, don't involve me. It's actually nine refills. "
"Not helping." Luke glares and Everleigh shrugs.
She drops her arms and walks around the counter to stand by Sookie who had her phone turned, so whoever was on the other line could hear the conversation between the two. Kirk turns back to Luke and points out, "You know, in France, you can have the table as long as you want.''
Luke places his hands on the table and leans down to look somewhat more intimidating, "I bet you know what I'm gonna say next."
''We're not in France?'' Kirk wonders.
"Give or take a profanity." Luke answers.
"Fine, I'll go. Can I have my check?"
Luke lifts the check from the table and slams it back down. Kirk lifts it up and starts to skim through the check slowly. Everleigh finally joins them; too curious for her own good and just as she approaches them, Luke turns to her, "What are you doing?"
"Observing?" Everleigh suggests.
Luke sighs, "Not you too."
Everleigh lifts her hands up weakly for a moment, "I haven't done anything... Yet."
Luke rolls his eyes at the teen but turns back to Kirk who still was busy reading the prices for all the refills, "Is there any way to speed this up?"
"Sorry, I'm trying to figure out the tip and I've always been terrible at math.'' Kirk looks up, "What's 6% of $4.43?"
" 27 cents," Everleigh replies seconds later. Both look at her puzzled and she shrugs, "What? I'm good at math."
None of them answer back, Luke simply rips the check out of Kirk's hands and walks off and the teen follows. "You should be working, Morgan."
"I am." She admits, "I am following my boss."
As they both walk behind the counter, Luke turns to her with a finger pointing at her. Everleigh halts at the movement, "I told you not to call me that."
The girl only salutes at him as she says, "Aye, aye, Captain."
He puffs out air and glares at her, "Mor━"
"━Hey, Luke." Sookie interrupts and he turns to her instead. The teen stays put, "You've heard the latest news? Kind of sad ━ Lorelai and Max."
He inhales heavily as he opens the till. Everleigh takes notice with arched brow, "What about?''
"The wedding's off." Sookie announces, still holding a phone slightly away from her ear.
That perks his attention, "What? What happened?"
"I don't really know. Kind of sudden." Sookie points at the phone by her ear, "This is her now."
Everleigh pulls a face until she realizes who 'her' was and the girl raises her voice to greet her, "Hi, Lorelai!" Instantly all the customers turn to her and she cringes, "Sorry."
As Sookie replies back to Lorelai, Luke turns to her exhausted, "Morgan."
Everleigh shrugs her shoulders again, "I said, I was sorry."
"Lorelai says, 'Hi, Dean's friend'. " Sookie tells the girl and she tries not to react to the name.
Luke continues but more softly, "Tell her, I'm sorry. That's tough." As the woman continues to notify her friend, she picks up at the drastic change in the man. He grabs the coffee jug and right as he was to pass Evereigh, he says, "You can have ten minute break ━ you know what? Make it twenty minutes. Grab a free muffin if you like."
As walks away, refilling everyone's coffee, her face crunches up. Very bewildered by his mood swing, "Huh?"
✁- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
☕️ everleigh: " and i want to meet dr. frankie but here we are. "
movie — rocky horror picture show ( 1975 )
☕️ everleigh: " so let me get this straight, she bailed without pulling a jo? "
movie — mystic pizza ( 1988 )
☕️ everleigh: "how dare you insult the masterpiece. grant wood would be insulted."
artist — grant wood ( 1891 - 1942 )
☕️ everleigh: "see you later, lurch."
tv show — the addams family ( 1964 )
next chapter! next chapter!! i repeat next chapter, jess comes in. im gonna cry.
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