Cat Noir looked at the bluenette a single tear fell down the boy's face...... the girl he .... he ... labeled as a friend for all these years. How could he have been so blind. "Ma-ma-marinette" her name fell out her mouth like... this was something new to him
He... stuttered saying her name... this was something she did while she was talking to him. He had already realized she wasn't just a friend but now more than ever he knew this was the girl he loved.
"Can you hear me!" A raspy voice shot out" all she could hear was staggered noises
"nac ouy reah em" is what this clutz heard her head shot up , quickly she lied back down . That hurt her head very much
"What's happening!?" she weakly said with surprise. she gasped "Where am I???" she looked around only seeing a dark ember sky flames setting in, her blurred vision darkening and fixeating on a figure infront of her.
His green eyes piercing into hers. she could have sworn they were Adriens for a second
"She's been staring at Cat Noir for 5 minutes" Rena Rouge told the other allies "I'll check on he-" Viperion was not able to finish his sentence before being cut off "She's staggering words but shes conscious " the Cat yelled "Marinette!" he yelled as her eyes opened nor fully but just enough where he could see them.
"Adrien" she whispered Viperion winced. He knew , was he going going say anything .... no. Luka knew his place and it was not with Marinette.
There was another thing he knew... but this wasn't the time to think about it
"Marinette are you okay!" Viperion and Cat Noir were now inches away from Marinette "she's gone" her words coldly slipped out "they took her" the girls face twisted into a expression of pain and fear "and I couldn't stop them" her sobs grew at the moment
"slow down Marinette" The blond gave her a concerned look "took who?"
She knew this was a risk... a big one but she had to strike back, she couldn't let them get away with this... She was scared to say.... but she knew if she didn't say the world was going to suffer because of these selfish actions.
She choked on the words making the final decision weather she was going to reveal her identity or not. She felt her body grow tense and everything go numb... she forgot... she's bleeding out.
"m-my" she struggled to get out "miraculous". Everyone gasped
Luka glanced at Cat Noir "this is it" his eyes fell "t-they don't know, and-i can't do anything about it" he knew but forbidden to say "it's done" the future of Ladybug and Cat Noir is paying out the same way it does everytime
"y-your what" Adrien gaped at her answer "Tikki-they have her" her welled up tears finally fell "Ladybug?" his voice was hesitant and airy at the same time "it couldn't be, she couldn't be HER they're nothing alike"
"yes" she answered wide eyed the black Cat backed away from her "NO, no this couldn't be" He needed to accept that this was no time for this discussion
"She needs to get to a hospital" Queen Bee came from the back "she's going to bleed to death if we don't do anything soon and these wounds look fresh, so we need to get out of this alleyway before we get into some trouble we don't want to"
Marinette felt the wind pressure on her back, she wasn't used to it being like this, she blacked out.
Adrien couldn't help but think the whole time. He fell for her twice. He always knew that there was something special about Marinette she was nothing like nobody else.
He's not upset that she's ladybug. He didn't understand how Clumsy, shy Marinette could be the Perfect, Strong and bold Ladybug.
He peeped down at the girl in his arms and the gang desperately searched for a hospital still open in the midst of all this mess.
Oh and let's no forget that she's still the princess.... which still no one knows
After 20 minutes of ruthless looking Ryuko found a small medical centre.
"here guys" the dragon holder called out . There were crowds of people waiting searching for medical attention. But Marinette did not have that type of time left and certainly if they knew she was "the ladybug" they'd let her in without a doubt.
Carapace desperately looked for a working to get his friend safe. At that moment help appeared right before his eyes.
"over here!" he called out to the person following, "guys just lay her down he's coming" Nino ran moving all the obstacles out of the way.
"who's coming?" Queen Bee hissed, Nino didn't answer he still very frantically moved things out of the way.
"Who's coming Carapace!?!?" Cat Noir yelled "A doctor" Nino said quietly. Everyone's eyes glazed up to him
The man was tell very broad shoulders , crimson red eyes and a twirly like mustache.
"What's the danger!?" The man's voice did not ..... should like how it should, It was high pitched and windy
Boy, had they misjudged him so quickly "she-shes bleeding out" Cat Noir quickly moved the girl to her side.
The tall man pulled out s medical kit "how did this happen" his voice went flat. It scared the kids a bit.
"w-we don't know, we found her like this, we belive the person responsible for everything going on may have done it" Rena spoke up and she wasn't entirely wrong, they knew for a fact that he had did it but it was too early to tell.
The man sighed "In this world we live in now, there are all sorts of evil out there, the most evil out there are the ones who desire to hurt, and not only hurt but take, the world needs more superheros like Ladybug and Cat Noir..." and with that he picked up the girl "She should wake in a hour times" he left
The gang sat there "If she really is Ladybug then, we must get the miraculous back, and fast, we need to set everything right" Viperion added to the quietness
"He has it and I'm going to get it back" Cat Noir extended his staff and hopped onto a building
Heyyyyy, Im back happy season 5, I didn't expect it to be out this early. It's summerrr.
Also sorry for this crap writing, ima have to go back and read the story cuz idek the plot anymore 😭
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