No, this was not possible. Edgeworth clenched his fists in an ugly blizzard of frantic panic and frustration, deep in thought, as Ema Skye accidentally shoved herself past him, eagerly, in order to make her way to the front door. The whole of the Wright Anything Agency was now bustling with members of staff from the local police department, being given a thorough rummage in every nook and cranny. Edgeworth sighed angrily as another, younger, policeman also pushed past him amidst the chaos, eliciting a sharp:
"S-Sorry, sir!" From his lips before he continued with his work. Perhaps the prosecutor shouldn't have been so irritated by everyone. They were all only doing their respective jobs, after all. However, despite this fact, Edgeworth couldn't help but feel a deep resentment towards the avid workers as they ravaged every single drawer, pulling out all of Phoenix's personal belongings and pictures of them together and leaving them in an unorganised, untidy mess upon his desk. They were Phoenix's belongings and, as such, Edgeworth couldn't help but feel that he should be the one touching them, not these absolute strangers. Was he a criminal for standing by and letting them all peer at and examine his boyfriend's belongings? The previously sunny, beautifully bright day had almost instantaneously changed form into an ugly, rainy day with gloomy skies and, as Edgeworth allowed his eyes to rest on the slim window-panes, he couldn't help but feel like the pattering rain was laughing at him, snickering with every harsh smack on the double-glazed glass.
"Phoenix... Where are you..?" Edgeworth muttered to himself worriedly, his brows creasing in concern as he watched everyone around him work their forensic and logical magic. He couldn't quite bring himself to join in, feeling an immense guilt about the fact that he allowed this to happen swelling in his stomach.
As soon as he'd found that bloodstain, he'd felt a sudden nauseous wave of panic wash over him. He knew something wasn't right - instantly. So he'd been in a frenzy for the rest of the morning, repeatedly trying to call Phoenix's cellphone before coming to the realisation that it was still in the office before hurriedly getting dressed in his usual prosecutor's attire and ringing 999. Luckily, he was able to get a speedy response due to the fact that he was on good terms with the leading detective - Gumshoe - and the fact that the forensic scientist (one Ms Skye) knew the defence attorney very well. All of this should have reassured him, he knew, but it somehow just made the prosecutor feel more restless. How had he not noticed the humongous pool or crimson liquid earlier, anyway? The prosecutor sighed aggressively and retreated to the patch of pastel-blue wall beside the inner doorway, leaning on it and surveying everything that was going on around him.
That.... Note.
A lump rose in his throat at the very thought, however he had no clue why. There'd been no visible ink on it, only indents. Only plain, indented, lined paper. Scruffily torn off, plain, indented, lined paper. A group of Ema's underlings were working on it at the lab as he was standing there watching everything unfold around him, and Edgeworth just couldn't shake the feeling of wanting to scream out loud.
Phoenix was lost... Or missing, at least. Why? Where could he be? Edgeworth cursed under his breath shakily; if he'd stayed up rather than falling asleep could this have been avoided? Could he be the cause of this whole affair?
"Mr Edgeworth?"
Had he done anything to upset Phoenix recently? Heck, he hadn't thought Phoenix would have been the type of person to run away due to something he may have said or done... Not that Edgeworth could say much in his defence on that topic, though.
"Mr... Edgeworth?"
The prosecutor tightly shut his eyelids, blocking himself from the world around him, and murmured quietly, desperately, to himself:
"Please don't let it be because of me.. Please, Phoenix... Come back to me..." He repeated this mantra a few times, his voice trembling more and more with every sharply spoken syllable.
"Mr Edgeworth, sir."
"Ah!" The prosecutor's eyes suddenly sprung open and he turned to face the scrawny looking police officer who'd bumped into him earlier's earnest gaze locking with his pupils, and averted his glare away from him as subtly as he could in order to feel more at ease. That man's eyes freaked him out.
"I-uh-came to see how you were faring. They say you were the missing man's boyfriend, right..?" Edgeworth frowned at the man's goofy smile and unashamedly fixated gaze on him.
What was his deal?
Edgeworth cleared his throat;
"What is your name," He stated calmly, without a questioning tone, for Edgeworth, in comparison to this lowly figure, was a godlike, prideful creature.
"Clementine. C-Clementine Persival, sir."
"Clementine..." The prosecutor furrowed his brow, feeling a sudden unplaceable familiarity as he rolled the mixture of sounds upon his tongue. Clementine visibly gulped.
"Shouldn't you be helping everyone else out, Mr Persival, rather than wasting your time on meaningless pursuits?"
"Ah.." The officer chuckled half-heartedly to himself;
"Clementine will do, sir. Besides, they have no place for a lowly wart like me to do proper work here today." Before Edgeworth could retaliate with a witty response, Clementine continued hastily, as if scared of being cut off;
"I'm assigned to watching people work today."
"And why would that be?" The prosecutor folded his arms, irritated by the fact that his personal space had been invaded, thinking about how much he'd rather be thinking about his missing boyfriend than having to deal with this downright simpleton.
"I'm working under Ema," Clementine gestured to the brown-haired female who had set to work dusting every inch of the front door across the room to check for fingerprints, brushing away a curly strand of his own brown hair from his slightly speckled cheeks.
"That's Ms Skye to you," Edgeworth idly retorted, his mind clearly elsewhere.
"Oh, sorry, sir." A pause;
"Hey, so.. Could you tell me more about Phoenix?"
"That's Mr Wright to you."
That caught his attention, alright.
"Sorry. So... What was he like?"
"A thoroughly-" Edgeworth froze, something catching the back of his throat. What gave him the right to speak about his lover to others? Why should they be allowed to share his own beloved opinions and thoughts on his boyfriend? They shouldn't. The prosecutor hissed between his teeth, realising how truly possessive he was over Phoenix all of a sudden. He had no reason to change now - especially in front of a creepy stranger like Clementine.
"A thoroughly what?"
"I have no intentions of divulging any more information about this matter to you. I am required to speak to Ms Skye now." The prosecutor didn't even wait for the officer to respond before striding confidently over to the fully occupied forensic scientist beside the door.
That Clementine man would not pursue him, had he possessed any common sense.
"Ms Skye," Edgeworth said coolly;
"Huh?" She abruptly turned around on her knees, her face scrunched up in a newly formed pout, before recognising the man currently towering above her.
"Please could you stand up for a moment."
"Well-" She glanced at her messily laid out forensics kit before sighing under her breath and deciding to give Edgeworth the benefit of the doubt. He was her old friend's boyfriend, after all.
"Sure," Ema stood up, straightening out her pristine white uniform before plastering a reassuring smile on her face;
"What can I do for you?"
"Sorry to disturb you from your duties.."
"It's no problem, Mr Edgeworth! Besides, this must be hitting you hard. I'm worried too."
"Thank you for your concern." The prosecutor's voice sounded strained as he continued;
"Do you happen to know a Mr Persival?"
"Yup! Sure do. He's that guy over there. The young, curly-haired officer." Edgeworth shuddered;
"Yes, I've had the pleasure of meeting him already..."
"Oh? Well, what's going on with Clementine, then?"
"He is your subordinate, correct?"
"Yes sir! He is most definitely, 100% my subordinate. He's new to the police force, actually."
"How new?"
"As in..." She pouted again, her hand placed on her hip, as she searched her brain to recall the date;
"He joined yesterday?" Edgeworth raised his eyebrows - that would account for his inexperienced attitude, he supposed.
"Yes, although I'm sure he must have applied for the position a while back. You know... For interviews and such. That's all I really know."
"But isn't he supposed to be your subordinate? Surely he should be learning forensics by working with you..."
"He's not into forensics, apparently," Edgeworth tensed all of a sudden;
"What. Then why has he been put with you?" Ema stared into the distance blankly for a moment before replying;
"That's the funny thing. I don't know."
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