Chapter 54 Sam
I woke up, once again being sandwich between naked men and the need to use the washroom badly. My urgency to use the washroom outranked my gentle tactics to get free of heavy limbs. Unfortunately I was still a bit out of it and couldn't figure out which arm and leg went were. Figuring these men would want their body parts intact I growled out my frustrations.
That seemed to do the trick more than trying to physically move them did. Both J.B. and a lion I couldn't remember his name bolted straight up. Now I could figure out why moving was next to impossible. J.B. was a beast of a man. He was pushing twice my bodyweight.
"Unless someone wants to clean up the mess I am about to make one of you need to move so I can use the washroom." For as big as J.B. was it still surprised me just how fast the man could move. It would have been funny if I didn't have to pee so bad.
It wasn't till after I relieved myself and was washing my face that I realized I wasn't home, or at Jack's, or even at Elijah's for that matter. There was too many of the pack and pride around to be in Elijah's care. Looking in the mirror I was pale with huge black circles under my eyes. My hair was sticking up every which way possible and looked liked dried blood in more than half of it. Looking down I noticed why my stomach ached and twitched when I moved. Four bright ugly pink lines ran across my stomach.
Not even close to feeling human I caught a glimpse of a shower at the other end of the huge, very white and bare washroom. Needing to feel clean more then anything at that moment I ignored the raising voices that just entered the room I was sleeping in a few minutes ago and walked right into the 4-man shower.
The first few minutes was all about the cleaning and scrubbing, what I assumed was, blood out of my hair. The rest of the time was for myself. It was amazing what a nice hot shower could do for a body.
It took me about 20 minutes to realize I was still alone in the shower. Don't get me wrong I cherished my alone time but I was also used to Dmitri and Nickoli barging in. I was pretty sure Nickoli would never do that again since we both knew he was not my destined mate. I still wasn't sure about Dmitri. I was pretty sure I felt the same about him even though the pull to the lions grew stronger. If I closed my eyes I could not only feel who was in the house but I could almost see where the lions were. It was like a bright beacon that flashed where they stood. A new found gift? Sure I guess that was a good as name as ever. Anyways, it definitely had its possibilities.
There was a soft knock on the door. One of the wolves. "I'm fine. I'm getting out now." Even to me I sounded snappy. It wasn't fair to take my frustrations out on them. They haven't done anything wrong. I woke up with blood in my hair, a nasty claw mark on my belly and such a strong feeling I was missing something in my life. On top of all that I needed to see Lawrence and Jack. "Where is Lawrence and Jack?" I wrapped the towel around me then opened the door. I wasn't going to push my luck to far. "Shit! Where's Matt? Is he Ok?" I ran passed the men in the glorified hospital room. Was that what I was forgetting? Matt.
"Lawrence!" I called out a little to loud as I busted through the door and was in the main room. "Where the fuck is that..."
"Right here," Lawrence answered from walking in from outside.
"Matt? Where is he? Is he ok?" I attacked him with my words and body. My hands were clenched around his biceps, ignoring the intense pulling from my stomach from moving and stopping to fast.
"I'm fine." His voice was music to my ears. He came in the door right behind Lawrence.
I took a step to go around Lawrence but stopped. I remembered that look. I remembered what I saw in that room. Yes his body may have wanted what was happening but he didn't. In the end it was still the same. I so badly wanted to hug him but I wouldn't. Not till he was ready. Staring at each other for a long few moments, I nodded. "Good." I was not going to hound him with questions. He could see my question on my face. Was he alright? He gave me a nod and that loosened some of the knots in my stomach.
"So does someone want to tell me what the fuck happened?" I took my eyes off Matt and turned to Lawrence. "The last thing I remembered was feeling foggy then everything went black. I think Elijah drugged me." Lawrence and I stared at each other then I remembered how he was before I ran off to meet up with Elijah.
Thankfully Jack broke the silence. "We believe Joseph's father showed up and helped you escape. The rest can wait. First you need to eat and so do the men. You have healed a lot quicker than expected and the men are paying the price."
I was going to fight him on that until I looked around. There were a few people that looked almost as pale as I was. There was so much more to the story but for once I let it drop. Food sounded really good.
I think it was early afternoon when we all sat outside at picnic tables outside of Dr.Bosje place. Things were tense. Only the doctors sat with me. Dmitri stood alone at least a 100 feet away. Nickoli sat with a few of his pride talking among themselves. Whatever happened must have been bad. Matt sat with Mason and it didn't seem like they were talking at all. It was very quiet. Jack and Lawrence finally came outside and headed my way.
"What did I do this time? Please don't say nothing." I said to Jack as he sat down. "Where is Elijah and what do we do now?
"We do nothing," Dmitri came up to the table. "There has been enough death, don't you think?" Dmitri was almost hostile. "You stay in the fucking house and we will let this blow over. We need to protect everyone and we can't do that when you keep on running to save people who are not pack." Oh hostile wasn't even close. He was pissed.
"Dmitri!" Jack rose his voice, "That is enough."
After taking my eyes off Dmitri I looked around to notice that some of the others looked at me with the same hostility and others just turned their heads. They blamed me for everything. I wasn't sure if I felt more betrayed, pissed off, or hurt. Before I could say something I knew, without a doubt, I would regret so I stood up and left.
Still in my towel I decided clothes would be a good idea. Finding my way back to the Doc's glorified emergency room I found a pair of sweats and a shirt on one of the cots. Since no one followed me in I quickly got dressed and walked out the front door. My escape plan was short lived, Lawrence stood by a car with his arms crossed. Seeing me he walked around the car and opened up the passenger side door. Taking the invitation I walked down the stairs and jumped in the car. We left without a word being said.
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