03. welcome home, everleigh morgan
pre: red light on the wedding night
❝ 03: welcome home, everleigh morgan ❞
Her dad had some news.
Good News, actually. (His words, not hers).
Everleigh being Everleigh, wanted to hear those news but once she did, she wished it wasn't true.
The girl thought he might be getting a promotion at his job or maybe ran into a celebrity and somehow got their number. Or maybe winning a lottery or something to do with her high school. Those were some of her guesses when it came to 'news'.
She certainly was not expecting to be told they were moving to Stars Hollow to be exact.
Stars Hollow.
No seriously, they were moving to Stars Hollow and she was the cause of it. If Everleigh hadn't mentioned the fact that the town is located between Hartford and New York, they would be moving somewhere else. Her dad's new job included loads of travels to Hartford and New York and they needed to move somewhere where it's close between those cities. Because living in either of those cities wasn't an option for them. Unless someone gave them loads of money to afford a life in one of those cities.
"Do you think it's a good idea to move?" She sighs heavily as she rests her head in her hands, staring at the Venus Fly trap. It was her all time favorite plant and also a good object to talk to when she was feeling down. "I don't think I'm ready to see Blaze in two weeks, I probably should just ignore him. But in other news, you're going to like it there, Cleopatra. You'll be able to stay outdoors more.''
She talks to her plants like they were tiny humans and in most cases helped her in stressful situations.
The girl loved the idea of going back to Stars Hollow and being able to annoy Kirk, especially Luke. She just loved the idea of visiting the town again, not moving. She wasn't too sure she was ready to leave her hometown so abruptly. Chicago has been her home since she was ten and for the past seven years that's all she has known as home.
But her dad seemed happy about the change. The light in his eyes radiated with excitement as he was announcing the news to her. The least she can do is be excited for him. After all, if you extend the picture and note all the things she has here in Chicago, the paper would stay blank.
Not knowing what to do, she grabs the cordless telephone by her plant and dials her best friend's number. Not long after dialing the household's number he picks up and she exhales heavily, "Soooo, I got some news to tell you."
She was stressed.
How does one pack all their stuff and make sure everything is in the boxes with nothing left behind? Because once she leaves in a few days, she's not coming back. Her dad is. He's coming back to finish packing and sending off the rest of their stuff to their new home but chances are he'll forget something if she relies on him and everything she owns.
That's all they have been doing for the past few days; packing. — Technically, they didn't even have a place in Stars Hollow. At the moment she's just relying on Dean and spreading the word out in hopes to find an apartment or a small house to own there. What they do know is that they are staying at 'Independence Inn'. That may or may not be run by Rory's mom, Lorelai.
Which again, she wasn't surprised about. In all honest, Dean forcing her to bond with Rory was starting to bother her. A lot. The more he wanted to the two hangout, the less she wanted to spend the time together. During her getaway she had the chance to spend a little bit more time together, only because of her best friend and she wasn't going to be the one to make him choose between his best friend or his girlfriend.
A knock on her door pulls away from her thoughts. Turning around to face the door, she was expecting her dad standing there but instead it was someone she really didn't want to see.
"Agnes," She says, her tone cold, "Why are you here?"
Her other best friend — ex best friend, invites herself inside the room and Everleigh automatically crosses arms. Agnes soft answers, "Your dad let me in."
"So? Did I ask for you to come over?" She asks but just as Agnes opens her mouth, she continues, "No, turn around and leave."
"Eve —" Agnes starts.
"Everleigh." The girl corrects.
Not even arguing back, Agnes shuts the doors behind her, giving them more privacy. Which again she didn't ask for. Looking around her room, Agnes' shoulders fall at the state of it. The once covered walls with paintings, posters and pictures of them were left with just empty shade of Plum. No picture or frame in sight. The desktop no longer covered with books, her carnivorous plant or even just a frame of her and Agnes hugging on their second year of summer camp. Instead two moving size boxes were placed on top of the table. Her whole room was covered with them. Everleigh's personality no longer shines through the room like it used to.
"You're moving?" Agnes asks with furrowed brows, shaking her head as she does so, "Is it because of what happened?"
"Oh, yeah, because I can't handle boyfriend drama in my life, " Everleigh's sarcasm taking the best of her, "Maybe even will go and sing 'I Wanna Grow Old With You' to someone as I sit lonely in a karaoke bar."
"I'm serious, Eve."
"Everleigh," She corrects again quietly, "Don't ask stupid questions if you don't want stupid answers."
"Why are you moving?" She asks again and Everleigh rolls her eyes.
"Because I can but speaking of moving, hey, did you know Blaze moved away." Agnes looks down to her shoes at the girl's harsh tone.The girl could practically feel her heart shatter in million pieces at the thought of Agnes knowing before her. "Wow. This is great.''
"You know, it's pretty ironic how Jolene is your favorite name." The teen suddenly says.
"It's Everleigh!" Her voice rises.
"Everleigh, I am so sorry." Agnes sincerely says it, making The Morgan girl to drop her arms by her sides and be the one to look away. " I really am. I didn't mean for it to happen. I was drunk and I don't know what I was thin—"
"So what?!" Everleigh laughs dryly, "The one time I was supposed to be not in the neighborhood you two decide to lip lock? Or was it accidental? That you fell or he fell or even both at the same time and your lips touched — oh-so accidentally."
" I really am sorry. " Agnes apologizes, "I don't want to lose you, you are my best friend—"
"Were." The girl interjects.
"You were my best friend."
"Just stop! Stop saying Eve, It's Everleigh now! Get it in your head. You can't call me Eve, not anymore," She throws her hands in the air, "I'm done."
Agnes takes a step away from the girl and looks down, "I'm sorry."
"It's fine, honestly," shaking her head she laughs as Agnes gives her a questioning look. She didn't blame her for once, she'd do the same if she was someone else. The girl felt as if she was no longer capable of controlling her own mind as the next words stung the air with a lie, "Forget what happened between you two. Blaze and I got back together,"
Blaze and her were not back together.
She didn't know why she said it in the first place but it was out there. The lie hanging in the air, haunting both teenagers.
Faintly, her former best friend asks, "What?"
"We're back together. " She continues to lie as her hands rest on her hips, "He made it clear you were just a mistake and wants nothing to do with you."
"Oh. . .Okay."
"I want you out." She says quietly but loud enough for her to hear.
"Eve — Everleigh can we —"
"No." Everleigh rejects, walking past the girl and opens the door to indicate for Agnes to leave. Her grip on the knob tight, "We've been friends as long as I can remember and Blaze has been my boyfriend for three years. Those are no news to anyone, especially because you introduced me to him in the first place. The least you can do is leave me alone."
Agnes hesitates for the moment, standing still as she fidgets with her fingers. However, after seeing as Everleigh couldn't look at her she sighs heavily and decides to do what she was told. She makes her way out of her room but stops next to the Morgan girl, "I truly am sorry."
And then she was out of her eyesight. All she could hear was her former best friend's footsteps making way down the stairs and out of the house. Hearing the front door shutting, she finally exhales sharply and slides down on the floor. Curing up, she brings the knees to her chest and hugs herself. Wanting to feel as small as possible.
She wishes she never went to Italy. If she never went, things would still be the same with Agnes and Blaze. She still would have had her best friend and boyfriend by her side. Things would have been the same.
She never asked for this. She never wanted to lose the two people that made her the happiest and now she was left utterly alone.
"I just saw Agnes cryi—" Her dad's voice cuts her back to reality, standing in the doorway. His question stopped abruptly at the sight of his daughter. Worried, he changes the subject, "What happened?" Her lip trembles as she shakes her head, not being able to speak, "Eve?"
His heart ached seeing his daughter so distraught and not being able to help. He sits down next to her and pulls her in for a hug. Without objecting, she accepts his side hug and after a moment of collecting herself but still embraced in her dad's hug, she finally begins, "I think Blaze and I broke up."
Her dad was the best. There was no doubt in that but ever since she told him everything that happened at the party and Stars Hollow, he hasn't left her side. Unless it was a business call, then he'd go to a private room to talk. Other than that, the two have spent so much time together she just wanted to be alone for once and actually allow her to wallow by herself. But her dad had other plans for them and even her dad could tell she was getting a little frustrated with his presence.
"Breakups suck," Her dad starts, sitting down next to her on the couch, "And you are going through the second stage of a breakup as of right now."
She turns to him with a questioning look, "Second stage?"
"Denial." He states, nodding his head, "You refuse to believe everything is over," That stings when the words leave his lips and she wants to disagree but instead she stays still, "It's hard but as time passes by you'll find someone else. Blaze is not the only guy for you. You'll have many more relationships in the future. "
She didn't want to hear that. Because if she listened to his words that would mean her and Blaze were done and there was no future for both of them. Imagining a life without him feels painful, especially if she has to imagine him ending up with someone else. She refuses to believe that ━ Okay, maybe she was in denial.
Ignoring the doubt, she asks, "If that's the case, what's the next stage?"
"Oh, yeah. I mean that's exactly what you want right now? To be alone." She stays quiet, not knowing how to answer. Her dad on the other hand starts smiling, "Told you."
"Don't be so smug." She looks away from him with a scowl, "Your love life is as sad as mine."
"I got you,'' He says and her expression softens, "The main priority of mine right now is you and helping you get over your first heartbreak."
"First?" Perplexed, she asks, "There's more?!"
"I told you Blaze is not the only guy for you. Why you think Iris and I never worked out."
He refers to her mother. ('The mother' she doesn't feel comfortable enough to call her like that). Hence why her dad always calls her by the name and not 'her mother', "Good point."
"So how do you want me to deal with him? Bury him alive? Ditch his body somewhere no one will find or just wrap him like a burrito and then bury him?"
"Shut up."
"I'm serious. I got many more ideas."
A chuckle escapes her lips; somewhat sad and amused at the same time, "Stop it."
"I got Norman Bates on a speed dial." He continues, his smile never leaving his face.
She groans, hiding her face in the hands, "I hate you so much." A doorbell rings, making both turn their heads back and stop their conversation. Right before her dad can make a move to stand up, she beats him to it, "I'll answer it. I'm the one leaving first tomorrow."
He puts his hands up in surrender, "Okay, go ahead."
She quickly makes her way to the front door and doesn't hesitate to open it but once she does, her smile drops at the person standing outside. Taking a glance back at her dad, she sees him standing up and walking off to the kitchen. She quickly walks out and closes the doors behind her. Not wanting her dad to see the person outside.
"Bonita," She says her dad's ex girlfriend's name, "What are you doing here?"
"I need to see your dad." She states and Everleigh instantly shakes her head.
"Everleigh, please."
"He's busy." She lies.
Here's the thing; Bonita and Everleigh never had a good relationship or shared a bond like a step-mother and step-daughter should. And the thing is, there was never bad blood between the two as well. They simply didn't have the opportunity to get to know each other there. Everleigh just knew Bonita cared about her dad and has cared for the past three years but those years have gone by and things happened; They no longer were together.
She wasn't too sure how things escalated so quickly or even why. She just knew it all started when Bonita wanted to settle down, ━ she knew that very well because Bonita was the one who asked the girl if she could marry her dad ━ and boy, was she surprised.
Things only got messier from there on then.
For weeks the two tried rebuilding what was broken and if anything, they just made things worse between them. More fights occurred and more distracted Everleigh became. When things get ugly and fights happen she distracts herself, like she used to when her mom and dad used to fight. So she'd read but since Bonita came into their lives, she taught her how to paint. She fell out of love with books and fell in love with painting and drawing. (Unless it was winter time she'd distract herself with ice-skating.)
Everleigh just wasn't expecting to come back and find out that Bonita made him choose between her or his job and his hesitation was all it took for her to make that decision all by herself.
Which is why she's confused as of why his ex-girlfriend was at their doorstep.
"I know we never had the best relationship," Bonita starts, "But I want to speak to your dad. Just if you allow me ━"
Everleigh also remembers how heartbroken her dad looked once Bonita broke up with him and the thought itself made her heart ache. "No, you can't just show up because you changed your mind. He accepted a job deal, Bonita."
"We're also moving away." She blurs out.
"What?'' Bonita asks as her shoulders fall at the girl's statement. "Why?"
"Because it involves a lot of travelling and financially it's easier to live closer to his workplace." Everleigh responds with a shrug.
"Oh...That makes sense." Her dad's ex girlfriend nods along her words."I-I guess, I have to go." Everleigh stays quiet and Bonita takes that as a cue to leave but before she does she turns to the teenager one last time, "Just tell your dad I came."
Everleigh nods her head without saying a word back. She wasn't sure what to say or yet how to react. It wasn't her place to involve herself and she didn't know the whole story either. She just knew Bonita hurt her dad and she didn't like that.
Walking back inside she jumps at her dad approaching her. Confused, he points at the closed doors, "Who was that?"
"Uhh, no one." Everleigh lies rubbing the back of her neck, "Just someone got the address wrong."
He glances at her and then back at the door, his eyebrows intertwined. At the doubtful look her posture straightens and drops her arm down from the neck. He brushes off her odd behavior as he wonders, "You up for Pizza or Chinese?"
"Do you even have to ask?"
"Chinese it is then."
✁- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
☕️ chapter title: welcome home, everleigh morgan
movie — welcome home, roxy carmichael ( 1990 )
[ originally i wanted everyleigh's last name to be carmichael because of the movie but morgan seemed like a better fit. still a bit salty i missed my opportunity to fully fulfill the chapter title. that's literally the only reason why i named the chapter like that. ]
☕️ everleigh: "but in other news, you're going to like it there, cleopatra."
tv show — the addams family (1964 - 1966)
[ okay, technically this is not a reference but everleigh named her venus flytrap after the addams family show and one of morticia's plants is named cleopatra and it is also a carnivorous plant. so there's where the name comes from ]
☕️ everleigh: "maybe even will go and sing 'i wanna grow old with you' to someone as i sit lonely in a karaoke bar."
movie — the wedding singer (1998)
☕️ mark: " i got norman bates on a speed dial. "
movie — psycho (1960)
[ special guests ]
-ˋˏ bonita sánchez ˎˊ-
this was a filler chapter and quite important for the story. also bonita and agnes are being introduced for ... reasons. but guys next chapter we finally start season two, episode three!! i'm so ready.
also a quick thank you to all of you supporting this book, literally all your comments make me smile so much. lost time is already to 3k reads and im surprised because 1) this is not my main and 2) i didn't think gilmore girls would get that recognized on wattpad.
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