Much to their protests Amara chose to speak to Bruce alone. The boys obviously wanted to come and watch the potential drama that may persue but she told them she would break their legs if they even attempted to follow her.
Amara found it best to corner Bruce in a way he wouldn't be able to escape and would guarantee his attendance so she did what any logical person would do.
She made an appointment.
Under a false name as a representative of a false organic substance company that found new resources in forests.
"I have an appointment with Mr Wayne at 2:30" she spoke in a British accent, her brown hair hidden under a blonde wig pulled back into a sleek ponytail, wearing a business suit to sell the look. Makeup adorned her face making her look naturally older than she actually was.
"Name please" the receptionist asked "Sofia James".
She watched nervously as the receptionist talked on the phone, "top floor Mr Wayne will join you shortly" Amara nodded making her way to the elevator.
The second she entered the top floor AKA Bruce's office. She was met with a secretary. "Just in here Miss James" she sat in a conference like room, preparing herself and the points she dramatically practiced in her bedroom last night that she was going to make already promising herself not to leave until this was sorted, which meant she had to hurry because the appointment was only half an hour long and Bruce was a busy man.
The door opened bringing her out of her thoughts "sorry to keep you waiting Miss James" Bruce entered, "no problem at all" Amara told him spinning around to face him.
"Amara what are you doing here?" He asked taking a seat, "we needed to talk and the last time I tried that you wouldn't listen but now that you're minds a little clearer I thought I'd try again" she crossed her legs planning to talk as much as she could before he could throw her out.
"I'll cut to the chase, I love your son and I want to be with him, but it won't feel right if you have a problem with it. It won't stop me being with him it would just be awkward on family occasions and I don't want to be the problematic in law so we need to set aside all our beef because Damian's vegetarian." She was second guessing the last bit in her head, it didn't sound as cool as she thought it would.
"You had a problem with my ethicality, I haven't killed in years, I know my limits I know what are threats and what is crossing the line and you have to trust me on that" Bruce remained silent as she stated her reasons.
"You said I was affecting your boys, let's be honest Bruce, your sons aren't exactly saints either, we make mistakes we're human, but you can trust they have a mind of their own and make their own decisions, as for my influence although violent the ways I was taught have proven to be highly effective as you saw from the interrogation it's all for show I wouldn't actually cut his limbs off" Amara's eyes flickered to the clock keeping track of how much longer she could keep him here.
"I totally get the whole mind control thing I saw the machine, really advanced stuff but it was fucking mean, and rude and it hurt when you said those words and kicked me out like I was nothing and undeserving of what I worked so hard to achieve and the fact you haven't once apologized for what happened is inexcusable" she finished after pacing and pointing and yelling she finally sat down waiting for his response.
"You are right" Amaras head snapped up, "sorry?"
"You are right, it was completely unacceptable for me to have treated you like that. Mind control is no excuse, I would like you to return on my volition, you had no reason to be kicked out and you are a valuable asset to the team" he told her and Amara felt uneasy at how quickly he agreed, she was ready to fight him.
"As far as Damian goes, I trust my son to make the right decisions, and you are by far the best thing that has happened to him. So all I ask is that you be there for him and that you keep him happy" Amara nodded, "this was way too easy I feel a catch coming" her instincts were never wrong so what the hell was this feeling?
"It's just a father trying to ask for forgiveness" nope that's not it. Her powers were like a blaring alarm going off in her head, and she barely caught sight of it before she yelled "get down!" Her shield enveloped her as she covered Bruce the brunt of the explosion pushing them back, the forcefield barely keeping intact.
Smoke surrounded them as she stood above an unconscious Bruce, the tackle must of knocked him out. She squeezed his nose blocking his airways watching as he gasped awake. "Are you okay?" She asked him and he nodded, she slowly let up the force field looking around for any casualties that needed help.
"Natalie!" Bruce started to rush around trying to find someone. Natalie?
Amara struggled to climb over the mountain of rubble that surrounded them. Her pace quickened when she remembered the secretary who seated her. Her eyes glowed as she begged her senses to help her locate the missing woman.
She could faintly hear a weak call for "help". She sighed in relief thankful she had found her, her relief turned into worry when she found her stuck under a huge block of what used to be the ceiling.
"Bruce help!" She called out to him when she struggled to lift it on her own, her powers gave her a lot of things but super strength was not one of them.
Bruce immediately rushed over to help, the two grunting barely lifting it enough for her to be able to drag her self out.
Amara felt guilty for not being able to protect her as she had done for Bruce resulting in the woman she hadn't even cared to learn the name of to get hurt, and the guilt was eating her alive.
Bruce started to examine her, "Natalie can you hear me?" He asked the dazed woman, her blood loss must be catching up to her, "can you walk?" He asked and she grimaced grabbing for her leg that held a huge gash all the way from her knee to her ankle. "Hurts" she gasped out in pain, well clearly.
Amara looked around the office, every standard place has a first aid kit right? She cheered in triumph when she found it under the semi broken desk of the secretary.
She rushed back over and started treating whatever she could, her medical knowledge as accurate as the medical shows she watched. She cleaned and put gauze on the major cuts and she made a make shift leg brace for the possible fracture, when she determined it good enough Bruce picked her up and she guided the two out the office.
As they were slowly trying to make their way out the unstable building, not the smartest idea but Natalie was in need of actual professional help and Amara's attempt at treating would only last so long.
The building was still crumbling around them making them go faster than they already were. "Can I not go a week without having a building fall on top of me?" Amara mumbled her eyes subconsciously flickering towards Bruce and Natalie making sure they were okay. Natalie passed out 2 floors ago and was now limply laying in Bruce's arms, which was far better than being in immense pain. She took off her blazer holding it over her mouth, smoke surrounding them she was focusing her powers on making sure Natalie wasn't hurt anymore than she already was.
She paused they were only half way down as the building shook again, they had no means to contact anyone, to find help, both their phones getting lost in the explosion. All they could do was try to find a way out or help. She paused allowing a piece of concrete to fall in front of her just barely dodging it.
She groaned frustrated, last week they tried impeccably hard to keep this building from getting destroyed yet here they were barely a week later walking around trying to escape its burning remains.
Her eyes instinctively flashed gold her hand reaching out and a golden aura surrounded Bruce and Natalie. The building grew more unstable causing debris and concrete to fall onto them, Amara had just now realized she wasn't able to create more than one field at a time, she groaned staying close to the wall and covering her head with her free arm trying to protect herself the best she could. She would ultimately survive she whole heartedly had faith in that, but they were human and although she had no clue how much of her mothers godliness she inherited she was pretty sure she had a better chance at survival. She motioned for Bruce to continue going, her other hand reaching for the ceiling to stop it from falling long enough for him to make it out hoping she could keep the building stable long enough they only had about 2 floors to go and she was sure she could hear the firemen but that was before her ears started ringing.
Blood dripped from her nose and her head started to feel a little woozy, the smoke started to flood her lungs as her legs started to tremble. 'This is stupidly heavy' she thought. She tried moving the best she could trying to find an exit that caused the least amount of damage. She really needed to get a grip on her powers.
Her head was getting heavier by the minute blood dripped down her chin, her eyes started to flutter shut, at this point she gave up fighting for herself. She would bask in the few moments of peace until she was ultimately crushed by the 10 floors she managed to survive.
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