Part 2
Part 2 is already on it! Woohoo! ☜(⌒▽⌒)☞
Sorry for my badaass english :v I hope you guys enjoy!!
Back from short storyline~~
2 week ago:
Earthquake aka Eq has been walking for a long day, Eq is searching for the place & the place was name Soldier Squad(I dont know if it is true or not, It just my creation, okay?) But his 6 twins brother & his friends didnt know anything about where did he go. It seems terrible missing 1 brother!
Earthquake's part:
"Ha.... What a day.... Such a beautiful place! & I couldnt imagine it! I've been walking for long day to reach the place! & I finally make it! But.... this place... it just soldier squad? Why can that happend? I was in the builder of Soldier Squad. Then, I saw so many awards in the first place, I was really suprise. It's seems really really old than I thought, I'm notice & I saw many articles that have been old. I read the articles from commander Soldier Squad, it says; this place was born in 80's, many men & women want to join with. Many awards that we've been won in the competition for 5 years ago. Our hard working have been solution in the first place, we really thankful for our squads who has been practice for a hundred years ago... I read the articles until the end. Hmm.. that could be interested~~ I hope my other twins brother & my friends didnt notice where did I go. But my heart it said; if you afraid of what have you done to your 6 twins brother than you must apologise for them & you must control your mysterious power! You have to fight back! I dont know what I gonna do with.... I was not to be able away or anything from them, I really want to apologise for them but my power... I still afraid of the uncontrol mysterious power... This why I dont want to be close from someone else! If I really close from someone, they might be injure because of me!"
At the hospital:
They still unconscious. But Thunderstorm aka Ts is awake, he saw his 5 twins brother still lying on the bed & still didnt get up. He feels guilty. He was lookin around place. Meanwhile, the doctor was came right on time before he wake up.
"Uhg.....Wher.....where am I?" -Ts said & open his eyes slowly while he touch his head but still lying on the bed.
"You're in the hospital, Ts"
"Who... who are you?"
"I'm your doctor, Ts"
"But.... How..... How do you know name?"
"Well..... Not only we know your name, the others know your name too"
"What do mean 'we'?"
"Well, its obviously mean me & other nurses"
After their conversation end. Ts seems he almost did not know about his brother's disappearance.
Thunderstorm is asking himself with his heart:
"Am I missing something? Or...... am I JUST missing someone? Nonsense..."
End of part 2
(Part 3: To be countinued...)
Thanks 4 reading!
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