Eveything was a blur. There was the loud screech of wheels. Hank, Bill, and Boomhauer watched in horror as Dale's van flipped over, reaching to the other side of the road, and spin, hitting anything that came in the way. It made long black marks. Dale's van flipped over and over. The huge red bug on top of Dale's van snapped off, completely in a different location of its own. The windshield had broken, and glass shards were everywhere.
Boomhauer pushed the people around him. Boomhauer was frantic, just FULL of worry. He went towards the van, he didn't even care if he got any shards on him, he was worried about Dale! Bill and Hank were right behind him.
Boomhauer ignored the sharp pain in his left foot as he stepped closer to the over turned van. There they were, right in front of the tossed off van. Boomhauer was scared to death as he looked in the front seats.
Boomhauer saw the sight. He felt like throwing up, which Bill did. Dale's bottom half of his body was still in the driver's seat. One of his legs was at a really bad angle. His waist was turned so badly. His arms were spread back. Dale's face couldn't even be seen! Boomhauer saw the river of blood. So much red...
Dale's orange suit was completely camouflaged in his own blood. "Dang ol call t'police!!" Boomhauer yelled out. He stood there as Hank dialled for the police. Boomhauer was pale as a ghost. Why didn't he intervene?! That thought stuck with him as he waited for the ambulance to arrive.
Everyone arrived at the hospital. When Nancy heard the news she rushed to the hospital, screaming at the doctors to let her in. Dale was in the dark part of his mind, because there was just so much pain. Emotional and physical. The nurse moved one of the many tubes sticking out of him. He couldn't move, with the pain he has, he didn't much want to.
Dale was very much aware, not as much, but he was at the point where he didn't even want to wake up. He didn't want to face the music. He was straddling the line. Dale has never looked so peaceful in his life. His mind had long since decided that he didn't want Nancy. He doesn't ever want her near him. The whirlwind of emotions he gets.
Since Boomhauer went with him in the ambulance, only he was allowed in the room. Everything was just... white. White thin walls, white beds, white curtains. Boomhauer saw a patient who was... in white. Boomhauer just dreaded being here, the doctors aren't making it any more easier for him, as they said he may not make it.
Boomhauer was just left to watch his best friend lay still in bed, no movement, with too many tubes sticking out of him. Boomhauer wanted to vomit, the feeling of nausea catching up to him, but all he could do was watch. Not even Nancy or Joseph were allowed in. What was he thinking? Why the hell didn't he step in between Dale and Nancy? Why didn't he help Dale? Boomhauer felt like beating himself up for that.
Boomhauer was so wrapped up in his thoughts, that he hadn't heard the doctor and nurses usher themselves back in. A doctor stood in the the room, far from Boomhauer. Of course, their outfits blended well, as it was white. Boomhauer heard hushed whispers, he just wanted to yell at them to let them him know how Dale is.
The nurses made their way up to Dale, and started poking. What a great idea. "Mr. Boomhauer, could you please move out of the way?" The doctor asked Boomhauer.
Boomhauer had no choice but to listen. He moved out of the way, with more of the white just following him. White hallways, and the blinding white medical light that followed him. Boomhauer was really getting tired of all of the white. When he looked across the room, he saw a full length mirror. He saw the only color in the room. Black. His black shirt. Wow, atleast there's some colour in this hospital.
No time for jokes, he looked back at his friend. His silent, unresponsive friend. A nurse injected something in Dale. Nothing seemed to happen, but Boomhauer made it clear in his mind that he was not moving away from this room. Suddenly, a noise was made. A loud beeping noise. Boomhauer saw Dale twisting and turning in his bed. He was fighting off the tubes, which the nurses were desperately trying to keep in him. Dale's looked horrified. He wanted to escape!
How the nurses are handling this, it made Boomhauer very angry, and upset. This was so upsetting to watch. He looked to the doctor, for some kind of answer. The doctor responded to him by just writing notes. Dale was able to make his way up off of the bed, and was heading towards the huge white computer in the corner of the room.
All of the nurses and the doctor were trying to put him back on the bed, but Dale didn't want that. He wanted to go somewhere else. He didn't want to he here. How could he respond to this? Just go on and do his own thing.
Dale slammed down the computer, and all Boomhauer could see was sparks. "Dang ol Gribble get back to t'bed man!" Boomhauer said, a desperate plead, but Dale didn't listen. The smoke and sparks cleared, The doctor injecting something else into Dale's body. Dale felt his world stop, his body shaking as the stimulant was inserted in his body. All black again.
The doctor and the nurses put him back to the bed. "What t'hell man!" The doctor forgot Boomhauer was even here. Time to deal with a angry visitor. "What did y'gotdang do man?!" Boomhauer said as he yelled at the doctor. "Well, we needed to try something out. With this stimulant we had, it gave us a response. Your friend here, he would've signed death's contract if we did not insert the substance in" The doctor said.
Dale was bleeding with his collision with the computer. Boomhauer was just baffled! This isn't helping Dale!! Boomhauer stayed in the room just for Dale no matter how disgusting it is. All he wants is Dale to be okay. To see those brown orbs of him to illuminate his day.
Everyone heard the noises outside of the room. What did the doctors do to Dale?! Everyone wanted to see Dale but the doctors prevented them from doing so. "Why the hell not? I'll kick your ass I tell you what!" Hank said as Peggy held him back.
The sight of Dale saddened Boomhauer. Boomhauer went closer to Dale. "Dang ol Gribble I hate what y'did to y'self man." Boomhauer said in a upset tone. "I hate t'dang fact that I didn't help y'man." Boomhauer said, as he felt full of guilt. Hank and the others pushed through the doctors. They were all able to enter the room, but stopped at their tracks when they saw Dale's state.
"Oh god..." Peggy said. "Dad..." Joseph said as he began to tear up and rushed towards him. Nancy stood there having a breakdown. Hank yelled at the doctor for what they did to Dale. Bill sobbed, hoping his friend would be okay. Octavio had a weapon in case someone would sneak up on Dale. The gun club brought in flowers for their president.
"So apparently this gentleman won't stop threatening us, but trust us when we say this, there was no other way." The doctor said as Hank glared at him. "He will he okay. However the capacity of this room is not. Visiting times are over." The doctor said. "I'll kick your ass even harder I tell you what!" Hank said as he was being held back by Peggy. The doctor sighed. "Fine. One can stay." The doctor said as he ran away from the room.
"Dang ol wanna stay. Look after ol Gribble man." Boomhauer said. Everyone looked at eachother and then decided to leave, everyone except Nancy. "Y'gotdang get away. Y'caused this I tell y'what man." Boomhauer said bitterly. Nancy hung her head low as Peggy patted Nancy's back, while glaring at Boomhauer with disapproval.
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