Chapter 8
AN: This chapter is dedicated to @Neko-Nyan383for voting on all three stories! Thank you so much :D
Screams echoed through the streets, slowly increasing as more of the population was impacted. Civilians fled to safety, grabbing any crying kids or helping the fallen along the way. Some shut themselves in a building and barricaded the doors. Others were smart and kept booking it farther away. Groans of agony rose from the people who lay on the ground, their bones broken or were bleeding out. Limbs and bodies sprawled out on the streets, blood tracing their paths and pooling around them. Fire danced on the buildings, lighting them up one by one. Explosions boomed left and right from exploding cars. Mixtures of sulfur, smoke, and iron hung in the air, crowding the fresh air.
The police barricade that formed only crumbled a few moments later. A blue shot flew straight towards one of the police vehicles, causing it to fly up and flip over. The flames scorched some of the officers and killed others. Their bullets weren't stopping any of the villains. There wasn't any hope.
Loki walked in the middle of his group of villainous peers, scowling and firing shots from his scepter at anything that fired at them. His signature golden ram helmet adorned his head, covering his slicked back black hair. His icy blue eyes focused on what was in front of him. The fallen cops. The blown up cars. The destruction. It all made adrenaline pump through his system and made him crave more. This world would bow down to him as if he were king.
Venom charged at the remaining policemen at a high speed, knocking people and cars over in his wake. The black symbiote absorbed all of the small caliber bullets that were fired at him. The gunfire failed to slow him down and he reached the policemen in under thirty seconds and tore through the group with ease. He slashed them down with his sharp claws, leaving no one left alive.
Omega Red threw people around with his adamantium whips, launching them into buildings and the sky. He flung cars in random places and laughed to himself. Loki ordered this destruction and all of them were happy to do it. This was for the greater good of their takeover. He would do anything to ensure his alliance with the Norse King. His blond hair hung loosely in his red eyes and he scowled at the people. The pain in his body started to take over slowly, and he was quickly reminded that the alloy he was injected with in the Weapon X program was still killing him. He threw the whip out and yanked a person from the ground. The whip coiled around the victim like a snake with prey as the metal slowly stole their life energy. He dropped the corpse and cracked his neck in pleasure. He felt reenergized and the pain disappeared from his system. "Ah, much better."
Saturna looked around with her yellow eyes and threw one of her circular blades at the civilians. The blade cut into a few civilian's legs and knocked them down to the ground. They screamed out in agony and tried to keep moving, regardless of the blood flowing from their open wounds. She threw the other blade at one of the men who tried putting up a fight and it attached itself to his neck. He freaked out and tried to yank it off, but it cut his hands as it slowly shrunk and eventually cut off his head.
Dr. Soul hung back behind the group, closed his eyes and took a breath. He summoned all of the fallen souls in one sweep using immense concentration. The souls flew up into the sky and into his outstretched hands, empowering him more and more by the second. His eyes glowed a bright green instead of gray and he smiled devilishly. Plasma flew from his hands at buildings, the acid eating the material and breaking the building down. He threw plasma at every building he could see, causing the structures to collapse or crumble under the pressure. The others were making sure the people were taught a lesson. Why waste a good opportunity to wreck buildings and show everyone all you got? This would definitely get the point across.
Ira grabbed her sword and turned to face the new police that arrived on the scene. Her gray eyes focused on her next victims and she blew her short black hair out of her face to focus better. She glanced down to make sure her sword wasn't breaking and noticed the way it reflected light against her purple skin. Soon, it would be covered with blood. She surged forward, dodging any bullets that came her way and deflected the ones she missed with her sword. She thrust the sword into a one of them and snatched his gun to shoot at the others. A few policemen dropped like flies and others ducked behind their car doors for cover.
A civilian jumped on Ira, causing her to thrash around uncontrollably to get them off. The police took advantage of it and tried to restrain her. Loki watched the scene and waited for the outcome. He wouldn't help the weak, no matter how close they were. Ira kicked them away from her and bit the civilian's arm. The civilian yelled and let go of her, allowing Ira to turn around and stab them right in the chest. Loki turned and shot at the policemen before Ira could notice he was just observing.
A couple of Air Force jets flew overhead in a fly by, and Juggernaut tried to follow them. He crashed into all the cars on the road, causing them to fly up and land on the sides of buildings. When the jets flew too far, he slowed down and got angry. Juggernaut aimed at the civilians that were running in a straight line and clapped his hands forcefully together in a move he liked to call the Thunderclap. The civilians were rendered unconscious and dropped to the ground in a small pile.
He smiled until the jets flew back over. He yelled and grabbed a car bumper. He spun it around a few times and launched it at one of the planes. Smoke rose from the aircraft and it spun out of control. The pilot attempted to regain control, but the effort was useless. She ejected herself out of the jet and parachuted out onto the roof of a building. The jet spun faster and caught fire before it crashed into a tall building. Glass spewed everywhere and some people fell out of the building before they could realize what was going on. The rest of the Air Force team retreated after getting a look at the destruction and went back to report their findings.
A News 13 helicopter roared overhead, trying to take footage of the chaos for live television. Carnage looked up at it with its white symbiote eyes and screamed at it, showing its sharp teeth. He ran up one of the brick buildings and threw himself at the helicopter.
The helicopter spun for a few seconds and fought to get balanced under his heavy weight. Carnage reached over and ripped the pilot from his seat, but only succeeded in yanking half of him out. Blood soaked the seat and the news anchor and camera man screamed at the sight. Carnage threw the news anchor out and let them freefall to the ground. His sharp claw took the camera man and launched him up into the helicopter blades. Blood showered on Carnage and fell down below, spraying everything in its path.
He grabbed the camera that was left in the aircraft and hopped out. The helicopter fell into the street and crashed into some cars, which proceeded to blow up on impact. Fire and smoke reigned the streets behind the villains, and Loki couldn't be happier.
Carnage brought the camera to Ira, who fumbled with it for a minute to make sure it was recording. She had to have Dr. Soul help her out, for she wasn't good with human technology. Once she had it set, she put it on her shoulder and faced it towards Loki.
Loki reached over and cleaned the screen of the thick red blood. The smoke and fire backdrop just made the scene so much better to get the point across. He peered straight into the camera and sneered, "This is what happens when you do not obey. I best advise you listen, or next time it will infinitely worse."
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