Chapter 7
Months upon months, years upon years.
Time passed quickly, and slowly.
Tamao looked at his sister, who was waiting by the glass. The small eevee, now much older, sat down next to the larger eevee.
Tamao sighed, recalling some early memories. His promise to keep Sakura safe, and his first Cage Partner. He didn't remember her name anymore. The strange glaceon also never returned. It had been boring, especially as more testing began.
Tamao had witnessed his younger sister get thrown into wall after wall when she was younger. It was painful, especially when he was being held back.
He wanted nothing more than to escape and bring his sister outside. He wanted to take her to see an actual Sakura Blossom, even if it was all just some wild dream.
The vents often rattled, too, as though there were always a Pokémon inside, yet never once did Tamao see the culprit.
Tamao heard the door creak open as the scientists loudly walked past the hall. Sakura was strangely quiet throughout this, and Tamao knew his little sister was watching the scientists.
As they walked past, two kids, somewhere in their teens or early adulthood followed behind. A strange glaceon was with them. She seemed vaguely familiar to Tamao, yet he couldn't recall why. She seemed to radiate a strong aura of cold around her, and it looked as though diamonds were embedded into her fur.
He looked at them cautiously, looking back at Sakura to make sure she was alright. "Who are you?" Tamao asked. The glaceon stared at him as the two kids were talking to the scientists.
"Thats... Thats not an answer. Why do you look so... Familiar?" Tamao persisted, trying to ask the glaceon more questions. Sakura cautiously walked up and sat next to Tamao, looking at the glaceon. Slight sounds of crackling ice seemed to radiate from the glaceon, which Sakura seemed to find intriguing... Or so Tamao thought.
After a few moments, Tamao caught something of importance. "Are you sure you want S-P429 for the experiment?" The scientist asked the young girl. "Mhm! Positive!" She agreed. Tamao watched the exchange as they walked away from the cage, the glaceon following behind. "Well, we'll make sure S-P429 is prepped. We might find a better eevee for the experiment though, one much more suited for this... Combination experiment." Tamao heard a scientist say.
What an odd conversation.
"Taammy, I didn't like that glaceon, she sounded like she was a harsh, bright, blue." Sakura softly commented. Tamao seemed somewhat surprised by this comment and didn't know what to say. "What do you mean by that? She sounded like crackling ice." Tamao responded. Now Sakura was the one who seemed confused.
Tamao shrugged. "It's- It's nothing, nothing you need to worry about." Tamao smiled, trying to make his sister less confused. Sakura smiled, then tackled Tamao. Tamao giggled and pushed Sakura away as he then chased after her to tag her.
Around and around the cage they went, Tamao tackled Sakura, then back to running around and around the cage.
Sakura then tackled Tamao, who tackled her. A simple game of tag played out, and both of them were having fun! Despite the cold, hard stone being hard on their paws, none of the eevee seemed to have a problem with it. A slight banging was heard in the vents, but it passed.
Tamao paused before he went to tackle Sakura, and he stared into the vent. Then, the gentle banging passed again. Tamao thought he saw an eevee crawling through, a slightly less saturated, darker brown furred eevee!
"Taammy! Taag mee!" Sakura whined, snapping Tamao out of the slight trance. "O-of course!" Tamao giggled, tackling Sakura. He needed his mind to be taken off from the strange eevee in the vents.
How did that eevee get into the vents? Why did that eevee look weird, was it from pure bloodlines? Why didn't that eevee do anything? Why was the eevee just crawling through the vents?
It all confused Tamao as Sakura tackled him, then got up and ran around the cage. Tamao smiled, and ran over to Sakura, tackling her before he ran off.
Tamao appreciated the fun of the game of tag, as it certainly helped take his mind off everything, and he was having fun, too!
Then, the door creaked open. Sakura flinched, and Tamao just gently hummed, calming his sister. The scientists opened cage door, put some food in, then closed and locked it, before doing the same thing over and over again until they reached Tamao's shared cage.
The cage door was opened and food put in, then, the scientists grabbed Tamao and took him out and locked the cage door. Tamao yelped as his sister squealed for him to come back.
This only led to Tamao being more confused. Why was he being taken away?
Tamao recognized the path as being the testing paths. Then, Tamao was placed into the room and locked down before his blood was drawn.
It hurt, yet he felt used to it, like his defense rose. The scientists said some words to one another as the blood was put into a machine, it slowly being brought up into a scanner, then, it slowly went back down.
"S-P429's blood seems like it will be good, we will have some geneticists test the DNA of S-P429 though, to see if we can use him or not." One scientist said. The other nodded and grabbed Tamao, unlocking Tamao from the table, then, they slowly walked away with Tamao, bringing him back to his designated cage with his sister.
Click, click, click, with each click of the scientist's shoes, Tamao knew he was getting closer to his sister. When the cage door was unlocked, Tamao was thrown into the cage. He growled lightly as the cage door was closed and locked, and Tamao looked at his sister, who looked concerned. "I'm fine, don't worry!" Tamao smiled.
Sakura seemed unsure, yet Tamao shrugged and sniffed the food. It was safe to eat. "It's safe." Tamao nodded, eating a small portion of the food before letting Sakura dig in. His sister seemed grateful as she ate, and as the lights outside the cage started to dim.
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