You'd be surprised how long it took for Amara to adapt to her new environment. She'd been ambushed and backstabbed and still had managed to figure out a plan within 30 seconds. But a school full of rich, hormonal, depressed teenagers?
It was simple really she didn't know the players so she didn't understand the game, which was why Amara made her first friend - Vivian, the cute brunette from her first day. Vivian was one of those girls who knew and was basically friends with anyone and everyone.
It only took a couple of minutes for Amara to consider her a friend with her kindness towards others. That didn't mean Vivian was soft, she actually was quite the trouble maker leading to them both ending up in detention.
Commissioner Gordon couldn't complain too much about her mischief either because his daughter finally made a friend her own age that wasn't a Wayne; or a boy; or someone she'd have to go out of town to see.
"Hi Amy" Amara grimaced at the nick name "No? Gotcha" Vivian had been hung up on finding a suitable nickname for Amara since the day Amara accidentally called her Vivi, each name was somehow worse than the last. She at some point after 'Ama' offered Vivian to call her 'Mari' but the girl refused wanting to have a unique name just for her knowing that her entire family and boyfriends family called her that.
"Why can't you just call be my name? There's really no need for a nickname" at this point she was just done, Amara was a decent name. She saw no need to be called anything else.
"Because a nickname is a sign of affection and I know you aren't fond of many people so the fact that you're even allowing me to find one that fits you is a sign of growth, plus it makes me feel special that I get to call you something just for me" she paused to pinch Amaras cheek.
"So my violent friend I will find something and it will be amazing and it will be all mine" she quickly ran off before Amara had a chance to punch her.
"Why did I decide to make friends?" She questioned herself walking into Calculus sitting in her seat.
She turned to her left noticing the empty desk Tim usually occupied. She furrowed her eye brows pulling out her phone and sending a text, instantly the worse case scenario running through her head. 'He could be hurt, or missing, what if he broke a limb or something? I swear to everything I know that whoever hurt Timothy will pa-'
Her rant cut short when he texted back 'I have the sniffles' Amara mentally facepalmed at his reply. "Miss Gordon" Amaras head instantly shot up discreetly tucking her phone away into her bag.
"Yes Miss Miller?"
"What are you doing?" Her gaze hardened and Amara scrambled for an excuse "just reading ahead on our work" she offered her most convincing smile.
"Miss Gordon we've finished the book, what work are you reading ahead on?" Amara froze for a split second trying to rack up some sort of excuse.
"Miss Miller as a teacher I think you out of all people should know that knowledge has no limits and that-" Miss miller shook her head and held up her hand "enough of your motivational speeches just pay attention" Amara learned early on that the easiest way of getting out of trouble is to waffle.
Waffling was something Vivian had taught her. Vivian was from England, and as she always says, the superior nation. She'd taught Amara little hacks on how she'd get away with things back home. Waffling was one of her many talents. All you had to do was exaggerate and talk around the point til the other person had enough and dropped the subject. It seemed to work so far, which is also why she hadn't gotten detention in a while.
Not long after it was lunch, it was awkward the first couple of days since Bruce told them to stay away from each other. Damian wasn't allowed to sit with Amara, at one point they thought Bruce was actually spying on them. Like he'd have enough time to run a multi billion dollar business and invest in teen drama.
So they sat together and thankfully no one decided to speak up against it. There was no bad blood between the two but that didn't stop the slight awkwardness that lingered in the air.
"I was thinking we can go to the park after school" Amara spoke up after the initial silence they were sitting in.
"Habibiti I'm sorry but I can't" Amara forced herself to focus he knew what calling her 'habibiti' made her feel. "Why not?"
"Father wants me to come to WE so I can learn the 'family business' as he puts it. Is that okay?" Amara nodded, was this the 10th time he declined to hang out with her? yes. Was she mad about it? Also yes. Was she going to tell him? Hell no.
"Of course, I'm pretty sure Barbara wanted to do something with me anyway, I don't know why I asked" Damian could see the blatant disappointment in her eyes. She'd never tell him he made her feel bad but that didn't mean she wouldn't convey it so the guilt would eat him alive.
The bell rang and the two awkwardly parted ways. They didn't know when it got awkward or how it got awkward but something about the fact that they both knew Bruce basically disowned her made it hard for the two to sit peacefully.
Storming down a couple of hallways amara started to yell into her phone "Timothy I swear to god if you don't start answering my calls I will find you and I will hunt your ass do- hang on I'm getting another call, so like call me back k bye" Amara hung up the voicemail answering her next call as she started climbing stairs.
"Jon hey.. wait hold on, he did what? I'll be there in a couple hours don't do anything" Amara sighed when the locked finally jiggled opened the door that lead to the roof, they padlocked it after the first few times she had escaped through there.
Climbing down the side ladder she jumped onto the garbage bins behind the school and climbed over the fence.
Googling herself the next bus to metropolis she quickly found out she could not sit through a multi hour bus ride and jumped on the zeta tubes, knowing quite well Bruce might be tracking her movements, he couldn't possibly have enough time to do that.
She could've flown there but she didn't trust her ability to focus and she really didn't need to fall out of the sky at random. Especially when her safety net was having a crisis of his own.
She rushed up the stairs to the Kent apartment opening the door with the key under the mat. The Kent's didn't know she knew it was there but that was their own fault for putting it in such an obvious place.
Entering the apartment she frantically looked around for her blue eyed friend. "Jon? I'm here" her grey eyes scoured the apartment trying to find him.
"Can you stop dying for a second and come out please?" It was unusual for her not to notice any presences within 20 feet of her and right now she felt kinda chilled that she was all alone.
"Woman up Amara" she told herself calling up Jon. "Where are you?" She made her way to the kitchen and grabbed a snack. "I'm not home" Amara furrowed her eyebrows "what do you mean you're not home? Jon I'm literally in your apartment" She took a bite of her apple.
"Are you eating?" Amara paused "you expected me not to? I just travelled hundreds of miles just to not see you" she was starting to think this wasn't as serious as an emergency as he made it out to be.
"You zeta'd over stop lying" Jon accused "yeah but I'm here and you're not, are you really having a crisis? Because I need a valid enough reason to be yelled at for skipping school and how do I put this nicely? Shouldn't you I don't know, be losing your shit" she tossed the core into the bin grabbing her bag and leaving.
"I momentarily forgot" he mumbled over the phone before he told her to meet him at the farm and hung up abruptly.
"This. This is the reason I don't make friends"
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