Dale found himself awoke to a doctor looking down on him. "Well, Mr. Gribble, luckily this was a very small coma. Rest up for a few days, then you'll be able to go home." The doctor said. Dale silently nodded as the doctor left him. Dale looked around, alone in a all too white room.
Dale saw some flowers, some get well cards, and a worn out bunny that was Joesph's favourite, just sitting there right beside him. Dale sighed as he grabbed the bunny. "Boy, i sure hope there's no camera in here." Dale said to himself. Dale then found himself hugging the bunny. It felt nice. He hadn't felt anything in such a long time. Boomhauer was outside, waiting for any news on Dale.
The doctor came out. "Mr.Boomhauer, Mr.Gribble is fine, please, visit him." the doctor said. Boomhauer rushed to the room. His heart was beating very fast. He'll be able to see Dale, in a responsive state. Dale was still there, sitting on his bed, hugging the bunny. He heard a few knocks, and saw Boomhauer enter. "y'okay man!" Boomhauer said happily as he rushed to hug Dale. "Woah there easy there." Dale said as he chuckled. To be in Boomhauer's warmth again, it did bring him happiness.
"Dang ol Gribble y'got me s'worried! How are y'feelin?" Boomhauer asked, pulling up a chair and sitting near Dale. Dale sighed. "I'm okay." Dale simply said, a smile forming on his face. Boomhauer smiled back. "Dang ol y'scared me man." Boomhauer said, looking on the ground. Dale felt ashamed of himself. "I'm sorry." He said in a guilt tone. "There was too much going on... just... too much." Dale said, looking directly at Boomhauer's eyes. Those light blue orbs.
Dale always found himself looking at those eyes of his, they brought him so much comfort. It's something he can't describe very well to others. Boomhauer sighed. "Dang ol it's m'fault man." Boomhauer said. Dale raised his eyebrow. "Why do you say that?" Dale softly asked. "I dang ol jus stood there as Nancy n y'were fightin. I didn't gotdang do nuthin." Boomhauer said. "Boomhauer... look at me." Dale said, his tone was still soft.
Boomhauer looked at him. "It's okay, I'm okay. Dale said. Boomhauer just nodded. "You hadn't known what I would do, don't blame yourself for that." Dale said. Dale just noticed that Boomhauer had eyebags. "You didn't sleep..." Dale said, worried. "Dang ol I couldn't, t'fact dat I almost lost y'Gribble. Sleepless nights I tell y'what man." Boomhauer said. "Boomhauer... no matter how much you try you'll never shake me off." Dale said, as he gave a weak smile. Boomhauer chuckled, already feeling better.
"Hey, you gotta sleep." Dale said. Boomhauer looked at him. "Nothings gonna happen, cmere." Dale said, as he made space for Boomhauer. "Dang ol y'fine with this?" Boomhauer asked. Dale scoffed. "Boomhauer, when we were kids, my head was always on your shoulder whenever i slept." Dale said.
Boomhauer chuckled. "Fine man." Boomhauer said. His head immediately dropped and landed on Dale's lap. Boomhauer wasn't a light sleeper, he was quite the heavy one. Dale sighed. He felt awful for making Boomhauer worry this much. Dale found his own eyes shutting themselves. Dale fell asleep, sitting up as a sleeping Boomhauer was on his lap.
"Mr.Gribble you have some-
The doctor realized the sight. "Later I suppose." The doctor said, leaving the two.
*1 hour later*
Boomhauer found his eyes slowly opening up. As soon as his eyes adjusted, Boomhauer was just surprised with the position he had. Boomhauer looked up and saw a peaceful Dale just sleeping like that. Boomhauer immediately drew himself away from Dale's lap. Dale found himself waking up quickly.
"How was your sleep?" He asked, then he had a small yawn. "Dang ol... it was fine." Boomhauer said. It was such a peaceful way for him to sleep. "It's good you got rest." Dale said as he laid down. Boomhauer was happy that Dale was alright. Everyone else needed to know. He called everybody. After some time everyone came rushing towards Dale's room.
Dale was surprised at the sudden company, he disliked it a little but tolerated it. Dale saw Joseph, his wonderful son. "Dad, I'm so glad you're okay, I thought I lost you." Joseph said as he sniffed. "Don't worry Joseph, I'm not leaving this world yet." Dale said as he reassured Joseph with some pats on his back. "Dad, I do have something to confess." Joseph said. "Are you an alien?!" Dale said in a joking tone. Joseph chuckled a little, but frowned. Dale shortly frowned, seeing Joseph sad.
"I can't live with mom, she keeps on telling me new stuff everyday that's hard for me to handle. I ran into John Redcorn while I ran away from her. I hated seeing him dad." Joseph said as he looked down.
"Joseph, I know this is hard, but I was with your mother even with those 14 years. She's human Joseph, and humans are imperfect and make mistakes. Try setting boundaries with her, just don't leave her alone." Dale said. Joseph nodded.
"Since your mother and I are separating, whenever she'll send me those papers... you can spend more time with me, but spend enough time with her too." Dale said. "Okay dad." Joseph said as he smiled at him.
Joesph loved his dad. His dad always put his loved ones first rather than himself, and Joseph has seen him do that for Joseph so many times. He just wants his dad to be happy. That's what his dad's caring nature is. That's why he loves his dad so much.
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