It's been a few days since the doctors granted Dale to be discharged. He and Joseph spent much more time together, and Nancy kept her distance from Dale, even if it hurt her. Dale and Boomhauer were both at Boomhauer's house watching television together.
Dale is enjoying the show as he's munching on the popcorn. He was glad he's not surrounded by the blinding white items that were in his hospital room. As Dale was occupied, Boomhauer was staring at Dale. He just wants to make everything better for him. Dale found himself chuckling at one scene from the show. Boomhauer smiled at that. "Glad t'see y'better." Boomhauer said. Dale threw a cushion at Boomhauer's face.
"What was that dang ol for?!" Boomhauer asked, confused. "I'm watching a show here Boomhauer." Dale said, his eyes glued to the tv. Boomhauer grabbed the cushion and threw it on Dale's face. Dale looked at Boomhauer. "This means war Boomhauer!" Dale yelled as he took cover. "Dang ol easy there Gribble y'just got outta t'dang hospital!" Boomhauer said.
"That's Shackleford to you!" Dale said as he threw a multiple cushions. Boomhauer just smiled, was Dale really reverting back to himself? Boomhauer decided to play along, as they used to do this before in their childhood.
Before anything could happen, the two were interrupted by some knocking on the door.
Boomhauer opened the door, no one was there. "Dang ol pranksters man." Boomhauer said as he grumbled. Boomhauer locked the door and drank an Alamo. Dale was still in cover, making sure he didn't make a sound. Boomhauer smiled as he grabbed a couple of cushions. He saw Dale's bright red cap. "Dang ol gotcha!" Boomhauer said as he threw a couple of cushions. Boomhauer was shocked to learn that it was a decoy built with a pillow.
Dale threw a couple of pillows at Boomhauer which knocked him down. Dale smirked as helped Boomhauer up. "I see I'm still the best." Dale said as he smiled. Boomhauer smiled back. It's amazing how Dale was able to make a decoy so quick.
This small moment we ruined when they heard Hank's shouting outside. "Dang it Boomhauer and Dale, did you not hear me knocking?" Hank said. "Dang ol went t'open the door but no one was there I tell y'what man." Boomhauer said. "Dang it Bill must've ran. Must've thought pranking would be fun..." Hank said.
"What are you sitting in for? We're going to La Grunta Inn and Hotel!" Hank said. Boomhauer and Dale obeyed as they got out of the house. They hopped in Hank's truck. Bill was already there in the front seat munching on chips. Boomhauer stared at him disappointingly. It was a long ride, but they all finally made it. "Okay, so here's the plan. Me and Bill are sharing a room because I have to babysit him. Boomhauer, you and Dale are sharing a room together." Hank said as he got out of the truck
"I wonder if it's suites or rooms this time." Dale said. "I hope it's dang suites. Dang comfortable I tell y'what man." Boomhauer said as he and Dale got out of the truck. "We're meeting downstairs in an hour, get settled in the rooms. Here is the key."Hank said as he gave the key to Dale and tugged Bill away from the buffet.
"Room 405" Dale said. Boomhauer and Dale found the room. Dale unlocked it and was quite surprised with how good it looked. The room had a nice eggshell paint on the wall. The windows revealed beautiful landscapes. There was a king sized bed for Boomhauer and Dale to share. There was a table that had a basket of fruits for them to have. "This is great I tell y'what man!" Boomhauer said as laid down on the bed. "Yeah... it's quite nice! I'll enjoy that later once I have the relief that there are no cameras hidden from the government in any of these items." Dale said as he began investigating the fruit basket.
Boomhauer pulled Dale back in bed. "Relax man. We have an dang hour t'rest before ol Hank calls us man." Boomhauer said. "Fine." Dale said as he laid next to Boomhauer. "Sike!" Dale yelled as he got out of the bed to check for any cameras hidden. "Dang ol Gribble man.." Boomhauer said as he shook his head
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