13. El Quim de la Boqueria And Tomatoes
This chapter is dedicated to tiggerbounce03. Thank you a lot at tiggerbounce03! Couldn't have done this chapter without your amazing advice and help! ❤😘👌 tiggerbounce03 I hope you enjoy! To everyone else who is reading, thanks a lot and enjoy!
Liz P.O.V
We hopped into the tank's cage, and Al closed the top half of the tank. We already have all the gear that we need on. Then they started lowering us into the water, deeper and deeper into the water and soon we were fully immersed in water.
It was absolutely beautifully stunning, that there are not enough discriptive adjectives in the dictionary to describe it. The tank was bursting with life, everything looking lively and living.
There were quite a few times, that a shark would come very close to the cage from being inquisitive.
After a while, Al pushed a button which heaved us up out of the water and once we were on the platform, Al gave us two fluffy white towels, like the ones you get from hotels. I put the towel around my shoulders and snuggled into the towel's warmth and went off the platform with Xavier who had his towel around his waist.
Then Bella and Diego went and had their time in the shark cage while Xavier and I went to the changing rooms and changed and by the time we had got out dried and dressed, Bella and Diego had gotten out of the water and were dried but still in their wetsuits talking and laughing with Al.
After we had changed and dried off, Diego said he wanted to get to catch up with all three of us and know us bit better and the best way to do that is to discuss it over dinner at a restaurant.
Diego said he was taking us to La Boqueria which is a food market and they have got restaurants and food stalls and the restaurant we are going to is called El Quim de la Boquería. We are going to follow Diego's car to the restaurant, he's car is a Jeep so it was quite easy to follow him.
We had got to the market, Xavier parked the Mazda and we all jumped out. As soon as we did, my nose was hit with lots of smells, smells of meat, spices and many more.
We started walking in a straight line so we could get through quicker, Diego at the front, Bella behind him, with myself between the Bella and Xavier, how was behind me and at the very back of the line.
Soon enough, we had gotten to El Quim de la Boqueria which had a cosy, comfortable vibe and a vibrant noise coming from all the chatter.
It was a open restaurant were you could see the food been cooked right before your eyes. If you wanted to get a seat, if there were none you'd have to stand behind a chair, if there is a open chair, you better get that chair because open chairs are very rare. So it's booked as always and all four of us are queueing behind a person, at the right end is Diego, then Bella, then Xavier and then at the left sided end is me.
About five minutes later, the people in front had moved off and we were all sitting comfortably in our seats. Al ordered shrimp in garlic and butter sauce, Bella ordered fried eggs and baby squid that comes with bread to soak up the sauce, Xavier ordered croquettes and fried calamari and I ordered fabada asturiana also known as fabada which is a famous Spanish bean stew that comes with bread and for our drinks, we have all ordered coffee. Apparently, based on the reviews on Google Maps and Diego that their coffees are surprisingly delicious.
The service was fast and we had gotten our food in no time. The fabada was so delicious and savoury, it was demolished in no time and the same for everyone else and their food. We talked until our coffees were finished, then Diego paid and we all said our goodbyes to Diego and drove back to the hotel that Bella booked us into.
Back at the hotel, we were all feeling stuffed from the good food we ate at El Quim de la Boqueria and were so tired we went to bed.
The next morning, I woke up early and had put on a white dress, grabbed an red apple from the fruit basket on the table and started eating it. Bella had booked us into a room that had three separate bedrooms, two bathrooms, one kitchen and one dining room. Soon Xavier and Bella were up and were also eating an apple from the basket.
"Why did you put white clothing on our bed, Liz?" Xavier asked who was gesturing to the white T-shirt, white jeans, white socks and the white Nike pair of sneakers that he is wearing, to the white dress I am wearing and to the white dress Bella is wearing, similar to the one I'm wearing but much more simpler compared to mine. Bella said she liked simple designs when I asked her about what she likes in fashion and she said she like simple designs while I complex designs so I ordered from my mom, just to recap she's owns a fashion company and is a fashion designer, two white knee-length dresses, one simple and the other complex and some men's wear and shoes and socks. I had figured that Bella should be the same measurements if not then I will make it tighter or loser because I have done dress making before. Bella's dress is just a white sun dress and mine is a white sun dress that has lacey patterns on the ends and edges.
"You will see," I said suspiciously, trying my best to act innocent.
"Okay, totally not supicious," Xavier said, while I glared at him for his remark, Bella thanked me on behalf on Xavier and herself for the clothing I gave ordered for them.
"It's fine," I said, getting my belongings for the day that I had planned for us and asked," Are you guys ready? Let's go!"
I hopped into the driver's seat and turned on the engine so the Mazda can warm up and put the co-ordinates into the G.P.S. as Bella sat onto the front seat and Xavier in the back of the car.
After one three hours car drive we had reached the place...
"Can you guess where we are?" I asked, getting out of the car. "Somewhere in Europe..." Xavier said, also getting awaywhile I glared at him again.
"We're in Buñol, in Spain and we are going to do the tomato festival also known as La Tomatina !" I said practically screaming out loud.
"Cool! Let's go!" Bella said, stretching her legs and closing the car door.
Soon enough, we were out of the car and listening to the rules of the race. "You may not throw sharp objects or bottles at people. You may not tear or throw your T-shirt or others T-shirts..." the commentator said over the microphone so he could be heard over the loud crowd of about forty thousand people and soon enough La Tomatina was started. I was running away from Xavier and the people with tomato stains already on them so early in the race.
Splat! I looked down at my dress and white sneakers and saw tomato juices running off my shoes and dress and making the lace on my dress red. I looked up and saw the culprit, Xavier, grinning like a mad man.
"I told you I would get you," Xavier said.
"Game on, Russo," I said, picking up a bunch of tomatoes and one by one throwing them at Xavier, at a different part of his body and then when Xavier looked down at the damage I had done to the clothing I had ordered from my mom, I saw the perfect shot to do something so genius, even Einstein would be proud, I aimed and had let go of the tomato and the tomato as I had expected, hit Xavier on his forehead and dripped down onto his nose and some Xavier was red in the face literally.
"Bullseye!" I said as I jumped up in joy. Xavier used his one hand to wipe the tomato of his face and looked at me amused for a second before having this mischievous glint in his eyes and a smirk on his lips which was making me back away because I knew Xavier had a plan
"Come here, Lizzy," Xavier said opening his arms wide as if he wanted a hug. I looked at my white dress that has tomato stains on the edges and looked back up to see Xavier running at me.
I turned around and started running for my dear life, trying not to get bumped into people that have tomatoes or they're stained with tomatoes that are still wet. "I am so happy that I am wearing sneakers," I thought. Why am I trying to keep the dress as white as possible, you ask, because it's a nice dress, some people in the world aren't as privileged so I should be grateful and my mom made it for me, and most of my clothes, I don't just wear once and then throw it away, I wear it till I can't anymore like if it gets to tight, I will send it to a place for the unprivileged or donate it to an organisation or give it to someone who needs it or recycle it.
After a while, I was close to the finishing line, Xavier caught up to me and gave me a bear hug from behind as I was crossing the finishing line.
"Payback is sweet," Xavier said to me while hugging me.
"Let me go or else..." I said to Xavier.
"Or else,what?" he replied back to me, letting go of me but putting his hands on my shoulders with a steady grip.
"Or else," I said, going one step back and did a classical hair flip in Xavier's face while he was about to say so he had got my hair in his mouth but luckily I am wearing a wig and continued sassily" I would've said 'In your face,' but that would be a bit too obvious so I am just saying you should keep your mouth closed," and started walking off.
Bella was done before Xavier and I, so Bella told us on Whatsapp she was sitting at a near by café. I saw Bella and a person chatting with her at the café. As I came closer, I saw it was only Diego.
"I wonder why Diego is here?" I wondered.
"Hi Bella and Diego. Why are you here, Diego?" I said as Xavier came up behind me.
"I am doing work here and in other places, community voluntary work voluntary so don't be surprised, you see me pop up and also researching," Diego said.
"What exactly are you studying?" Bella asked inquisitively.
"Marine biology, I'm also traveling because majority of the best libraries in the world are held in Europe, mostly in universities and monarchs, which is a pity but at least then they're protected," Diego said.
"Those books are always in good condition," Bella said dreamily while Xavier and I grabbed a chair for us and sat down and started talking about everything and anything.
Soon enough, it was time to go home and Diego went his way and we went to our hotel Ignacia to get our luggage and then off we went to the train station, we are getting a over night train so we can get to Paris in the morning and we shall sleep on the train but we've got a locker for luggage. GAY PAREE! (Here we come!)
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Judy Harris
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