"Oh man..." Dale said as he stopped laughing. He parked his car. "We're here gentlemen!" Dale said as he got out of the car. Boomhauer can't believe Dale knows now, but hearing him laugh was worth it for him. Boomhauer and Joseph followed Dale. "Well well well, if it isn't Dale Gribble!" Johnny Knucklehead said as he patted Dale on the back. "Yes, it is I, your president, ready to shoot some brains out!" Dale said as the rest of the gun club chuckled.
Dale then looked around. "Is Minh not here?" Dale asked. "She's been out ever since the cold got to to her." Phetsy said. "Reminder then, we'll send her a get well card on behalf of the club." Dale said, the others nodded in agreement.
"Oh, i forgot to introduce you guys to our guests of today." Dale said as he went to stand in front of Boomhauer and Joseph. "You know my son Joseph, now he's here to learn about us!" Dale said as he patted Joseph. "Good ol Joseph, you're gonna be a fine addition here!" Phetsy said as he ruffled Joseph's hair. "And that is my friend Boomhauer, and a friend of the women's shoe store." Dale said, stifling his laughter. "A women's shoe store? "Whaddya do there?" Moose asked.
"Dang ol rather not man." Boomhauer said. "I'll tell you, Moose, he goes there to pick up women, but their soles aren't persuaded there!" Dale said laughing. The rest of the gun club began laughing as they patted Boomhauer in the back.
"We've had our fun.. now we shall shoot! Gentlemen, get your guns out!" Dale said as he got his gun out. The gun club cheered as they got their guns out. "Now Joseph, we're sharing my gun together." Dale said as he brought Joseph with him. "what dang gun do I get man?" Boomhauer asked. "Here, a revolter. This gem doesn't get stuck at loading." Dale said. "sounds good man." Boomhauer said, checking the gun. Dale led Joseph and Boomhauer to the targets. "Here son." Dale said as he helped Joseph aim. "Shoot." Dale said. Joseph pulled the trigger. The bullet landed in the center. "Dad! I got it in the middle!" Joseph said happily. "Right you did son! Great job!" Dale said as he patted Joseph on the back.
The gun club along with their guests did practice shooting and listened to Dale's famous flower shop story. Everyone had a good time. The time at the gun club was over. Dale bidded goodbyes to his members. "Hope you guys had fun. That's what we do every day here." Dale said as he started up the truck. "Man, I would love to join the club!" Joseph said. "One day you will soon, and you can take my place as president!" Dale said as he began to drove.
"Really? That's awesome dad!" Joseph said. "Just remember son, biscuits of entrance size will do the trick!" Dale said. "Y' still brag bout that dang flower shop story man." Boomhauer said. "Yeah, after saving your sorry asses from Maddog who wouldn't want to?" Dale said as he took a puff of smoke. Joseph began laughing when Boonhauer looked at Dale wide eyed and then looked away. Dale had a point there, and he's very sure he'll be reminded of that given every chance. After some conversations in the truck, Dale dropped off Joseph at Nancy's.
He saw John Redcorn with Nancy having tea. Dale sighed as he parked over at Boomhauer's. "We're here Boomhauer." Dale said as he got off the truck. Boomhauer saw Dale zoning off. "Wunna cook sum dinner togetha man?" Boomhauer asked Dale as he closed the door of the truck. "Dinner? Together? I'm not opposed to it." Dale said. Boomhauer nodded, unlocking the door of his house. "Sounds good to me, let's see what you have." Dale said as he gave Boomhauer a small smile. Boomhauer felt an odd feeling looking at Dale. It felt good, he wanted to feel like that. He can't exactly pinpoint what it, but yet, he wouldn't mind having it around.
Dale went into the kitchen as Boomhauer followed him. Dale opened the cabinets and saw the contents. "Great, I think we could make some spaghetti and meatballs.." Dale said as he took out everything. Boomhauer liked that. He hadn't had it in some time now.
"sounds good." Boomhauer said. "Alright Boomhauer, you're gonna help me make the meatballs." Dale said as he began to knead the meat. Dale gestured Boomhauer to come closer to him. Boomhauer followed as he saw Dale beginning to form the meat into balls. Boomhauer followed along. "Looks good, but could be better." Dale said as he cracked the eggs in the bowl. Boomhauer felt himself having some fun. "Dang ol they look good t' me." Boomhauer said, approving of himself.
Dale combined water, onion, Parmesan cheese, seasoning, and garlic with the eggs. "Boomhauer, pass me the whisk!" Dale said. Boomhauer tossed the whisk to Dale. Boomhauer went to examine the bowl as Dale mixed the contents. "Alright, now preheat the oven at 375..." Dale said as he read the piece of paper his dad gave him. Dale placed the meatballs on the greased pans. Dale then placed them in the oven for 15 minutes.
"Great! Now that's the meatballs. Boomhauer, you're doing the noodles on your own." Dale said. Boomhauer grabbed the contents that he needed. Boomhauer added the water to the boiling pot. The water started boiling. "That's good, now add the salt." Dale said as he tossed Boomhauer the salt. Boomhauer added the amount which he thought was alright. "Now open the pack of noodles, I'll add the sauce with you." Dale said as he got the sauce and stood near Boomhauer.
Boomhauer opened the pack and put the noodles in. Dale waited for the noodles to be boiled a little, and then added the sauce. "I'll take this out. Thanks for the help Boomhauer." Dale said as he flashed Boomhauer a smile. Boomhauer blushed light pink as he gave a smile in return. "let me check t' time with those meat balls." Boomhauer said. He checked the oven, 7 minutes left. "Guess all there is to do is wait." Dale said as he went towards Boomhauer. This brought them closer as friends, they're cooking together. He hasn't done that with Hank and Bill. Grilling and Cooking? that's two different things!
"I have t'admit, 's nice havin' y'over in t'dang house man." Boomhauer said to Dale. "I'm surprised you haven't kicked me out yet." Dale said. "because of t'dang food man." Boomhauer said as he chuckled. "I can't even thank you enough for everything Boomhauer. You've been constantly there for me, and I dunno how t' repay you n' such." Dale said. "don' hafta do that man. Havin' y'give me company man, more than 'nough." Boomhauer said as he smiled at Dale and patted him on the back. Dale smiled back.
This is a sweet moment for the two of them. Dale felt like with Boomhauer he can share anything with him, and as for Boomhauer, he feels the same. "Thank you Boomhauer, I hope you don't find this weird." Before Boomhauer could question it, Dale hugged him. Boomhauer felt himself warming up, as he felt a smile form on his face. Boomhauer's felt his arms joining the back of Dale's.
"Just don't tell this to anyone or i'm really gonna hafta exterminate you." Dale said. Boomhauer heard him loud and clear as he chuckled. "Lips sealed man. Guaranteed." Boomhauer said.
Dale heard the oven ding. Dale ended the hug. "Boomhauer can you get out the noodles?" Dale said as he got out the meatballs. "Sure man." Boomhauer said as he got the noodles out. They both served each other as they sat on the sofa and turn on a tv show.
"Loo' at us bein' n' great team n' all man!" Boomhauer said as he ate. Boomhauer was busy eating the noodles that he didn't notice Dale staring at him with a smile. "We sure are." Dale said.
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