Chapter 20
AN: Dedicated to @topazflyer for voting a lot! Thank you so much :D
Glass shattered from the windows of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. The walls collapsed under the force of the Hulk and Juggernaut's combined weight as they fought. Punches were thrown left and right. Hulk yelled in Jugg's face and threw him into the building itself. Juggernaut took a few seconds to take in his surroundings.
Office desks and supplies were placed in cubicles around the room. Printers were in the corner, along with copy machines. Water jugs, computers, chairs, hell, even the cubicles themselves could be used as a weapon. He reached out, taking the first thing he came in contact with. He launched the desk at Hulk's face, and it broke on impact. The Hulk screamed in anger, his veins bulging from his neck prominently.
Juggernaut summoned all of his strength as he grit his teeth. The Hulk wouldn't defeat him. He had faith in the power of the Gem of Cyttorak, the entity that gave him his powers in the first place. Juggernaut launched himself at the Hulk at full speed.
The Hulk pushed back, his feet digging deeper into the earth every second. Hulk's muscles strained to keep up with his opponent's strength. Sweat dripped down his forehead and around his brown eyes. He had won the fight so far. What changed?
Juggernaut kicked Hulk down with brutal force. He pinned Hulk to the ground and went to town with punches. "You. Can't. Defeat. Me!" He yelled, punching Hulk's face between each word. Juggernaut felt overpowered. His energy and durability levels were higher than ever. He couldn't tell if he was high on adrenaline, or drunk off power. His knuckles throbbed; blood splattered onto him. He was unclear on whose blood it was.
It didn't matter to him at this point.
Hulk reached out for something, anything that would aid in his escape. His hand came in contact with a thin metal pipe, and tightened his grip on it. He forced the pipe into Jugg's eye socket, blinding him.
Juggernaut stumbled backwards, screaming in pain as he clutched the area around his eye. He removed the pipe, revealing mess of blood and mashed tissue. "You bastard!"
The Hulk forced himself off of the ground. His eyesight wavered, but slowly cleared as the seconds passed. His jaw erupted in pain, and his cheeks faired no better. The pain contributed towards his anger, narrowing his clouded thoughts.
The pipe clanked as it collided with the ground. The Gem of Cyttorak worked its alien magic and began to heal Juggernaut's wounded eye. Jugg laughed heartily and smiled widely, much like a mad man would. "Oh, you're going to get it now."
Hulk's eyes widened, but quickly narrowed. He growled under his breath. He can try. The thought ran across Hulk's mind, unsure of who originally had the thought: Bruce, or Hulk. He clenched his fist and went in for another blow. Jugg caught his hand, and twisted it. Hulk fell to his knees and screamed out an ungodly shriek; he quickly swiped his hand upside Jugg's head, knocking his helmet off.
Deadpool did a double take from his section of the battlefield. He dove over and snatched up the helmet from the ground. "Jesus, you're head is gigantic. How do you walk around with that heavy thing on your shoulders?"
"Give that back!" Juggernaut tried to make his way over to him, but Hulk intervened instantly. Hulk kicked him back and pushed him around. Juggernaut didn't care. His mind was vulnerable without that helmet.
Deadpool almost smiled deviously. "What? This thing?" He dangled it in the air teasingly. "Not happening." Wade launched the helmet across the battlefield, and it landed near where I was fighting.
"I'm going to rip you limb from limb, bitch!" Juggernaut shrieked and began to charge at Wade. All of a sudden, a loud screeching sound overcame his ear drums. He yelled and cupped his ears, unsure of what was going on. He vaguely remembered this...feeling, like someone stepped into his mind and started yelling. Then, he realized that his step-brother was watching. Not from the battlefield, but from the comfort of his own home in cerebro, while his wimpy little cohorts did his dirty work.
"Cain. I would say it's nice to talk to you again, but under the circumstances, it isn't," Professor Xavier spoke up, intruding in on Juggernaut's thoughts.
Jugg seethed and growled lowly. He grit his teeth tightly. "Get out of my head!"
The Professor's voice was calm and collected, "You need to calm down. We can make this world better, brother. You need to stop fighting."
Juggernaut swung at Hulk. If he focused on fighting, maybe Xavier would give up and leave. He launched his fist at the big green monster, but Hulk dodged and retaliated with his own punches and kicks. The more Xavier rambled on about how they could work together to create a better world, the more he wanted to bash his goddamn face in. Xavier never got beaten by their father. Xavier was the golden child that could do no harm. Cain hated him for it. "Shut up!" He screamed loudly.
He wanted to tear his head apart. He wanted to lose his hearing to make Xavier go away. Would that make him disappear? Juggernaut didn't know. He didn't want to know. An overwhelming feeling washed over him, and he couldn't help but to run straight into Hulk's fist. Hulk knocked Cain out in an instant.
Deadpool watched the scene unfold in front of him. It was so good, he wished he had popcorn. This was movie gold. This guy was going out of his goddamn mind. Wade wanted to join in with some banter, but saw the disaster going on with Spider-Man in his fight. He rushed over to help.
Peter fought Dr. Soul with a little difficulty. He was exhausted. His lungs ached from the cold. The snow reacted weirdly with his new metal arm, and constantly reminded him that it was there. It only made him remember how he lost it. How much he was in shock afterwards. How he hated himself for letting it happen.
And now, here he was, back on the same battlefield.
Peter took a moment to breathe. He reminded himself why he was here, pushing himself to the max. Saving the world and the people in it was so important to him. He could save Aunt May. Amelia. All of the other innocent people out there. He could help redeem the Avengers' title by stopping these villains and proving that they're heroes, not vigilantes. Everything cumulated up to the point where if he succeeded, he could get back to a normal life, or at least, as normal as it could be.
Dr. Soul stood across from Peter, gathering all of his strength to keep fighting. His gray eyes watched Peter intently, and a small smile curved upwards on the burnt half of his face. He grit his teeth together, showing more prominently on the side of his face that revealed parts of his skull. He aimed plasma projectiles at Spider-Man, until Deadpool swooped in and went in for a killing blow. Dr. Soul jerked backwards and shot plasma at Wade.
Deadpool dodged, but got hit in the arm. The plasma melted through his suit and onto his skin, burning it like acid. He cried out and looked at his suit in shock. "What the fuck? I just got this suit fixed!" Deadpool juked, quickly moving out of the way of more projectiles. He towards Peter, who had his hands on his knees. "You didn't tell me this asshole was like an Xenomorph."
Spider-Man stood straight and chuckled. "If I told you, it would ruin the surprise." He checked the performance status of his web shooters to make sure they were at optimal levels. "Plus, you missed the meeting. That's where we discussed fight moves and weaknesses."
"Yeah, but who wants to listen to all that boring crap?" Deadpool thought about his own weapons. Katanas. Guns. Grenades. Knives. Anything else had been left back at his apartment. He wasn't expecting to fight someone from long range. Going in for a close kill was usually his MO.
Peter grimaced at his words. People who don't want to lose any more limbs. He thought bitterly. He shook his head and headed towards Dr. Soul. "Double team. He can't aim at both of us at once."
Deadpool complied and charged in a zigzag direction towards the villain. Dr. Soul tried his best to aim at both of them, taking turns with each plasma projectile, but quickly gave up on that. Both of them were impeding on his personal space, so he had to take drastic measures. He put his hands together and formed plasma. He expanded his hands, and the size of the plasma grew with it.
Webbing clutched onto Dr. Soul's legs and Peter dragged him to the ground. Dr. Soul released the plasma projectile he was cooking up in his hands into the air. It burst in the air in a full circle, causing Peter and Wade to drop to the ground before it could touch their heads. The acid began to rain down from the air, and both heroes quickly rolled away.
Someone entered the fight and immediately went for the villain. They were covered in what seemed to be stainless steel, or maybe that was their skin. Peter's vision was a little wobbly from the sudden spinning. The more he focused in on the person, the more he could see. "...Jake...?" He mumbled to himself in confusion. How did he get here? We left him at the school! "Jake, what are you doing here? It's not safe!"
Jake sat down on Dr. Soul and punched him a few times. His metal fist collided against the villain's burnt face and skull fragments that shown, sending a weird tingly touch up Jake's arm. He spoke up as confidently as he could, but his voice shook a bit, "I can help. I can be a hero too." Dr. Soul pushed him off and kicked him while he was disoriented. Jake went flying to the ground, and his skin changed back to normal when he released his stainless steel necklace.
Deadpool threw a few grenades towards Dr. Soul, each one going off right after the other. Dr. Soul cried out in agony, but quickly regained his composure. His lab coat and clothes burned more against the smoke and ashes. Wade covered Jake by shooting his gun at the villain.
Spider-Man threw webbing at Dr. Soul. The web stuck him to the ground, but he set himself free. Plasma dripped from the villain's fingers like venom from the fang from a snake. I have to protect him. Peter called out to the kid, only because he didn't have an ear piece, "You need to go back, Jake. Now."
The kid didn't listen. Of all the things Jake could have done, he decided to go against everyone's wishes and come along. To what? Prove his point? That he can fight along heroes? Peter didn't doubt he could, but the kid's skills were in question. Jake never really fought before. He barely got training from Peter. There was no way he was ready for this intense battlefield. Yet, he fought with all of his strength.
No one else on the field noticed Jake. They were yelling to other heroes asking for help. Crying out in agony. Grunting and mumbling as they fought with all of their power. The heroes were too occupied on their own battles.
Jake was now Peter's responsibility.
That only put more stress on Peter. He focused more on saving the kid than fighting in battle. Peter tried to keep Dr. Soul's attention on him, rather than anyone else. Three on one seemed unfair, but it would work. They could defeat Dr. Soul. Peter wouldn't kill him. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if he did.
Deadpool stayed focused, but his thoughts betrayed him at times. One voice wanted to sleep. To relax. To leave the fight and go treat himself to some pizza. The other voice, the smarter one, wanted him to use tactics. Tactics that took too much effort to stop and plan out. The fight was now. All that he could do was give it all he had. Seconds turned to minutes, and soon they were all in the groove of battle.
Jake almost burst with excitement and fright. Here he was, fighting with one of his heroic idols. He would go home and say he fought side-by-side with Spider-Man, and that would make all of the kids super jealous. He felt good about himself for once. He wouldn't be a kid that would be bullied. He would be a kid that stood up for what was right, and ultimately went behind everyone's backs to join. That didn't seem to matter. All he could focus on was Spider-Man.
Peter's dodges were so elegant. The way he launched webbing at Dr. Soul to distract him seemed so natural. Even Deadpool seemed to move fluidly throughout battle, shooting bullets and slicing Dr. Soul with his katanas. Jake aspired to be like them. He wanted to prove himself.
The kid jumped towards Dr. Soul, skin clad in stainless steel by copying his necklace's material as he held it in his hand. Jake punched and kicked him up close, but only for a brief moment before Dr. Soul threw plasma projectiles at him repeatedly. The projectiles hit Jake in the abdomen, one after the other, and caused him to scream and release the necklace from his grip. His skin changed back to normal and the last projectile hit him in the same spot. The acid melted through his shirt and into his skin.
"Jake!" Peter ran to the kid. Deadpool noticed what happened and turned to distract Dr. Soul to let Peter have his moment. Spider-Man ran so fast and skidded across the ground when he got close. He held Jake up in his arms. He's just a kid. Why didn't he just listen when they told him to stay back at the school?
Jake felt the acid burn into his stomach. He could hear his skin sizzling, and the pain was excruciating. He didn't have much time. There was no way they could stop it. At least he went down with a fight alongside his hero, and someone he loved. Jake stuttered as he looked up at Peter with big blue eyes, "I j-just wanted t-to h-help."
"You did great, Jake." Peter's eyes clouded over in tears. He didn't deserve a death like this. Jake had a bright future ahead of him. He was so smart. He yearned for knowledge. Peter saw so much potential in him, and even took him under his wing. He was like the little brother he never had. And now? Now he was dying in his arms.
The last of the acid hit his intestines. Jake knew this was it. He said his last words, with sorrow and admiration, "I-I wanted to be a h-hero, just like y-you..."
"You're my hero." Peter smiled sadly as he watched the light flee from Jake's eyes. His heart cracked a bit more. He had to relive losing Gwen and Uncle Ben just a few days ago. Now, this? Was the world out to get him? To make him so goddamn miserable that he wanted to give up on being a hero? Or was this meant to push him to be one? Peter screamed out as loud as he could. He didn't care if everyone heard him on the ear piece. He didn't care if it echoed on the streets for everyone to hear. Jake was his responsibility, and he failed him.
Dr. Soul whipped around to face Peter, giving Deadpool enough time to get close and chop his head off. The blades of his katanas swiped through the villain's neck easily, as if he was cutting butter. The head rolled onto the ground and his body fell next. Wade grit his teeth as he listened to Peter scream. He took out his gun that was holstered and shot the body multiple times just to make sure he stayed dead. Wade stopped after his clip was empty, and lost focus while listening to Peter mourn over the loss of a child.
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