Radiant Heat
It was a long day after that I tried as much not to think about it but my searching mind wouldn't allow that. I got home and at once my mom realized something was wrong. "Honey what happened", she asked with concern in her eyes, "Did you get bullied". I couldn't help but smile to myself, ever since I got hurt while being bullied she has always asked that if I come home a little not like myself. "No I wasn't bullied", I said, "It's just that I'm confused about something". "If you say soo dear", she said, "Your uncle wants to take you and Samantha out this Saturday do you wanna go". "I'll think about it", I said before going up to my room. My uncle did most of the stuff a dad ought to do but my dad left when I was six and my sister Samantha hadn't even been born yet. At first he sent postcards then they just stopped coming and I hated him, I hated what he'd done, he didn't think for one second that children would need a father. He was selfish and I will never forgive him for that. I didn't realize I was gripping the post of my bed so hard, my knuckles had turned white then it burst into flames.
I stopped myself from screaming if my mom came up here she would want to know how it caught fire something I wasn't ready to explain. I can fix this if I can make fire appear I can make it disappear too. It was a vague idea but I still wanted to try it ignoring the fact that I've no experience what so ever. Instead of disappearing the flames rather increased and it was spreading. I looked around for the fire extinguisher, Why didn't I put it somewhere I could reach easily. I found it and I prayed to whoever was out there that my mom wouldn't hear me spraying. "Ian", I heard my mom call out, "What's going on up there". "Answer me young man", she said, gee voice getting angry, "And is that smoke I smell, that's it I'm coming up". I frantically put out the flames and hid the canister and tried my best to hide the damage. Luckily it wasn't as bad as I thought but it was still noticeable. I hoped upon hope that whatever covered the eyes of the kids at school would cover my moms eyes. She walked in the room, "What is going on". I thought my cover was blown, "Mom I can explain". "Yes I'd like you to explain why the fire extinguisher is not at an easy to reach spot", she said, wait WHAT!! I looked at the bed and all the burnt marks were gone it was as if fire had never touched it. What is going on here. "Oh right it must have rolled there", I said turning my attention back to her. "Well be more careful I wouldn't want something to happen to you", she said before walking out of the room. The shutters swung open and I felt a chill down my spine. I heard something it was soo quiet but it sounded like a......laugh? I shivered, Why me.
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