4. At the restaurant
"I guess you'll have to find out when we get to the diner and then you can go and freshen up, " I said knowingly, that they will never figure out what it was.
To Be Continued...
We finally arrived to the restaurant, where we were getting our supper and then drive to the motel next to it. But once again we stopped fifteen minutes before the diner and I got out, went to the boot and got my transforming kit. This time I'm going to be a British Bookworm (Geek).
I put on thick black rimmed round glasses, kept the freckles from my previous disguise but I only added where needed (more on the jaw bone and lower parts of the cheek) and long black hair that matches the glasses frame in a messy bun and I changed once again in the boot into a black sweater with 'Geek' written in white on the front with black skinny jeans and a beanie with 'Whatever' with a pom-pom (get it cause, I am disguised as a Pommie so Pom-Pom, pun intended) and changed my shoes into black sneakers. Once again we decided to record everything.
The restaurant was quite small and cozy looking, not a lot of people in the restaurant. The restaurant was called ' Shelly's '. The motel was called 'The Coliseum'. After Xavier parked the car, I took out my package that I was safely on holding onto since the meeting Mama G with my surprise in it.
" Oh, Xavier, this is for you, " I said smirking evilly and tossed the package to him.
"What did Liz get you, Xavier?" Bella asked.
"Spray Bella! Spray! Seriously Liz, think I stink?" Xavier said, saying he was shocked was the understatement of the century, he was flabbergasted.
"I didn't say you stink, but you smell nice but you would smell better in this," I said with fake innocent, I planned the whole thing on my way here. I am so evil but, hey, at least I can admit!
"But, to be honest, he does smell nice," I thought.
"Pranked you!" after I said that Bella and I bursted into a fit of laughter.
"You...should.....have......seen.....your.....face!" Bella said between breathes from laughing so hard.
"And we got it on the recorder!" I said, fully recovered from my fit.
"I will get you back, Elizabeth Marie McCartney-Winter. I will make sure of it. Game on, Lizzy!" Xavier said in a promising tone.
Another famous yet awesome cliffhanger.
Sorry it's a bit short. So the plan was revealed! What did you guys think what was in the package?B.T.W. the two clues in the last chapter were, when Liz told Gigi she needed food, drink and men's spray and at the very end, Liz said then you can go and freshen up. Please comment to tell!
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