『Chapter Thirty』
『the depths of concern』
It took Adrian three days to escape the captivation of the Ophelian officers, he would've escaped earlier but he'd given himself some time to heal. The Ophelian officers tried to make him see some medical professional, but Adrian refused to get any form of medical help knowing that his bones and injuries would heal on their own. When his injuries were at least more bearable and wouldn't get in the way, Adrian managed to escape within half-an-hour before running back to his own ship.
By the time that Adrian managed to get his ship off Ophelia, he realised that he could relax. For the past three days, Adrian had done nothing but think about everything to do with the fight with Jace and how there was a tiny moment where Adrian thought that he was going to die. Even still, there was a slight joy in knowing what Jace could do and what Jace was capable of, and knowing who Jace's weakness truly was.
He had time to reflect on everything, before he worried that Jace's weakness would be Peter Quill or another one of the group, but now he knew that the boyfriend was the weakness. Adrian knew that he could go for Kain if he needed to get Jace to come with him, Kain was the key for Adrian to get Jace back to Asgard. All that he now had to worry about was the way that Jace would perceive him now, he knew that the likelihood of Jace following him anywhere would result in some form of fight, but he knew what to expect.
In all of the fights that he's been in, he'd never been so surprised by someone's strength before. Jace was strong when he thought his lover was in danger, his abilities were something that interested Adrian more than he thought it would. Adrian had been around people with intense strength and abilities as beautiful and dangerous, but everything with Jace was different. It was like there was this underlining drive that forced Jace into continuing the fight even when his enemy was down, like a bloodthirsty drive which took over the senses.
Adrian didn't want to think too much into it, knowing that there was a chance that he was thinking too much into it, but he couldn't help it. Everything about Jace's existence was something that interested Adrian in so many ways. He wasn't sure if it was because of his own interest in Asgard, but there was just something about Jace that made him curious about a lot of things that he knew that he probably shouldn't be.
For a brief moment, Adrian wondered whether the age that everyone says Jace was true, he wondered if there was a chance that Jace got the long-life expectancy that full-born Asgardian does, and if so, Adrian wondered if Jace was a few hundred years old instead. He wondered how long his mother—Sol—was on earth to begin with, he wondered a lot actually when it came to Jace's mother.
Adrian wondered why Sol left Asgard to begin with, he wondered why Sol decided to go to Earth and how long she stayed there. He wondered what happened to Sol on Asgard which compelled her to leave. He remembered what Erika said about another, Adrian wondered whether or not that meant another child of Sol and whether Adrian should look into that, though he shook his head at the thought.
He wished that there were other people that he could've asked when it came to Sol and why she left just so he could get a better idea on anything and everything that he should expect when it came to Jace. He knew that it would be a dead end for him to search anything into the mother, but there was so much about the existence of Jace that left Adrian concerned more than he thought it would. He wondered for a moment how powerful Sol was and whether Jace held the same power, was Jace's power something for Adrian to be concerned over?
As much as he knew that he already had a taste of what Jace could do, but there was so much more that he was worried about. He wanted to fight Jace again, to get more of an idea on who he was truly fighting, but there was a small part of him that wondered whether or not he'd live. He wondered whether facing Jace again could mean his death but that was something that he tried to not think about.
Even in his own sense of worry when it came to Jace and what Jace might do to him if they were to see each other once again, there was something about Jace that Adrian thought to be cute. He knew that there was a deep concern about him finding his target cute but in a sick and twisted way he did knowing that Jace could be the equal match for him to face, and that was what Adrian found hot more than anything.
There was something about the fact that Jace managed to break his arm with ease and managed to break his nose that it set something off inside of Adrian as a whole. Of course, Jace's attack on him was something that took Adrian by surprise allowing Jace the upper hand, but at the same time, the fact that Jace took him by surprise was enough that made him feel something, though he wasn't sure what.
Adrian shook his head at the thought. He knew that now wasn't the time for him to think of such things and that he needed to remain focused. As much as Adrian knew that he originally wanted Jace to come to him on his own, he knew that the chance of that happening was slim. Though, if Adrian had to threatened the life of everyone who Jace cared about in order to make Jace follow him, then maybe that would be a way for Adrian to get what he wants.
He took in a deep breath then, rolling his stiff shoulders slightly. He could threaten Jace again, though he knew that he had to be careful if he wanted to come back alive. Adrian took in a deep breath. He tried to not think too much into anything, knowing that the more that he thought and worried about what Jace could do to him if they were to cross paths once again. He knew that he'd find out soon enough.
Adrian's ship was now floating through the galaxy at a steady pace, it was something that would give him time to fully heal from his wounds before he went for Jace once more. As much as he knew that the Guardians were three days ahead of him, he decided to give them another day or two before he started to follow them once more. He wanted them all to believe that he was still in the authorities' hands before he decided to show his face to them again. He wanted them to believe that they were at peace before Adrian stuck them once more.
The more that he thought about it, the more joy that filled him now that he finally met Jace Taylor, as much as he knew that he already realised that Jace was attractive, it was something that Adrian couldn't believe in some way. He'd seen pretty and attractive people before, but this was something different. It felt wrong—he knew that it was wrong for him to find someone cute; he was taught that he shouldn't feel or be distracted, he was allowed to think that people were attractive, but something was different. He didn't know what exactly was going on with him, he'd never gotten like this for any of his previous jobs.
It was something that made Adrian shudder slightly. It felt wrong (to him at least) to feel like this for a target, it wasn't like him at all. Yes, Jace had beaten his ass unexpectedly, but that was what made Jace that attractive to him. He knew that he'd only met Jace once, but the thought that there was someone who stood on equal ground as him was someone that he was bound to find attractive. He had never thought that there was a chance that someone would exist who could surprise him or even best him in a fight, but there Jace was, and Adrian had more of an interest than anything else.
Adrian rolled his shoulders stiffly, running his hand through his hair, he bit down on a groan of pain. His wrist still throbbed slightly, though he tried to push the pain aside as much as he could. All that Adrian had at the moment was these thoughts about Jace, and everything that he came up with didn't make much sense. He knew what he was taught when it came to his job and everything to do with his emotions, but there was something about this entire job that didn't sit right with him.
He had been taught to never get too emotionally invested in a job, but this entire job was something that he couldn't help. There was so much into this once case that it felt like a constant blow to his mind. All his life he was taught to supress his emotions and keep everything under wraps that it was hard to stop, and yet here he was sitting in his very empty ship overthinking about his target in a way which made him sick to his stomach.
Adrian found himself wrapping his arms around his legs, bringing them to his chest. He thought himself disgusting for getting this mentally invested into a job that truly doesn't matter to him, he hated that he was so interested in something that he shouldn't knowing that the only thing that was in it for him was the money and a hope that he could get another job on a planet that did have an interest for. All of this was because he couldn't turn down a job from Asgard.
It didn't sit right in him that this was all that he was thinking about. Why would he be thinking about Jace in that way? Yes, he was cute and could probably beat him in a fair fight, but still, he shouldn't be feeling like this towards a target. And yet, Adrian felt almost too excited to see Jace again. He wondered whether or not the next time that they fought, Jace would beat him in a fight, this time Adrian would have to make sure that he's ready.
Though, for a moment, Adrian couldn't make sense of any of this, he didn't understand what exactly he was feeling, his mind would find itself thinking about the way of which Jace looked and the way of which Jace had reacted to Kain getting shot. There was something about it which Adrian couldn't shake, he knew that it was something that was going to drive him mad, knowing how cute Jace truly was. He knew that he found it hot when Jace attacked him, knowing that this was the first time that someone took him by surprise.
Stop, he tried to tell himself, shaking his head slightly. If the people who had trained him could see him now, they'd be disappointed—hell, Adrian's disappointed in himself. He hated the fact that Jace could get under him this badly, it confused him, and he was disappointed with this idea that this entire Jace job got him into a sense of confusion and need to search more into things that didn't hold any relevance. This wasn't the way of which he was trained. He was trained to be an emotionless assassin, someone who didn't get too attached to any mission that he was given, nothing more and nothing less.
Emotions were a distraction, they got in the way of the job, got in the way of what was meant to be done. He wanted to that he hated that his emotions had to be closed off, but he was so used to feeling nothing that now he realised what everyone had meant. Everyone being his original group. He used to have a group of assassins from where he was trained, they were his friends, but they all left for various reasons or died. Even still, maybe they were all right, emotions were nothing more than a distraction—a means to an end. An end which meant his life.
How emotions might lead to the end of his life would be obvious—it allowed him to hesitate, to get distracted, to not think correctly. That was something that Adrian couldn't allow himself to do. To feel was to destroy. To feel the emotion would be the reason why he would die. Adrian knew that he had to snap out of this, he had to draw himself out of these emotions, they wouldn't do him any good. For all Adrian knew, these feelings could be the cause for his downfall, and he couldn't have that.
He tried his best to remember his training, he knew that if he didn't get some form of control over any of this then it could mean the worst. The last thing that Adrian wanted was for him to become like a handful of his friends beforehand, he couldn't, he didn't want to fail the person that taught him all that he knew. He knew that he needed to forget everything about his deep desires and connections towards this job if he were to continue with it.
Adrian knew that he needed to stop with all of this, he needed to clear his mind and his own curiosities with this job. And yet the one constant thought was how Jace Taylor was cute, and as much as Adrian tried to downplay all of his emotions—there would always be this ongoing feeling that it was the truth and that he needed to know more about the existence of a demi-god like Jace.
Jace tried to sleep but it was the one thing that he was struggling with. Any time that he looked at Kain (who had been laying on Jace's chest), he couldn't help but regret not saving him from all of this. Jace wished he could have saved Kain from the pain which he was now in. Jace hated the fact that Kain seemed to act as if the pain didn't bother him when it clearly did, it was clear in his eyes that it bothered him.
He was happy that he'd at least told Kain about everything that he felt, he was glad that Kain told him the stuff that he did, and that was something else that made Jace feel uncertain. As much as he was glad that Kain felt free, in some way, it didn't stop this guilt that if it weren't for Jace then Kain wouldn't be on the run. He wished that Kain didn't have these assassins after him. There was a lot of wishes that bottled up in Jace and yet he knew that the likelihood of those wishes coming true were thin.
Jace knew that it probably was safer for Kain to run away from Xopheila, to leave for his own well good. The thought that if Kain stayed, he would've been forced to marry someone who he wasn't attracted to was something that Jace would've hated for Kain. As much as he tried to understand Kain's perspective on why he left, it didn't stop the guilt which still filled up inside of him as he thought of all the pain that Kain must've went through for these past five years.
When Jace looked at Kain, he could only see him as this peaceful being while he slept, almost as if the pain weren't there to begin with. Jace saw the small movements in his chest at every breath in his sleep. Jace continued to use his abilities to try and keep Kain as warm as he could while also relaxing the muscles. Jace found himself smiling slightly as he stared at Kain, the small silver tattooed stars around Kain's eyes gleamed slightly, it was cute the way of which they stood a contrast against his purple skin tone.
Jace shifted as gently as he could, placing a hand on Kain's chest. Under Kain's shirt he could feel Kain's heartbeat, which was a relief, it gave him one less thing to worry about. Jace found himself closing his eyes for a moment, taking in a small deep breath. His hand ran down to Kain's hip, he ran his fingertips up and down Kain's side, Kain's shirt rode up slightly and Jace found himself gently caressing Kain's skin gently with his fingers under it. Jace hummed softly to himself, forgetting himself for a moment all while his fingertips danced round Kain's skin.
There was always something soft about Kain's skin from what he remembered, he knew that it was a random thought for him to come to, though everything about Kain was something which always made Kain pause for a moment. He pushed the thought aside, the warmth from Kain's skin was still something that distracted Jace enough for him to snap back into reality even if it was in this state.
While he caressed Kain's skin, he tried to miss the bruise as much as he could, and yet the one thing that he couldn't stop was this cold feeling that went through him. The thought that he was the one who bruised Kain was something that he hated, he never thought that he'd ever bruise Kain like this and it was something that he hated more than anything. He had forgotten his own strength when he thought Kain was dead, but even still it wasn't excuse the injury he'd caused Kain.
An instant flood of regret filled Jace, he was the reason as to why Kain was injured. He was the reason as to why Kain had been shot and the reason as to why his prince got this bruise. For a moment, Jace wondered how Kain could even look at him after everything that he'd done. Jace hurt Kain on so many levels and it unsettled Jace that Kain didn't notice it, he wondered whether it should be something that he should mention, though there was this voice in his head that made him wonder whether he was just being dramatic.
Jace chocked out a small gasp. He never wanted this, he'd never wanted Kain to get hurt. It was his fault that Kain was hurt, his fault that he had a bruise, his fault that Kain had a mark on his skin which would most likely scar over. It was his fault for all of this. It was Jace's fault for harming the one person he cared for the most. If he'd listened, if he hadn't dismissed Kain then all of Kain's current pain wouldn't exist.
He slowly moved out of the bed, Kain slowly moving off of him with a sleeping groan. When Jace stood up, he briefly looked at Kain as he slept, at how peaceful Kain looked. Jace couldn't help but think that he was too much of a danger to those around him, especially to the ones that he loves too much. Maybe when it came to it, Jace would mistakenly harm those he cared about, those who he called friends. He didn't want to hurt his friends at all. He had already been the cause of Kain's pain, and he didn't want to be the cause of anyone else's.
Jace wondered for a moment whether his mother ran away from home, from wherever she was born to come to Earth in order to start fresh. He wondered whether his mother feared that she'd hurt whoever she was close to and that Jace was doomed to follow suit. Maybe this was something else that Jace had to consider when it came to looking into his mother and where she came from. Should he look over his shoulder to make sure that no king comes to find him in order to kill him?
He shook his head slightly then as he walked out of the room though hesitantly went to the front of the Benatar. There was a part of him that wondered whether any of the other Guardians were awake, the last thing that he wanted was to run into them. For a moment, Jace wondered whether it would be best if he left them all, then he wouldn't cause any more pain. He didn't want to bring anyone that he cared about any pain, he knew that the longer Adrian comes for him, the more likely his friends and loved ones will get hurt because they got between them.
Jace had already felt bad for dragging Kain on the Benatar in the first place, and now there was Adrian who was after him. There was a chance that maybe Adrian would use his friends against him just so that Jace could walk to deaths door with open arms. But if he went to greet death before Adrian got the chance to threaten his friends? Now that sounded more like an option. If Jace done that then no one else would get hurt, no one else would get hurt because of Jace.
This assassin was after Jace, no one else, so if Jace took himself away from everyone else then no one else would have to get hurt. It was an option, but he couldn't just leave all of them behind. They'd all worry, yet even so if he waited till they woke up, then they'd argue with him about where was safer. Yes it might be true that the Benatar was the safest place for Jace and Kain, but it doesn't essentially mean that Adrian wouldn't use them all against him.
The last thing that Jace wanted was for his friends to get hurt because Adrian targeted them in order to get to him. Jace wondered for a brief moment whether it would be right for him to run away. Would it be best for him to keep Kain here to make sure that he was protected better? If he kept Kain here if he did run away then he wouldn't have to worry about someone else, but at the same time, it would be like a repeat of Xopheila and that was something that Jace didn't like.
And yet all that Jace wanted was to protect the people that he cares about. Jace looked around the ship. Rocket was curled up with blankets all wrapped up under and over him, he had let out small snores which made him smile. Drax had fallen asleep on one of the chairs, it looked uncomfortable yet somewhat comfy. Peter was sprawled out on his back on the floor, a single pillow under his head. Jace could only guess that Gamora was in one of the other rooms of the Benatar while Kain had the other.
He wondered for a moment why the others hadn't gone to any of the other rooms in the Benatar though that was something that he didn't have the energy to debate and question further. As he looked around Jace couldn't help but think that he would be the cause of their pain if Adrian came to him once more. Jace shook his head slightly going for the control point of the ship—where the wheel for the Benatar was, as tempting as it was to fly the ship all Jace wanted to do was look out and up at the stars and planets.
He thought that maybe he should take them all to Terra, just so he could hide among the Terrans that lived there, see if his old home still stands, though he pushed those thoughts away, knowing that the last thing that he wanted was for these thoughts to consume him. He wanted to look at the stars in the sky, he needed the distraction. He could've found a distraction into crafting something with his hands, though because of the state that Kain in due to his own creation, so Jace didn't dare to even touch anything like that. So, the stars and planets would have to do.
In a way it was odd to think of how many years it had been since his abduction, and he still held some interest in the stars that he's lived upon. It had been nineteen nearly twenty years since he was taken, and yet he didn't want to step back onto Earth. As much as Jace wanted to see how much Earth had changed, as much as he thought that Earth might be safe for him, he knew that it was best if he didn't go back, knowing that he couldn't go back to the planet where his mother and father were both dead.
Jace swung his legs over the armrest of the chair, trying to be careful not to knock any of the controls. Maybe if he had the chance he would run back to Earth despite the memories—it would be the last place people would look, whether it be Adrian or his friends. Maybe he could find his dad's family, get to know them, at least then he would have biological family, get an idea as to why he never saw them when he used to live on Earth. It was always an option, go back to Earth and live through the memories of his parents' death, or to watch as the people who he cares about a lot be harmed because of him.
There was a part of him that wondered a lot when it did come to his father's side of the family. He spent all of this time lately thinking about his mother, but now that the thought of Earth came into his mind, there was this need to know about his father's family. Maybe this entire thing with his mother was leading him into a crisis of wondering about his parents and everything that they were. Though, the more that he thought of it, the more that he realised that he truly didn't know his parents as well as he thought he did.
Jace shook his head, closing his eyes and made an attempt to fall asleep. He'd deal with his problems when he woke up again, maybe he would have a clearer mind to make a choice. Plus, it would give him a way to convince the others to land on a planet just for Jace to nick someone else's ship to go to Earth. It was a possibility. He shrugged slightly as he wrapped the jacket round him more taking in the lavender scent that belonged to Kain.
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