Losing 1 out of 7 for 4 months(English Ver)
**THIS IS LAST YEAR PUNYA (2016), I've been already posted on Instagram a.k.a IG.
This is English VER short story, if you already bored to read this, please ignored, I dont want some people who always complaned or attacked about me and the short story in comment.
If you want a Malay VER, you have too wait... BECAUSE I dont have any ideas in MY BRAIN
Enjoy with my BADASS English ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
~This story about the incident of Eq(Quake) and his 6 twins~
(My creation only, aint real)
The past:
Eq(Quake) has terrible health until he lost control. he became crazy & fear, he really worried about his 6 twins, who always surrounds him, he change his mind to stay away from them for reasons not to hurting them.
Unfortunatly, he have been tried to control with his 'mystery power' inside his body but he failed and he cannot stand it any longer with his own body & start hurting them, 6 twins try to aviod but failed.
After, he saw his 6 twins in a state of severe pain and unconsciousness , he realize how cruel he is, then he sent them to the hospital. He felt guilty and sad and he kept crying incessantly. Tok Aba hug him and try make him calm. After that, he continued to sleep without conscious.
1 week ago:
Eq just waiting for his 6 twin brothers untill 'they're sleep end' but his 6 twin brothers still didnt realize yet, their situation worse and quite critical in the hospital. Eq became lonely. He start to change his mind to make a new life without telling anyone. He just quite no respon. He has removed himself for 4 months ago...
Thunderstorm's questions REACTION:
"Why he JUST DID go by himself alone? What will happend to him? If he cannot found some places to live or where to sleep in peace, than what should he do? How can we find him if he was not surround any of us? This is such dang cracker questions! Why he is doing this for whole life? It is because he affaird of hurting someone like; family or friends? Why...? I dont understand..! what's with him? Why HE always avoid from us? Why he DIDNT responed? Why he ALWAYS mute? Before the HAPPEND was begun, he always respon & ALWAYS give a sweet smile but..... After the HAPPEND already begin, he...... seems really different until..... now...."
End of part 1, To be continued.....
Thanks 4 Reading!!! X3
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