A cool breeze flew through the field, causing the cowering defence attorney to shiver, despite the prosecutor's emanating, feverish warmth and welcoming arms locked around his body. The skies were painted in an unusually grim and gloomy shade of grey, as if they were straight out of a sci-fi movie about some sort of radioactive pollution or.. Well, Phoenix didn't exactly know what. All he knew was that he was in Edgeworth's possessive grip in some sort of field. He had no idea when why or how, but they were here, together, and that's what mattered. He buried himself deeper in the prosecutor's stiff arms, shivering uncontrollably all of a sudden, his teeth chattering as he felt a sudden shot of numbing pain shoot up his back. Edgeworth's head snapped upwards from his hair all of a sudden, and one of his rigid arms rose in order for his feverishly hot hand to caress his boyfriend's cheek, allowing his other hand to slowly move down Phoenix's body until it reached his derrière. The grass collectively swayed in another sudden rush of wind.
"E-Edgeworth..." Phoenix meekly mewled, unable to feel any sensation in his lips as Edgeworth crushed their mouths together all of a sudden. Phoenix eventually pulled away with a sharp 'smack' as their lips disconnected, shuddering in the cool air and trembling with fear as he begun to come to the realisation that he was numb and couldn't feel a thing.
"Pheenie," Edgeworth breathed out a cool puff of vapour directly onto the defence attorney's pale, innocent face kinkily as he allowed his tongue to formulate the syllables of his boyfriend's past nickname, smirking with satisfaction as he noticed the shock register.
"Ph-Pheenie?" Phoenix stuttered, blushing uncontrollably.
They had both agreed that Edgeworth would never call him by that name ever since the Dahlia incident, hadn't they?
"Pheenie...." The defence attorney stiffened as he felt Edgeworth's arm reach out and possessively grip his rosy pink tie and felt a chill run up his spine as he finally recognised the manipulative, heartless voice behind the prosecutor's deceivingly lovable face;
"Hi Sweetie, how have you been, hmmmm?" Phoenix's throat suddenly felt dry as the arms he'd willingly been pulled into began to feel like chains pinning him down and depriving him of freedom.
"G-Get away from me..!" The defence attorney abruptly cried out, frantically trying his best to prise her arms off of his body, his eyes widening with fear as he noticed her fake 'Edgeworth masquerade' contorting and changing form, revealing her silky red locks and sugary pink dress.
His heart pounded uncontrollably with terror, sending rushes of adrenaline around his body and tremors across his skin as said adrenaline spurred onward; unfazed.
"Aww. Has my little Pheenie grown up? That just won't do." Her feverishly hot hand reached out and forced itself, past Phoenix's flurry of movements in order to defend himself, underneath her ex-boyfriend's chin - lifting his head and causing him to flush red with well-hidden hurt and anger.
"Stop it! Stop touching me!" Phoenix flinched at her every move, trying to push her arm away so that she'd lose contact with his face.
"That man's been like a poison to you, hasn't he?" Dahlia smiled maliciously;
"Turning you gay and using you like this,"
"Wh-What are you talking about?"
"D-Don't you dare call him that!" Phoenix blurted indignantly, a sudden hint of urgency seeking refuge in his voice.
"Why ever not? Has he got you even obeying rules about his own name?"
"N-N... STOP IT! Don't you dare speak ill of him in that way!" Phoenix helplessly cried, tears welling up in his eyes;
"I see. So he really has got you exactly where he wants you," She quietened her voice complacently, eyeing her ex-boyfriend's every move in order to examine his reactions.
"W-What? You don't know what you're talking about. Me and Edgeworth are in an equal relationship! We respect each other in the exact same way and amount." Dahlia giggled deviously;
"So him sexually abusing and harassing you is a sign of an equal relationship?"
"H-He does not sexually harass me!"
"Really? Or is that what he wants you to think," The girl gestured towards Phoenix's fatigued physique.
"You lose sleep over him, don't you?"
"Huh? Why should you care, anyway? Stop messing with me!" The defence attorney clumsily took a tentative step backwards, almost tripping up on a large, tangled patch of grass.
"Don't you do everything he says, without a thought?" She pressed on hurriedly, her words flowing out of her mouth with such urgency and spite, as if she needed to get this all out of her system before her listener was taken away.
"You're all about evidence, aren't you, Pheenie? Well, how about trying this on for size." Her mouth twisted into a triumphant smile and she placed her hands on her hips cockily as she noticed Phoenix's, visibly trembling, body.
"Earlier on, didn't he push you onto that bed without warning and pull you into this mess again? Didn't he grip you so possessively? Doesn't he do that to you everyday? He's the alpha male here, that's for sure."
"E-Edgeworth's not like that!" Phoenix mumbled in exasperation, his face turning paler by the second.
"Oh, but he is. You're not even allowed to call him by his first name, are you?"
Phoenix fell silent.
"I bet he's seeing someone else in secret," Dahlia's eyes gleamed with a certain thrill. A certain, sickening, thrill.
"You're nothing more than a pawn in one of those chess games he loves!" Dahlia cried;
"You're nothing, Pheenie, and you know it. Who'd ever love you anyway? You're not attractive whatsoever; what with your non-existent appealing appearance and imbecilic, idealistic mindset! A hot-shot prosecutor settle for you? Baloney."
Her ex-boyfriend shivered with a new-found realisation and clutched the side of his arm self-consciously.
"I-I'm not good enough... For Edgeworth..." He murmured quietly to himself, ignoring Dahlia completely by this point. Dahlia, sensing that her work was done by his sudden withdrawal, stood still and watched her ex-boyfriend slowly begin to unravel - with immense satisfaction.
"I'm... Not good enough... For Edgeworth..." Phoenix whimpered.
"I'm n-not good enough for Edgeworth."
"I'm not good enough for Edgeworth."
The defence attorney widened his eyes in shock, horror and upset as he repeated this new mantra, a nauseous feeling rising in the back of his throat. His words grew hollow. The world around him began to spin uncontrollably. He reached out blindly, blundering forwards into nothingness, trying desperately to find something to return to, something to rely on.... Something to trust.
But there was nothing.
Even Dahlia had left his side by now, her sneering image having faded away, and he was only left with his own weak whimpers and helpless pleas to listen to.
He was lost.
He was distraught.
"Edgeworth..." Phoenix wiped away a salty tear, along with an abundance of baby-like sniffling.
"Edgeworth!" The defence attorney examined the empty space in desperation and despair before realising just how alone he really was.
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