Tracy's POV
Friday rolled around pretty quickly and before i knew it i was getting on my bike to get home. According to the itinerary given to me by Scola for this weekend. Yeah i know an itinerary really Scola.
Anyway we would all hangout at her place starting tonight at around eight where we'd watch movies all night. Saturday we would go to the amusement park in the outskirts of town and Sunday we had shopping and a romantic double dinner date afterwards. Her words not mine.
I haven't even topped the ice cream Sundae yet that was this whole hanging out fiasco thing with sprinkles. So guess what? You guessed wrong. So here is what is making me want to gorge my eyes out. We are spending all weekend sleeping outside and guess who am sharing a tent with. I know you got this one right. Christian freaking Sloane. I know that we were getting along good but this is too much at once for my poor heart.
I'd driven my car today since my bike was in the shop. I needed an upgrade to my turbo and since i knew my dad would never agree i took advantage that he was out of town for the next one week to do that.
I tossed my backpack in my passenger seat and started my car. Before i could reverse out of my spot I got a text. It was from Scola. Better see what she wants now. Maybe skinny dipping had been added to the itinerary. Feel the mental eye roll all the way from here.
❤ Bff❤:Hey bestie. I know this is short notice and you hate short notice but i can't host you guys this weekend my parents are hosting some work friends tonight. And before you get too excited we're still all hanging out.
Me: You just ruined my happy dance. So what's the plan?
❤ Bff❤: Your place is our last resort. Jesse's place is too crowded because of his large family and Christian's place is too formal for this plan. Please don't say no.
Without thinking even twice i replied.
Me: No. Nada. zilch.
❤ Bff❤ :Pretty please with a cherry on top. I know am gonna regret this but we can do whatever you want on Sunday if you agree.
I mulled over my options and decided that it wasn't such a bad idea. Having all of them do what i want is going to be fun. Besides my dad was always nagging me to make new friends and trash the place a little. Food fights with Scola didn't count.
Me: Fine. But all of you owe me two if not three.
Her response was almost immediate.
❤ Bff❤ : Yaah. Ill tell the Jesse who will tell Christian. Ily.
I decided to go shopping for snacks and food since there was barely any left at the house. I hadn't planned any if this or ever hosted people over so this was going to be a huge step for me. But it had to start somewhere right. And besides Scola was always at our house so it was just two new faces no big deal. I tried to console myself. Let's get this over with. I thought as i pulled out of school and drove towards the store for shopping .
I enjoyed shopping for food for me and maybe my mom or dad but not if i had to shop for three extra mouths. I grabbed a cart while groaning on the inside at mentally punching all three. I decided to pick what i would pick for my movie night just multiply it by four. I grabbed energy drinks, bags of chips different flavors, microwavable popcorn, all the fruits i liked. Don't judge, fruits are good and i like fruits.
I also grabbed cans of soda, chocolate for Scola for i was still loaded from Christians apology gift and three huge tubs of ice cream. My cart was full when i pulled up at the cashier to pay. The cashier was young and kept giving me a once over each time he picked and item and it was pissing me off.
"Quit staring at me like that you pervert before i gorge your eyes out with my barehand." i glared at him.
" Sorry miss." he apologized.
He bagged my items quickly, i paid and left quickly before i shoved a whole apple down his throat.
By the time i got home it was about six so i had only to hours before i got company. Enough time to take a shower change and prepare everything. Scola and i usually hang out in the my room but today we were going to hang out in the games room for obvious reasons. It had couches and a huge 54 inch screen TV so we were covered.
I had already set up the tents outside with blankets and fairy lights outside the tents. I hated sleeping with light on my face that's why the light was outside the tents not outside. I couldn't care less what the others thought. My house my rules.
I was making the onion dip for the chips when the doorbell rang. I wiped my hands on a kitchen towel before going to open the door. It was Scola looking adorable in a mickey mouse onesie.
" You have the keys why didn't you just let yourself in ." i almost slam the door in her face.
" I left all my keys in my school locker." i don't believe a word she says.
" Don't give me that look. Look i made fruit sticks. Going healthy for once." she hands me the bowl and my mouth waters immediately.
I'm a sucker for fruits.
" Thank for these. I was just making the dip." she follows me inside the kitchen.
Before i can stop her she licks the spoon i was using to stir.
" That is so gross." i scrunch up my face.
" Don't judge. I love your dip. It doesn't have chunks and..." she's interrupted by the door bell.
" That must be the guys go open the door."i request her.
" Your the host get the door." she says licking the spoon clean. The look i give her is enough to have her scrambling off the stool towards the door.
I finish off the dip and take it to the games room together with the fruit sticks brought by Scola. I ran into Christian by the kitchen door on my way back to get some water.
He looks good in a plain white T-shirt and black sweatpants and hair still wet probably from a recent shower.
" Sorry we are a little late. Practice ran late than expected." he apologized.
" Its okay am just about done. You can put your backpack in one of the bedrooms upstairs while i grab the rest of the snacks."
" Okay. You look sexy by the way." he winks and walks away before i can reply.
It's not like i was going to say anything. I'm not used to direct compliments on my looks. Considering the big flirt that Christian was i had no choice but to get used and soon.
I grabbed the bottles of water and some paper towels before heading back. I found all three of them standing by the door of the games room.
" Are you all vampires that i need to invite you into the threshold" i ask pushing them all in.
I see the perplexed looks on their faces and start second guessing myself. This is why i don't do people. Maybe i did something wrong.
"Is there something wrong?" i asked in a small voice.
" Are you expecting more than the three of us?" that's Jesse.
"No why?"
"This is a lot and i mean a lot for more than just four people." that was Scola.
Some part of me relaxes a little.
" Am sorry. I have never hosted people before so i made a little of everything and may have went overboard. "i say smiling shyly.
I'm never shy. What's going on with me?
"It all looks amazing." Christian compliments eyeing the overflowing table making me smile wider. His comment made me feel better.
If am honest with myself i did go crazy with everything.
There were different kinds of chips, onion dip, home made tomato ground paste, pizza slices, broccoli, carrot sticks and potato strips to name a few. Most importantly there was popcorn, no movie night is complete without.
" You sure can host a party crazy girl." that's Jesse's way of complimenting me.
" I have to work thrice as hard to work off all the weight i will gain this weekend." Christian says.
" Speak for yourself." Scola says with a mouthful of chips. The words come out muffled but we got what she meant.
" Well everyone get comfy. I got all the movie requests you guys texted and since we seem to have different tastes well watch different genres. Ladies choice first, Crazy Rich Asians from Scola. Surprisingly enough me and Christian have similar tastes so we will watch Despicable Me trilogy and both Jurassic world movies requested by Jesse."
"Not fair. Why is there only one movie for me?" Scola whines.
"Well come back around to you if we are awake and we can watch whatever you want for the rest of the night ." i reason with her and she seems to accept it. I know it won't work in her favor because she'll be out by the third movie.
There are four seats in the game room besides the bean bags. Two are arm chairs and the other two are love seats. The arm chairs don't face the television so whoever wants to watch has to either use a bean bag or the love seat. I wasn't a fan of bean bags because it felt as if you keep moving around in them. So tonight i was forced to share a love seat with Christian. See the irony in that statement.
"No funny business or you take the floor." i warned sitting next to Christian on the couch.
" No promises." he smirked and i scowled more.
I clicked on the movie to and picked up a bowl of chips. I scooped some dip into a smaller bowl and put it on my lap. Soon all you could here besides the movie was squeals from Scola groans from Jesse and munching .
It got cold after the second movie and i went to find some blankets. Since luck wasn't on my side i only found two spare blankets. Looks like i had to share. Scola and Jesse were snuggled in tight together and mouthed thank you when i gave them the blanket. Christian grinned mischievously when he saw only one blanket remaining. I gave him a glare but his grin only got wider.
I threw the covers over us and got closer than i was comfortable with.
" I don't bite you know." Christian whispered.
" I know but i do." i smirked and he smiled.
After that we got silent to watch the movie. Despicable me was a favorite of mine and i loved how the last born of the three sisters. She was just so cute but viscous.
Soon i found myself snuggled next to Christian but i couldn't bring myself to pull away. His hand was on my shoulders caressing my bare arm while the other one rested on my knee. I was hot everywhere and i liked it. He didn't make any perverted moves like caress my thighs or try to grab my boobs.
He was a real gentleman and i found myself snuggling closer to his chest.
I don't know if i imagined it but i could have swore he sniffed my hair. Maybe i was just hallucinating from his intoxicating scent. He had a woodsy apple scent that made me almost weep in Joy at how good it was.
"Your not having any snacks." i whispered when i noticed he wasn't having anything.
"Holding you is so much better than any snack i could have." he explained and i realised he was holding me with his right hand.
I picked up a chilli chip and put it in the onion dip before holding it up against his lips. He lifted up his eyebrow in question.
" Just take it." i said harshly. He laughed softly before opening his mouth and took the chip from my fingers with his teeth.
I continued feeding the both of us with snacks and drinks throughout the movie. A few times his lips brushed against my fingers or he licked dip off my fingers. The feeling of his lips or tongue on my fingers was enough to drive me crazy. I couldn't help but wonder what would happen when we got to kiss. His lips were soft and pink and if i was honest with myself, i couldn't wait to kiss Christian.
I can't remember when i dozed off but i can slightly remember the feeling of being carried and lips on my forehead before i was snuggled into a warm body. Euphoria truly was real.
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