Ema nodded, and Edgeworth sprinted up towards the stage.
None of the police officers could stop him.
None of his subordinates could stop him.
Heck, not even the kidnapper could stop him at this point.
He was going to get Phoenix, no matter what may be thrown in his way, for that, the prosecutor finally came to realise, was the true power of love. An unstoppable urge, that annoying little nagging feeling you get every morning you wake up alone, that sense of whether you were empty or full, whether you were hungry or satisfied. And, right now, Edgeworth was definitely hungry. Clementine blocked him first when he reached the creaky wooden floorboards of the stage, jumping in front of the kidnapper - who still hadn't made any effort to move. Big-headed fool. As the prosecutor lifted his arm up to block the incoming clumsy, heavy lunge of the 'police-officer's entire body being aimed at him, Edgeworth shouted at Ema and the other back-up officers;
"Well? What are you doing just standing there! Do you want Phoenix back or not?" They reacted almost instantly, with the agility of a cheetah - not that that was a particularly good thing, in many aspects, as cheetahs were usually prone to become exhausted after only a short period of time straining their abilities to be as swift as possible. The prosecutor immediately shut down this train of thought as he pushed the other man off of him with all of his strength, for he assumed that this was not the perfect time to be analysing his abnormal knowledge of animal anatomy. Ema rushed to Edgeworth's aid within a moment, and the rest was a blur.
A scramble, a punch-up... And was that Ema throttling Clementine on the floor?
"You... CORRUPT BUFFOON, you... Lying... Deceptive.... Betraying.. FOOL!" The forensic scientist screeched angrily down at the, now most definitely, ex-police-officer, slapping him repeatedly in utter fury. As he adjusted his cravat from a safe distance and surveyed the area carefully, on the hunt for that damned blonde kidnapper and his beautiful boyfriend, all the prosecutor could think about was how glad he was that he was not in Clementine's place right now. His startlingly grey eyes were instantly drawn to the swarm of police officers, among the vast expanse of other helpers dotted randomly around the rest of the ancient Hall apprehending the rest of the kidnapper's team, circling an area in the corner of the place. He assumed that that was probably where Phoenix was being held, considering the gigantic number of individuals gathering there.
"Ema, I'm going to go and help out in getting my boyfriend back!" The prosecutor called out, raising his voice so that he could be heard above the roaring hubbub of voices echoing within the confines of the Hall;
"Think you can hold out here whilst I'm gone?"
"YES! Go and help save Mr Wright! I'm fine here!" She shouted with a slight hiss at the end of her words, pushing Clementine down again in retaliation as the feeble man struggled to swing another, weak, punch.
"Thank you!" The prosecutor replied, his heart racing as he glided, in a much more elegant and refined manner than the entirety of all of the other officers, towards the commotion in the corner of the room.
"Mr... 'Kidnapper', I presume?" Edgeworth calmly stated as he swaggered up to the crowd, his hands buried in his crimson pockets. The police officers who were circling the fool instantly parted to give way to the profound royalty which was Miles Edgeworth, bowing their heads in acknowledgment of his appearance.
"How perceptive of you to be the only one of these imbeciles to accept the fact that I will not divulge my identity to you all." The prosecutor forced a chuckle;
"That's elementary, my dear Watson." His eyes flickered to the shy defence attorney cowering behind the kidnapper's body, trembling uncontrollably and glancing around nervously, not making eye contact, feeling an uncomfortable twinge in his stomach as he was reminded, once again, of how urgent his boyfriend's situation was. He was right there, an inch away... It was all the prosecutor could do to detain himself and stop himself from suddenly reaching out and tearing his defence attorney away from that despicable man, to pull his defence attorney into a long kiss, to-
"You appear unusually calm." The man smiled knowingly at the prosecutor freakishly, not moving an inch.
"I just know that I'm about to get my precious item back." Edgeworth's hand twitched, however the kidnapper didn't seem to notice.
"Your precious item?" The man shook his head, grinning with gleaming, pearly-white teeth;
"Hear that, Pheenie? You're h-"
"HOW DARE YOU CALL HIM THAT!" The prosecutor's eyes suddenly flashed as they caught the light, and adrenaline began coursing through his veins, making him feel as if he was drunk. He was no longer in control of his body - the desire was too much. It had been welling up inside of him for too long. His wrath - it had to be shown.
Edgeworth's body jerked forwards, hurling himself at the kidnapper.
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