"S-Stop.." Phoenix covered his ears with his bare hands tightly, squeezing his eyes shut automatically although they were already beneath a blindfold.
"He hates you, Phoenix." Somehow, the fact that the kidnapper was now saying his full first name made the whole situation so much worse - the fact that it was now, in the defence attorney's eyes, an echo of Edgeworth's voice from the previous night in which he'd found the kidnapper carrying Phoenix, crying his name out desperately. Or perhaps he'd called his name out angrily? The defence attorney stiffened as he began to ride this new, figurative, train of thought, being jolted suddenly by the van's sudden increasing speed and the loud, orchestral blaring of car horns. Phoenix turned his head sharply towards the driver's seat at the front of the van - which he'd known was to his right due to the various curse words instantly being hurled into the air from it.
"No, no. Don't look over there. Focus on me." The man's cold, bony hand caused Phoenix to flinch at contact as it grasped the defence attorney's chin and brought his face back round to face him.
"Edgeworth hates you, Phooooenix." The kidnapper cooed maliciously;
"S-Stop it..." The defence attorney meekly protested, his voice utterly crushed beneath the arrogance and volume of the other's. Another fit of swearing immediately erupted from the front seats like an overflowing volcano.
"You're nothing. Insignificant."
"P-Please.." The car insecurely lurched forwards, sending the unsuspecting defence attorney flying and falling onto his side upon the floor with his head resting lightly upon the back of the driver's seat, skidding to an abrupt halt accompanied by a large 'crash!'. The kidnapper appeared to be in a good mood, as he chuckled meanly at Phoenix;
"That's why you wear a seatbelt." The defence attorney groaned softly from his place upon the floor with his bound wrists upon his head, his whole body aching and his mind unable to comprehend anything which was going on - becoming incapable of using its other basic senses once vision had been taken away.
"Sod it, you lot." The kidnapper called out angrily to the men 'driving';
"You get a brand new vehicle to drive, and you almost destroy it in one fell swoop!"
"It's not my fault!" One of the men boomed, fuming.
"I don't give a damn who's fault it was! Just keep bloody driving!" The kidnapper practically screamed, rising instantly to help the weak defence attorney up and kneeling beside him, furrowing through Phoenix's silky black hair, searching - frantically - for any kind of mark left from the impact of his head crashing into the seat. The van began to start up again with a low wheeze and sputter of the fatigued engine, speedily racing through the clusters of cars upon the motorway. A few car horns beeped behind them as they went, and Phoenix was sure he could hear a few people shouting in rage at them as the whole vehicle lurched to the left.
"Pheenie, we're heeere." The kidnapper sung exuberantly after finishing his last line full of hatred to a mortified defence attorney who was, after the countless hours of being told how worthless he was, as pale as a sheet of paper and shaking uncontrollably. He felt sick.
"Pheenie, speak up." The despicable man hissed into Phoenix's ear. There was no response.
"Pheenie; I said... SPEAK UP." The kidnapper snarled, reaching out to snatch the attorney's apparently non-existent tie to intimidate Phoenix before realising that he was still bare-chested and hugging himself for warmth.
"M-Mmn.." The defence attorney shivered in response as the van finally, truly, came to a full, juddering halt.
"You lot - get out and set everything up before I think about lowering your payment after earlier." The kidnapper snapped, causing the men to instantly bolt out of either side with a few loud;
'Yes, sir!' and 'Sorry sir!'s.
"Phoenix, we're going out now. It's not a very fancy do, but it shouldn't matter to you since you're blindfolded." The defence attorney only curtly nodded in reply as he was led out, much like an unwilling dog being dragged out on a leash, into a miniature concrete courtyard upon which the gravel beneath their feet growled loudly with every step. They eventually arrived at the humble, narrow building the man had spoken of, and the kidnapper lazily kicked open the dark teal swinging doors, leading the defence attorney, by the hand, into the musty room.
It was a large (ish), and rather disappointingly empty, hall - bar the unseemly wide, severely scuffed, wooden stage immediately opposite anyone entering the place from the main entrance - not that the defence attorney could see any of this, anyway.
"Come on." The kidnapper tugged Phoenix's arm mercilessly, jerking him forwards as he whisked him up onto the stage. After a few moments of silence as the man positioned some sort of tall microphone, the defence attorney finally mustered the courage to speak up;
"Sh-Shir... Wh-Who are mou?"
"What?" The kidnapper turned to Phoenix curiously;
"What did you just say," He repeated calmly.
"Who a-are you..?" The defence attorney repeated, slowly stating the syllables to ensure that the gag did not slur his speech again.
"Who am I?" The man chuckled to himself in amusement, polishing the microphone - for some unknown reason.
"That's a good question."
"I can't tell you my name, Pheenie." The man retorted after a while, deciding to un-gag Phoenix painfully slowly, causing the defence attorney to breathe out sharply as the cloth was removed from his sore lips.
"Th-Then at least t-tell me this..." He gasped out;
"Wh-When does th-this story e-end?"
"Your story? Or mine?" The kidnapper smiled, awaiting an answer which clearly never escaped Phoenix's mouth, and then answered;
"Our story ends soon; but your story in particular? Oh, that's only just begun."
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