3.In the Petrol Station
The lady in the video is starring as Gigi Colombo(character in the book, you will see her later in the chapter) that lady doesn't take non-sense just like Gigi. Enjoy, vote, comment, share and follow me for more stories.
***In the Petrol Station***
"Shoo, scoot paparazzi! Scoot! I got a customer," an old lady said and came out with a vital weapon to get the paparazzi out of the way and it was commonly called a..... "Walking stick", I know it's AWESOME.
Immediately the paparazzi made way, some even rubbing some parts of their body, apparently some have had felt the lady's wrath. " You paparazzi are fools, what do they teach you at school? They probably are going to the next petrol station but I know for sure that they filled up at the airport and are carrying feul in their boot so they only need to stop when necessary! Now take your fancy pants cameras and go and get out of my petrol station!" the lady said. In a second, all the paparazzi walked to their cars in an orderly fashion, who am I kidding, they all ran like their career was going to be destroyed, I was they were though and all the cars were turned on and went out of sight before you could say goodbye to them.
"Hello dear, welcome to Italy and to my petrol station! How can I help you?" the lady asked politely. "Howdy mam, I'm looking for some men's spray and some food and drink for the road and some petrol for my Wrangler, " I said in my Texas accent and to the untrained ear, you would think I'm from Texas.
"Oh honey, you don't need to have keep up the act, I'm -," the lady said before I city her off.
"Oh my goose, your the great Italian actress and singer Mrs. Gigi Colombo also the one who inspired me, it is a pleasure to meet you, I'm -, " I said before Mrs. Colombo cut me off, once again the table has turned, a few seconds ago I cut off Mrs. Colombo but back to the present, she has now cut me off.
"You're Elizabeth McCartney - Winters. Now, I would like to know, isn't that wig irratting you?" Mrs. Colombo said.
"Yes, indeed it is but I got to keep it on, Mrs Colombo, " I said.
"Please call me Mama G, that is what everyone else calls me over here, " Mama G said. "Better put the accent on, my grandson is here and you don't want him to go fangirl on you, he doesn't even know that I'm the Gigi Colombo. "
"So how do you like Europe so far Beth? " Mama G said.
"I say it gets chilly unlike old Texas but beautiful, " I said in my Texas accent.
Mama G lead me around the shop, while I took the things we needed and we talked freely about everything and anything but each line had a deeper meaning which only us could understand. There was a conversation within deep the conversation. But the only thing is that I spoke with a fake accent and she spoke with her real accent. We swapped numbers and as I entered my number, it asked for my name so I typed in 'Beth' (A/N: Beth comes from ElizaBETH).
After paying for the shopping and petrol, I thanked Mama G and I then went back to the car with the necessaries.
I took out my phone and spoke into the recorder that was still going, "Mission failed and succeeded, paparazzi fell for the trick but Mama G didn't but I have seen my role model so I kinda killed two birds (two goals completed) with one stone (the one fail)," then I stopped the recorder and sent it to the group with Bella and Xavier and also the group that has Mel, Mom and Dad and myself in (I pinky promised that I would take lots of pictures, voice notes and stuff to say I'm still alive and kicking.. a soccer ball, you got to have some soccer in life, somewhere).
Xavier parked the car in front of me which was refueled. I jumped in and closed the door behind me. I checked my phone for any messages from the groups, and there were quite a few.
Family Group particpents: Mel, Mom, Dad & you.
You: Voice note
Mel: That is soo cool you met your role model!
Dad: Travel safe, can't wait to see you!
Mom: Miss you soo much! Can't wait to have you back!
You: I know it was cool. I will travel safe, can't wait see you
and Mel. I miss all three of you! Bye, love you guys.
Got to save my battery.
And with that I switched off my phone.
"Liz, what did you buy? " Bella asked.
"Just the necessity stuff, like food and drink and something for Xavi in the front there, " I said.
"Lizzy, what did you get me?" Xavier said in a low tone.
"I guess you'll have to find out when we get to the restuarant and then you can go and freshen up, " I said knowingly, that they will never figure out what it was.
To Be continued....
Oooo another famous cliffhanger...
Do you know what Liz has got up her sleeve? Tell me on the next chapter when her plan will be revealed. By the way there is two clues in this chapter and I will reveal them in the next chapter.
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