"The final step to mastering lawyering is to do the point," Phoenix hesitated before adding;
"You lift your arm like so, and make sure your finger is pointing directly at your opponent." He swiftly lifted his arm into position to demonstrate, a small smile spreading across his lips as he heard a few excited whispers about his famous court antics and signature point - which was usually accompanied by a sharp: 'OBJECTION!'.
"Now it's your turn," He beamed at the class, bringing his arm back down and watching all of the Themis Legal Academy students of class 15T try their best to imitate him, swinging their arms up confidently and softly giggling amongst one another as they saw one or two of their classmates struggle with getting the angle just right. The hall was large enough to fit at least a class which had double the quantity of his own, Phoenix reckoned, with its vast expanse of plainly decorated, pristine white walls and polished wooden floor. Phoenix himself had his feet firmly planted on the stage, which was clearly older than the rest of the room due to the various scuff marks and disfigurations on the wood, and was facing a class of about 30 students which he had been assigned to teach by the head of the school. He'd been so highly praised and, despite being stage-shy, had been unable to refuse in the face of the massive shower of compliments that the school's staff had been pelting down upon him.
"That's all for today, anyway," Phoenix mumbled, staring intensely at his timetable. It was 3:45pm - time to set off and head back home to his office.
"Sir," A female student with silky brown hair spoke up;
"Hmm?" Phoenix's head snapped upward to face her.
"Thanks for teaching us, Sir."
"A-Ahh, it was my pleasure," Phoenix flushed a light pink as he realised he had stuttered yet again. His stuttering had always been a constant source of embarrassment to him due to his boyfriend's constant teasing and being 'turned on' by his bashful nature, resulting in him feeling even more awkward around others.
"Ahem... Um, right everyone...! Class dismissed!" Phoenix called out, smiling, nodding and waving frantically as students thanked him and left. Once he was sure the coast was clear and there was no one else left in the room but himself, the defence attorney hastily delved into his stark blue blazer's right hand pocket and produced his compact phone, squinting slightly at the screen and brushing his one strand of black hair which always fell out of place out of his line of vision. After making sure he could see clearly, he focused on the text;
Sender: Miles Edgeworth
Message: Hey Ukey-boy, how's your class going? I bet you're acing it. Those kids probably didn't expect such a nice teacher! You're coming back to your office at 5:00pm, right? I'm waiting. Text me at the first possible opportunity, alright? You know I get worried sick.
I love you,
Miles xx
Phoenix felt a warm tingling sensation in his chest and smiled. Edgeworth was always so paranoid about knowing where he was and exactly what he was doing all the time, but it was so sweet. Edgeworth was always fussing over him like a mother would over their child, making sure he was ready and had everything with him... But Phoenix did live in an imminent fear of his loving seme. Very often, his boyfriend would get rather too intoxicated with lust for the defence attorney and things would go that little step further than Phoenix would like, filling him with an undesired pleasureful pain. Nevertheless, Phoenix always came running back to Edgeworth eagerly like a lost puppy, full of love which was returned by the prosecutor with his own masses of adoration. Love was a funny thing, and they both were tangled and bound tightly in its tendrils, and neither wanted to escape. They were both on each other's minds 24/7 and that's the way they liked it. Intoxicated by each other. Phoenix quickly responded;
Sender: Phoenix Wright
Recipient: Miles Edgeworth
Message: Hi! Sorry for the late reply - I only just finished teaching. Heheh, it went OKAY... I think they seemed to enjoy it, despite my lack in teaching abilities.. Yeah, I'm probably going to be back around 5 unless anything suddenly changes. I better set off, since it takes an hour for me to cycle from here all the way back! I'll see you soon.
Love you,
Phoenix :)
The defence attorney swiftly slipped the device back into his pocket and walked out of the hall, speeding down the corridor and into the posh reception area, feeling entirely out of place among the ornate decorations and expensive abstract paintings. The woman at the desk smiled openly at him and slumped back into her crimson leather chair, bringing her plain white mug to her lips and taking a generous sip of her coffee as she typed something lazily on the keyboard. For such an uptight, high-standard school the overall attitude and relaxed manner of the students had struck Phoenix more and more as he witnessed even more different people behaving unexpectedly. He couldn't help but find it funny, though, knowing that if Edgeworth had been there he would have been appalled.
"Mr Wright! How good to see you!" Phoenix cried out as he felt a firm hand upon his shoulder from behind him. He turned around to face the source of the disruption of his train of thought.
"Aah! M-Miss Kensby! I'm so sorry for shouting like that..." Phoenix stammered as he realised the woman behind him was none other than the short-figured, auburn haired Miss Kensby - principal of the school. She was wearing a dark brown cardigan over a plain pink top and a long, brown skirt over her knee-length leather boots. Hardly a fashion statement - but then again, she didn't really have to make an effort when she just needed something to wear to come into school.
"Oh, no, no!" She chuckled;
"You needn't worry yourself 'bout that! I shouldn't have snuck up on ya!"
"Ha ha..." Phoenix scratched the back of his neck lightly in embarrassment.
"Well, anyways, good job on the class today! They really enjoy'd it!"
"Oh, really? Heh, thank you. I-It was a pleasure," Phoenix smiled warmly;
"Yes, well, you're always welcome back here at Themis Law Acad'my!"
"Thank you," Phoenix softly repeated, glancing at the door from the corner of his eye in an attempt to hint that he had to be somewhere.
"I'll see yous around, alright? We'll keep in touch!"
"Yes, of course! Have a good day," The defence attorney took a small, sideways step toward the doorway.
"And you!" With that, the woman scuttled away behind the reception desk. Phoenix hastily made his escape and quickly strode out onto the neatly paved pathway leading to the school gates. It was a cloudy, gloomy day and the skies looked like they were about to cry. Phoenix took note of none of this, however, since his mind was on other more important matters.
As he approached the gigantic teal coloured school gates, his eyes instantly flickered to his steel bike which was resting, dejectedly, on the red-bricked wall beside the school. He carefully lifted it away from its sturdy support and slid his leg over the seat, positioning himself. Phoenix had always found the initial effort and 'getting prepared' to ride the bike a real pain, not to mention the aching, throbbing legs after riding the darn thing, but had always found that once you had got it going it was worth it. He loved the feel of the wind whistling past his ears as he glided gracefully past grounded pedestrians, weaving in and out of their way and getting through queues much faster. He loved the feeling of the air rushing towards him as he shot down the streets and speedily arrived at his destinations, feeling the satisfying glory of beating time - even when it was only by a few minutes. He hastily rammed his feet onto the pedals and began to push down with all his strength, powering himself forwards.
Approximately 10 minutes flew by and Phoenix had finally arrived at the humble, slightly worn building of the infamous 'Wright And Co Law Offices'. The defence attorney lifted his leg back up over the seat of his bike and stood, leaning the device of transportation against the, originally white, cream-coloured, textured wall, grimacing as he felt the slight damp coating of the light dusting of rain on the concrete which had briefly been falling as he'd been riding. After he'd completed this simple procedure, he sharply turned and tentatively stepped upwards onto the first step leading toward the dark blue door, many more steps following. As he reached the door, he let out a huge sigh of resignation and frantically searched his pockets in order to find his office key.
Before he'd even had a chance to get hold of the slightly aged object, the door instantly swung open and Phoenix cried out as the sudden rush of air forced him backwards a step.
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