Amara spent the next few days being bombarded with flowers. No seriously, Damian sent a bouquet everyday since that day, no notes or anything just flowers.
For a while she started to forgive him but the thing was she wasn't mad at him, she knew this wouldn't last forever and in all honesty he just needed to realize that she didn't need gestures like flowers, she just needed him to be there himself, not even for apologizing, to just be there with her for her.
She grabbed the flowers and went down to the florist a block away from her apartment. The bell chimed as she stepped in, she smiled at the elderly owner, lovely old lady the one that would treat you like you were their actual grandchild.
"Hi Mrs Smithe" Amara set down the bouquet with the growing pile she had been bringing over the last couple of days. "Another one?" The elder woman mused laughing when the girl huffed.
"I don't know what else to do! I've told him a million times money can't buy happiness yet here he is still spending them on flowers!" She paused holding one "beautiful flowers... but still".
"It'll work out love, now why don't you start potting them while I deal with these customers" Amara nodded already preparing the flower bed. She spent the last couple of months helping out at the shop finding it less lonely than saying she had no plans with anyone.
Eventually the flowers stopped, so did the calling and texting. Amara was glad he finally got the message and when he had his life sorted she'd happily talk to him and try to patch things up. It killed her on the inside but she knew that if she wasn't being a distraction he could focus on what needs to be done.
She accidentally bumped into Damian a day or two ago and as usual it didn't go the best.
Amara was sat at her desk working on her English assignment, it was fairly easy, she grew up reading Shakespeare and Jason was quite the fan and offered any help he could give.
"What don't you understand?" Jason asked through the phone, "How are Romeo and Juliet even together? I mean who's dumb enough to fake their death and who's also dumb enough to die like seconds after I mean at least wait until it's confirmed, I know you love her and all but come on man" she shook her head.
"They did that for love, and in the end their sacrifice led to their two families to untie and end their feud, if someone you love died wouldn't you basically be dead on the inside too? And Romeo saw no way of living without her it's kinda sweet actually" Amara smirked.
"Aww Jay what a cutie pie" she teased him getting interrupted by a knock on the front door. "Hang on I'll be right back" she stood up and left the room. "It's fine I'll just be here... alone" Jason muttered.
Amara opened her front door her smile faltering when she saw Damian, "hi" she let him in, was he finally ready to give them another chance?
"Im here for my stuff" Amaras smile dropped completely, he dropped a box which Amara had just noticed. She opened the box to see a few of her clothes, jewelry, shampoo everything she had left in his room stuffed into a box.
"I don't get it, are you trying to hurt me?" she asked quietly, "I'm just trying to focus on myself, besides I don't see why you're so upset, you're the one who ended it" he shrugged as if he didn't have a problem in how she was feeling.
"I broke up with you because I was mad at you not because I stopped loving you, don't you think this hurts me too?" She shook her head walking into her room, grabbing her box from the cupboard adding anything that was remotely his and walking back to him she pulled off the necklace around her neck and threw it into the box. "I won't be needing that now will I?" She watched the look on his face morph into hurt but he started it.
Without another word he took the box and left the door slamming shut behind him.
She returned back to her room throwing the box onto her bed she forced herself to be quiet and calm enough to talk "Jay? I kinda need to go something came up" . She barely registered her window opening and arms wrapping around her, "it's okay" he soothed and all she could think about was how she had messed everything up. That's hug was all it took for her to drop her cool facade.
"I did this, I-" she hiccuped, "look at me" her glossy eyes met green. "I don't know what happened but I'm sure you did it for a reason, now you need to focus on that reason and get a grip" she nodded her head calming down in the arms of whom she considered her older brother.
"Thanks Jay" she smiled her cheeks still red and her eyes slightly puffy from crying. "Its what I'm here for" he turned to leave back out the window.
"Jay-" he paused turning back to her "please don't tell anyone" he nodded and quietly left.
It was hard to keep up hope after that, at least before she had a piece of him to hold on to and now that was gone. Maybe it was time to move on.
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