Phoenix mewled lightly as Edgeworth bit and sucked at his lips and tongue fiercely - more fiercely than he ever had before. In fact, the defence attorney had never felt so entirely devoured by the man before. Right now, he was being practically savaged by a wild dog with only one incentive - to eat him alive. It made his heart pound irrationally speedily, and Phoenix was sure that, if adrenaline was a drug, he'd certainly be high by now. Eventually Edgeworth reluctantly allowed Phoenix to pull away in order to breathe. The defence attorney gasped for air weakly, wiping his mouth with his bare hand - due to the fact that he had no top on.
"Are you alright?" The man's voice seemed deeper than it had the night before, and Phoenix couldn't help but stare up blankly at the slightly disfigured face above him, a slight blush creeping upon his cheeks as Edgeworth seemed to notice him eyeing his unfamiliar jawline.
"Y-Yes... I-I'm fine," The defence attorney stammered, cowering beneath the sheer size of the man's chest above him, cornering him. Phoenix didn't quite understand why he was so petrified, though. Usually he felt a bit afraid of Edgeworth's antics - however it was usually just plain embarrassment that caused him to blush and stutter so much - but he'd never felt this terrified. Perhaps it was the raw, carnal hunger in his superior's dark grey eyes which seemed to have lost their alluring sheen; perhaps it was the sudden, striking unfamiliarity of the man above him's facial shape and, usually impeccable, features; or perhaps it was the instant, sinking, doubt in Phoenix's mind that he didn't truly love the man above him anymore. Nothing seemed to fit. Normally, the defence attorney would never tire of gazing (or being gazed at) at Edgeworth's beautiful, deceivingly angelic glittering eyes, his alluring yet warm smile... Hell, Phoenix would worship every inch of that man, all the way down to the sudden defined curves of his ankles; however, right now, he found himself begging to be able to look away from the, clearly hungry, animal above him. Like he thought before:
Nothing seemed to fit.
"E-Edgeworth... Wh-Where are we?" The defence attorney licked his dry lips, mustering the courage to speak.
"We're in a basement, Phoenix. But that's not what I'm worried about right now.." Edgeworth's lips quirked into a perverted smirk, stroking his boyfriend's soft pink cheeks lightly.
"Wh-Why are we in a basement, E-Edgeworth..?"
"Shh, Pheenie. Call me Miles," He purred seductively, placing a finger on the defence attorney's lips. Phoenix's eyes widened as he heard the 2 names which he hadn't heard in years slip from Edgeworth's lips.
He meekly cringed as he remembered them, suddenly trembling - especially at the mention of 'Pheenie'. He couldn't help it now. He audibly blurted;
"Wh-Why would you s-say that...?"
"What?" When there was no response, the man forcefully lifted Phoenix's chin, despite seeing the defence attorney's eyes coyly averting his own and him trying to push his head down again weakly, to face him;
"Say what, baby?"
"T-To call you that... A-And to call m-me that..."
"What? Miles and Pheenie? That's what's bothering you? I can't see why. They're endearing names... You know; to show endearment." Edgeworth forced a sickly sweet grin to appear on his face to counter the wary, wide-eyed expression below him.
"N-No... They're not," Phoenix insisted unhappily.
"Why not then, hmm?"
"Y-You've always t-told me not to c-call you that... A-And you promised n-never to call me tha-ah!" Phoenix cried out mid-sentence as Edgeworth suddenly pinned him down to the floor, breathing sharply as adrenaline coursed through his veins.
"Well, now I'm telling you we can both call each other those names. Problem, Pheenie?" With bulging eyes and a trembling body, the defence attorney could only mumble something inaudible as he shuddered at the mention of his past lover's nickname for him. Why would Edgeworth, of all people, have such an instant change of heart over what they should call each other? They'd both had a mutual agreement at the beginning of their relationship that neither of them would call each other those names. Edgeworth would never so much as breathe the name 'Pheenie' on account of its association with that devil, Dahlia, and Phoenix would never mention the name 'Miles' on account of the fact that it was what the man's father used to call him. That's how they both worked beneath their outer shells. For each other's comfort.
"Wh-Why the change of h-heart...?"
"It's not your place to question me." Edgeworth's eyes flickered with a hint of icy-cold impatience which caused Phoenix to shrink back, finally giving in and allowing the cool, damp floor to fully support his fatigued head.
"You seem doubtful," The man's head cocked to the side with amusement and he lowered his head to be a mere half-inch away from his boyfriend's pale face.
"Perhaps I should show you just how endearing those nicknames can be, hmm?" Phoenix licked his dry lips as discreetly as he could, blushing feverishly. Edgeworth's, now slightly less magnificent, grey mountains of hair leant down to tickle the defence attorney's face as he spoke again;
"Say Miles for me," Edgeworth's eyes instantly lit up with raw lust as he seductively purred 'Miles', reaching out to roughly stroke Phoenix's soft, rosy cheeks.
"Just say it."
"B-But, y-you-" The defence attorney suddenly gasped and howled in jolting agony as the grey-haired man slammed his unusually large hand down to collide with his, previously caressed, cheek, colliding with a resounding 'smack!'. Phoenix whimpered as he realised that Edgeworth, kind, loving, gentle Edgeworth, had hit him.
Edgeworth, who'd practically worshipped the defence attorney's body. Edgeworth, who'd hesitate at leaving a small love-bite upon Phoenix's tender skin for fear of marking it forever.
Edgeworth who never had, who'd sworn never to, physically harm his boyfriend in any way had just smacked him for asking a question. Phoenix's eyes widened in fear as he saw the resentment in the man above him's eyes and tried to turn away, however his whole body was still pinned down - there was no hope. His cheek which had been slapped flushing even redder, Phoenix unsurely mumbled;
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