We know its you
Marinette awoke on a mat like bed, hundreds of other people within the same area. As she began to move she felt a ache in her chest. She placed a hand there to find a bandage.
Everything began to come back to her.
"MY MIRACULOUS" she shouted, she looked around thankful no one heard her. She quickly reached up. Her worst nightmare became a reality. "Tikki" her voice quivered. "What's master fu going to think, oh no,no no"
She couldn't sit and rest any longer. She attempted attempted stand up but everything came crashing down. A doctor rushed into the room after hearing all the commotion "I need to get out of here. my- my friends- they need me" the bluenette struggled
"hey hey hey, Marinette slow down. you're not in the best of shape to go anywhere just yet. And I don't think your friends would like that either. they were set on keeping you safe, the last thing you would want to do is worry them any more than they already are" the doctor grabbed her by the arm sitting her back down
"why would they be concerned for me, I'm fine" she argued "I bed to differ, Marinette take a look at yourself" he slightly raised his voice
"let me let you in on a little secret Marinette. i work as a doctor for you Parents, emperor and empress of China, they were devastated to find you covered in bruises and blood after you were missing for nearly a week. Cat Noir would never forgive me if I let you go"
"C-Cat -Noir?" this gave her quite the bit of a shock. "Yes,Marinette, not just Him, all of the Parisian super heroines pitched in to save you" he grabbed her hand "it would not be conducive to put yourself in anymore of harms way that you are already in" he wanted to protect her, he knew she was a stubborn girl, he bit the lower portion of his lip, no matter what he said, she was not going going listen before he could come up with anything else to say anweak voice finally emerged from her
"I understand" she did, she had no reason to lie, she wasn't Lila, she's injured and no miraculous and she can do is wait. The surgical doctor made his final exit.
Silence filled the air. Until a familiar figure creeper closer.
Lucious stood at the foot of the palace, alongside Gabriel. Lucious took ALL control. Gabriel was no longer the weirder of the miraculous of the butterfly, he was forced to reannounce NooRoo. There was a new ruler now.
Gabriel couldn't help but feel guilt and remorse. Had he not had this stupid Ladybug and Cat Noir obsession in the first place, no one would very in this predicament now. But he did it .... for Emilie. Never revenge.
Clarke stood at the palace entrance guarding it. He was on guard, aware and awake, that was until he felt, a drip? He first mistake was looking up. Ryuko used he water dragon tossing him into the air, then to the side, then finally slamming him into the ground, shattering his backbone. Queen Bee used her Venom to neutralize him making sure he'd stay unmoving.
"Queen Bee, Ryuko quick, recharge your kwamis, the boss should be here soon" Cat Noir yelled for the two girls. They left coming back as quickly as they could. Finishing off Clarke was just the bait.
Senceing the danger Carapace activated his Shell-ter shielding his friends for the falling moths. Lucious appeared outside of bubble fewer inches away. "you children chose the wrong Hawkmoth" he violently smiles and with one touch the bubble was no more.
"IM GOING TO KILL YOU FIR WHAT YOU DID TO HER" Cat Noir swung at Moth every direction possible, only for them to be dodged. He wanted desperately to activate his Cataclysm, but he wasn't foolish enough to do that, he still needed time. "VIPERION"
Second Chance was activated.
Moth laughed "you don't even know where your precious Princess is" the laughter grew louder and more horrid. The Flames enfuguled the city even more.
"I DONT!? WELL YOU ASK NOAH THE NEXT TIME YOU SEE HIM IN JAIL" Moths smile faded into a twisted expression, catching him off guard.
They weren't supposed to find her and she was supposed to die, in the caller of that warehouse. He found his strength again fighting off Cat Noir, lifting him up with his bare hands smashing him into the bare ground.
Viperion couldn't use second chance, not yet, it wasn't the right time.
He paid close attention, inside his pockets, the earrings, you could see then clear as day, they fell into the fire.
He made a plan helping to help Cat Noir in the process. He activated it. They were 5 minutes into the past.
"Rena the second I run, I need to you make illusions of Cat Noir, and surround them around him and Moth, I have to take care of something" she nodded.
Back to their positions, Cat Noir was knocked into the ground, multiplied versions of him appeared.
Viperion went undetected as Moth struggled to fight off the Cats, the earrings fell from his pocket and Luka picked them up leaping away.
Moth punched the last Cat Noir making it disappear. He looked down at his hands, the powers they were confusing, he should know these things about these stupid silky miraculous. He looked up and a he was met with a staff on his temple.
Gabriel stepped in. He had no miraculous, no armor no protection.
"CATACLYSM" Moth smirked pulling his assistant in.
The fashion designer decentergrated into black dust.
Viperion couldn't use his second chance, he used it already. Cat Noirs eyes shrunk, his pupils dilated
that was his father. He had many questions, he couldn't find time to get answer too.
He just killed his father. Of course no one else knew that
"What did you do" he wheeped out, feeling, destroyed and defeated. "No boy, what did YOU do"
Tigreese jumped in infront of Cat Noir. She tried keeping up the the punches being thrown, she was still a relatively new hero. But she couldn't let Cat Noir get hurt. Rena jumped in. As well as Ryuko.
The crew threw kicks and punches. Cat Noir stayed frozen in place.
"The only way to bring back thet worthless piece of a man is with Ladybug and her earrings to reverse the damage, she may be alive but she has not earrings" his cane winded all of the heros using Ryukos Wind Dragon as a oppose.
"THINK AGAIN LUCIOUS" she spit his name out like Venom. Viperion smiled and tossed her the earrings
last time I updated was a half a year ago😦😦😦
BTW you guys should go check out my other MLB story on my profile.
And the Awakening mooovaeee comes out next summer.
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