Depression feels like drowning. It feels like being pushed in the wrong direction, with out a possibility to turn around. It seems like there is no way, to get away from this shit. It's like being in a tunnel without a light,and every time when you think there's one, it's just a train which is coming towards you. Many people think depression is when you feel sad the whole time, but that's not true. You feel numb and empty. Hopeless, that's a word that you need when you want to describe the feelings of depression. Most of the people who have depressions, have Even deficits. There is a voice in your head, all the time, which tells you, which things you make wrong. It says, that you are not good enough, and that you'll never be. It's like feeling nothing and everything at the same time. You want somebody to discover it, but you try to do everything, that nobody will discover it. Depressions is like living in a body which tries to survive, with a mind that tries to die.
Das ist keine ärztliche Beschreibung, sondern meine eigene Erfahrung. Wenn ihr Fakten haben wollt, müsst ihr euch an wen anderen wenden. Es kann sein, dass sich in diesen Text ein paar Fehler eingeschlichen haben, da mein Englisch noch nicht perfekt ist.
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