"AAH! No fair! I don't have anything to attack back wi-Hahah!"
"Uh uh uh. You're in for it after calling me 'Mister Prosecutie'!"
"That's only because you call me all sorts of nicknames!-haha!"
"Well that's only because they suit you!"
As the minutes ticked on, the two of them eventually grew weary of their upbeat banter, and the prosecutor found his, now weary and withdrawn, boyfriend's exhaustion more than satisfactory enough to repent for his earlier 'nickname-calling'.
"Aah..." Phoenix lay on the bed, staring up into space for a moment. Edgeworth smiled at him from a distance, now standing at the foot of the bed and discreetly edging nearer towards the wooden set of drawers.
"Hey, Edgeworth."
"Hmm?" The prosecutor froze and stared at his boyfriend questioningly due to his serious tone;
"How did that thing get up there?"
"What thing? Where?"
"Up there." Phoenix pointed upwards toward the white area of the ceiling directly above where he was laying. Edgeworth's eyes followed his lover's gaze and met what he was talking about. A small, bright yellow, figurine was stuck to the paint like glue. It appeared to be defying gravity.
"I have no idea. You're sure you can't remember when it could have got up there?"
"Trucy didn't accidentally 'magic' it up there or anything?"
"I don't know... I'm pretty sure she would've told us..." Edgeworth sighed;
"Don't stress it, Hot Stuff. It's only a toy or something. We have more pressing matters to be directing our attention towards." The prosecutor glanced at the drawers again.
"Hot Stuff?" Phoenix spluttered with laughter;
"Besides, what matters could be more pressing than the defacing of my office?"
"Perhaps this should jog your memory.." Edgeworth finally pulled open the top drawer of the item, with urgency, and hastily plucked out a small bottle. Phoenix tensed up;
"What's that...?" His eyes were fixated on the object. He secretly had a good idea of what it was - but decided to play it innocent and pretend he had no clue.
"You really have no recollection of what this is?" Edgeworth practically leapt to the foot of the bed before climbing onto it and towering over his boyfriend. Phoenix gazed up, dazed, as he felt the slight grip on the blankets beside his head where Edgeworth was putting his arms out to support himself. A blush rose on the defence attorney's cheeks as the prosecutor's head came down to his ear and softly whispered;
"I know you aren't that dumb,"
"I don't know about that," Phoenix smiled up at Edgeworth secretively, bringing his arms up and hanging them around his seme's neck. Edgeworth smiled sweetly back, pleased by this simple action.
God, he loved this man.
"Hmm.. Well, I know I'm pretty sure about that. Hey, Ukey-boy. You don't have any more objections, right?" Edgeworth gestured to the defence attorney's lower physique - which was still being clothed in his suit's matching blue trousers and belt. Phoenix replied;
"No; no more objections."
"Good." The prosecutor swiftly moved down the his boyfriend's belt, skilfully undoing it and chucking it off of the side of the bed before masterfully unzipping his trousers and sending them flying, too, with a strange, satisfying elegance.
"Striped, hmm?" Edgeworth chuckled as his eyes rested on Phoenix's boxers - which were, evidently, striped in a pastel shade of blue and white.
"D-Don't make fun of me!" Phoenix protested, trying to hide his lower area with his knees all of a sudden, in a bashful attempt.
"Stop hiding away!" Edgeworth tried to prise Phoenix's legs apart again;
"I'm not making fun of you. Stripes suit you." He smirked knowingly down at his boyfriend (who was staring back up in resignation).
"Are you sure you're not just saying that because they're on my crotch?" The defence attorney retorted, folding his arms protectively over his chest and looking away from his boyfriend.
"Hey hey hey, is someone getting stroppy?" Edgeworth reached out and stroked his boyfriend's cheek apologetically.
"No..." Phoenix scowled up at the prosecutor in indignation as he felt the other man's hand caress his face softly.
"I think you are, if you ask me..."
"N-No... I'm not being stroppy, alright?"
"What did I do wrong, hmm?" Edgeworth leaned in once again and tenderly placed a kiss on his boyfriend's forehead.
"Nothing! You've done nothing wrong, Edgeworth." Phoenix firmly responded, all signs of his earlier upset having been, clearly, oppressed. Edgeworth cocked his head at a jaunty angle before giving in;
"Fine. But tell me if you really want to stop, alright?" Phoenix gave a small laugh. Had his boyfriend not learnt yet?
To Phoenix, after being cornered by Edgeworth, backing out was not an option.
"What's so funny."
"Nothing, sir. Go ahead,"
"Sir?" Phoenix chuckled again and let his arms fall to his sides, feeling the familiar, unpleasant, numbing cold sensation along his arm as his blood began to be dragged down by gravity.
"You're too serious," was all the defence attorney managed to say in response.
"Now look who the stroppy one is!"
"I'm not getting stroppy, Phoenix Wright!"
"Oh yeah?" Now it was Phoenix's turn to smile up confidently.
"And I can prove it!"
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