P.S I call starving venum Ven now on with the story
As I walk around the halls of Duel academy I pick up the pace glancing around looking for Ven were did that stupid dragon go. I'm gonna kill him- no. wait. Torture yay torture then kill hi- my thoughts get interrupted by a sudden voice asking what I'm dong "nothing Dennis and if I was it's none of your business" I say glancing at him.
"Common Yuri that's no way to treat a friend" Dennis says wrapping his arm around my shoulders I push him off about to respond but he interrupts me saying. "Anyway where's Ven he's usually around you or on you some were" Dennis says placing his hand above his eyes looking around so childish.
"He's not with me right now" I say Dennis looking at me in suprise "what he's not always with me" I say glancing around still looking for him as we turn a corner.
"Are you shur" he says looking at me skeptically "I mean he's never not with you" Dennis stops right in front of me "yuri, you keep looking around the place and are walking extra fast what's wrong, where's Ven" Dennis says placing his hands on my shoulder squeezing them.
"I'm fine " I respond looking away from him "Ven's just somewhere else" at this Dennis graves my face forcing me to look at him I stair at him surprised by the sudden move.
"Yuri, you know I've know you since you started coming here and I've never seen you without him. Don't lie to me" at this he lets go of me turning around "now were have you looked maybe I can help" I stare at him for a few more seconds then respond to his question.
"The garden my room and around the east, north and west specter of the school" Dennis looks at me then smiles why is he smiling
" Yuri you haven't checked with Celina?" what he says sinks in and I look away from him again "let me guess you woke up and he wasn't around then stated to look for him and forgot to check with Celina?" my silence seems to be confirmation for Dennis "common lets go see what there up to" he says as we both start walking towards the girl dormitories
When we arrive I can hear Celina's voice she seem annoyed and flustered wonder why I think as Dennis opens the door and greeting her I on the other hand head strait for Ven picking him up and hugging him "don't ever do that again" I say to the confused dragon.
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