April 12, 2096
It was the first time Lance had been to the Shirogane's house. Since arriving, he relied on Keith to show him around the two story house. It was nice, even nicer than his own house being bigger and more modern with fancy furniture that doesn't have a year's worth of dents and tears from careless children.
Keith has been spending more and more time with the Shirogane's, sometimes interfering with Lance's time with him, which was the reason why he was there. The family were all kind and welcomed him with cheery smiles, talking about how happy they were to 'meet Keith's best friend'.
Keith and Lance were enjoying the nice day on the porch, eating food Mr. Shirogane made. It was good but nothing could compare to mama's cooking. Then the door slid open and Shiro walked out, he was tall and practically the spitting image of his dad except for his copper eyes that his mom wears. From what Keith told him, Shiro was an old soul, selfless and wise, which Lance learned to be true from the moment he formally met him.
"Hey guys," Shiro greeted. "Done with your plates?" They nod and the older boy takes their dirty dishes.
"Thanks Shiro." Lance said. The boy froze and stared at Lance who watched with confusion at the shocked expression that was on Shiro's face.
The boy finally chuckled. "Keith's gotten you calling me that too?" Lance scrunched his face, was that not his name? "My first name is Takashi, but Keith started to call my Shiro because he's lazy." He explained with a smirk towards Keith. Lance thought about it, yeah Shiro Shirogane doesn't sound like an actual name, unless your parents set you up to be teased about it through your entire life. "Oh and Keith, remind me to give you back your book."
Keith scoffed. "So you finally read it all? It took you only a century."
"Not my fault I have more homework than a six grader."
"Not my fault you're an old man."
"That's it!" Shiro then put the dishes down and swept Keith in his arms like the boy weighed nothing. Keith yelled at the attack and cried out when he was hung upside down. Lance watched in amusement as Keith held onto Shiro so he wouldn't fall while he swung back and forth like the old clock in Lance's abuelita's house.
"Shiro! Put me down!" Keith was smiling, laughing as he was swung carelessly about.
"Say that I'm not an old man. Say it!" Shiro shook his arms, making Keith yelp at the sudden jostle.
"Then say so long to your book because Imma burn it." He said it with a teasing smirk, obviously bluffing. Keith had to know this as well but he played along and protested the threat by kicking at the older boy's legs.
Shiro then put Keith down with zero grace and ran into the kitchen, leaving the dirty plates behind. Keith gathered his barings then raced into the house, leaving a helpless Lance who carefully walked into the house.
The Shirogane's were watching Keith attempt to get to Shiro who was leaning against the counter and had his hand pushing at Keith's head. Lance watched as Keith struggled to get to the older boy but it was to no avail. Mr. Shirogane then came from behind and grabbed Keith from under his armpits and lifted him up.
"Help me tame the beast!" He shouted as Keith struggled in his grip.
Shiro grabbed his feet and forced the boy to be still. Mrs. Shirogane then crept up, hands up threateningly. "Here comes the tickle monster!"
"What?!" Keith yelped, "I'm too old for the tickle monster!"
Then she was tickling him, causing him to volt with laughter. "Lance! Come help us destroy the little beast!"
Lance smiled wide and ran over toward the family and went straight to tickling Keith's neck, a spot he found earlier to be his weakest point.
"Traitor!" Keith glared at him as he attempted to cut Lance's hand with his chin. Lance just smirked in response and continued to attack.
He was happy Keith was able to finally find a family that deserves him. And if it meant that Lance wasn't able to see him as often, that's alright with him.
Later that night, Keith brought him onto the roof. It was the first time Lance climbed onto a house, so he struggled with his footing and looked down nervously while Keith instructed him where to go. He was able to sit safely without feeling like he was slipping and was able to relax. He watched with concern as Keith climbed up beside him with far more grace than Lance, and set Lance's bag onto his lap.
Lance began filtering through the Star Wars themed bag and dug out his book of constellations that was gifted to him on Christmas. The book was colourful, words popping out of the pages, all the explanations he could possibly read and pictures to match.
Keith leaned in to get a closer look, the boy's shoulders touching as they excitedly scan the pages that they've looked at so many times before. Lifting his gaze, Lance could see the dark sky that is sprinkled by the stars they were so obsessed with, thin clouds just barely masking away some of the constellations. Somehow the night sky looked even better when on the roof compared to his bedroom window. Something about being closer felt more comforting.
Looking back to his best friend, he took in just how much happier Keith's been from when they first met. He used to be so closed off, which he still was but more free. It was easier to have a conversation that didn't fall flat because Lance would unknowingly mention something that triggered Keith. Now that he's gotten closer to the Shirogane's, he's been even more open.
"The Shirogane's seem really nice." Keith looked up and gave him a small grin.
"Yeah, they are super cool. Shiro has been teaching me about flying spaceships!"
Lance's eyes blew wide. "Wow, no way! He knows how to fly spaceships?"
Keith nodded eagerly. "He's going to school at a place called Galaxy Garrison. They learn about space and planets and get to travel the milky way." Keith watches his own hand as he waved it around like a wave in the ocean, the many friendship bracelets Lance made for him slipping down his arm.
"You mean we can learn about space at NASA?! Veronica told me about NASA. She also taught me that turtles breathe out of their butts." Keith put down his hand which landed into Lance's. They squeezed each other's hand. "Red, your family is so cool. My family are just a bunch of boring business people."
Keith frowned and turned away to look up at the expanse of stars. "They're not my family."
Lance scoffed. "Of course they are! You are only at Pluto's for school and you're either at the Shirogane's or with me. Seems like love to me."
Keith whipped his head at him with a strange rattled look on his face. It must be one of his favorite faces since he always used it so often. "Love?"
Shrugging, Lance closed the book and settled himself into a more comfortable position by crossing his legs. "Family are the ones you love, right? You don't have to be related. My mama told me that when tio Lorenzo adopted mi prima. The one that sucks on her thumb, not the one who eats paper. That reminds me of a time Marco didn't want to do his homework, so-"
Then Lance continued ranting off like always and Keith listened intently. Lance once asked if Keith actually listened to when he ranted, since a lot of his classmates said he was annoying for it. Keith proceeded to frown, ask why anyone would think that and say that he enjoyed listening to Lance. Lance was so surprised by his answer that he started a pillow fight to distract himself with the warm feeling in his stomach.
So, they both laid on the rooftop, hands linked together as they talked about travelling to space together and how it would be so much better landing on another planet than doing homework.
April 23 2096
When Keith arrived at the McClain household, he immediately let himself in, shrugged off his jacket and shoes and headed towards the multiple voices in the kitchen.
"Why do I have to feed the pollos?!" Luis cried out. "I did it yesterday."
Rosa was preparing dinner, stirring something inside a boiling pot. She wacked her son's head with the end of the wooden spoon which earned a shout from the teenager. Rachel and Veronica snickered from the table where they were sitting.
"Basta!" Rosa scolded. "Do your work before your father gets home."
"Keith!" Luis shouts, causing the boy to jump at being seen. The others in the room paid no attention to his sudden and unspoken arrival, all being used to him going in and out of the house. "You do the feeding. You like the chickens right?" Keith nodded slowly and with uncertainty.
"Don't drag poor cute lil' Keith into your work, Luis." Veronica chided, her hair was long and tangled into a messy ponytail.
"Then why don't you do it, Vee?"
Veronica's glasses glinted. "Nice try, not happening. Rachel?"
Rachel shook her head solemnly. "Lo siento, I'm all of the sudden allergic to chickens."
Veronica sighed. "What a shame."
"I'm so sorry for your loss." Keith said, putting a comforting hand on Rachel's shoulder.
Luis looked affronted by this and turned to his mother. "Are you seeing this?!"
"Sí, it looks like Rachel can no longer look after the chicken. Now go, Luis, before they starve to death."
Luis looked between his mother and the other three who were still pretending to be sad as they dramatically clung to each other. Veronica let out an over-the-top sob before Luis stormed outside and towards the chicken coop.
"Yo," Came in Marco, "Did I miss teasing Luis?"
Rachel nodded. "If it comes up, I am suddenly allergic to chickens."
"Got it." He held out a fist and Keith bumped it with his own, a new tradition they've got going on now. "Hey dude, Lance is still at school. Got some type of rehearsal or somethin'."
"I know, I came 'cause I was bored."
"Well it's nice to know you like being around us, hermanito." Rachel elbowed him.
Veronica nodded. "Yeah, you always follow Lance around like a lost puppy."
Keith furrowed his brow and crossed his arms at her teasing smirk. "No I don't."
"It is very cute." Rosa smiled, her cheeks round and soft. "I take many photo to show you both in the future."
"I'm looking so forward to how embarrassing that'll be." Marco laughed.
Keith pouted. "That's not fair. Why am I the one getting embarrassed?"
Rachel shrugged. "Everyone from the McClain family gets embarrassed. It's a part of the job description." Veronica and Marco nodded in agreement, both with eyes distant, most likely remembering the past wrath of their parents.
"As their mother I can confirm this. Don't think just because you're not blood you get out of it." Rosa winked at him before turning the stove off and instructing them to set the table.
They were just finishing setting down the glasses when Luis returned with chicken feathers stuck to his shirt and chicken feed in his nails. He began washing his hand while mumbling about how he'll never raise chickens when he moves out and gets married.
"You're gonna have to find someone to marry you first." Veronica teased and Luis glared at her.
"Finding someone will be easy. She'll be beautiful and we'll have two kids named Sylvio and Nadia."
"Good luck with that." Marco snorted out a laugh and Keith chuckled.
Luis turned to Keith and a mischievous smirk played on his lips. Oh no. "You think that's funny, poor cute lil' Keith?" He then tackled Keith and swung him in the air before setting him down and putting the boy in a headlock.
"Hey! You're gonna break him!" Shouted Lance who bounted from the front door, his papa making his way behind him at a much slower pace.
Lance began punching at Luis' side to which the older boy responded by releasing Keith and lifting Lance up in the air. Lance screeched in his hold, punching him harder to be let go.
"Basta! Boys!" Rosa shouted, which made the two brothers immediately stop and Luis put Lance back into a standing position. "No fighting in the house!"
"Lo siento, mamma." The brothers muttered in union.
Papa McClain walked into the kitchen with a chuckle. "Hola Keith." Then he ruffled the boy's hair which made him grin back up at the tall man. "Let's have dinner, sí?"
Lance ran up to Keith to give him a hug and a bright smile before they all sat down at the dinner table. The family rambled about their day while enjoying a warm bowl of stew, the sun lasting longer in the sky as it gets closer to summer. Soon Keith will be able to spend more time with them once school is done and he was looking forward to every moment.
May 19, 2096
"Lance, pay attention!"
"I am!"
"Okay, then tell me the answer to number seven."
Lance looked down at the math textbook laid open in front of them, a jumble of numbers littering the page in a confusing mess. His eyes tried to focus on number seven, reading the first sentence of the word problem over and over again because really, how can Oswald have so many oranges? They'll all go bad because he can't eat them all like the time Marco bought too many bananas and mama had to bake six banana breads.
"The answer?"
"Oh, right." Lance continued to read over the question but it just made him even more confused and he could feel a headache start to poke at his brain. Why was he so bad at math? Will it always be this difficult because he just can't seem to get any of the information to stick in his brain?
It was not only math, but every other subject besides from the arts and gym class, he always did great in P.E., everybody would fight over him to be on their team. Though when they had to do group projects for everything else, they would get a disappointed frown on their faces.
Lance couldn't help it. The way his mind wanders despite how much he doesn't want it to. There was no way of controlling it.
Keith huffed, slamming the pencil he was twirling in his hand down onto the kitchen table. "Why aren't you getting this?! It's so easy!"
"Well I don't get it! It's your fault you're a terrible teacher!" Lance was frustrated, they were at this for two hours and he just wanted to sleep. Oh no, now his eyes were starting to sting, good job Lance for being an emotional dumb kid.
"I told you what to do a thousand times already, you should know what to do by now!" And now Keith was getting more heated up, his glare deadly and looking down at Lance making the boy's eyes threaten to release a tear.
Please stop. Please don't fall and let him see.
"This is different though! It's a word problem now!" Lance had to look away, he couldn't let Keith see his weakness. Instead, he stared down at the dreaded question seven and tried to focus on the words. Maybe he could get the answer right to show Keith that Lance didn't need him to learn math. He could do this all by himself.
The problem was that he couldn't focus. Now all he could think about was to suck in the salty tears that were beginning to blur his vision and the fear of disappointing Keith. Lance hastily tried to blink away the tears and he sniffed his almost running nose.
"Are you....are you crying?" Keith sounded surprised and worried, a slight panic he always got when somebody showed an overly sad emotion.
"No." His voice betrayed him by wavering and he sniffed involuntarily which meant there was no way Keith was going to believe him.
"I didn't realize how hard this was for you." Keith's voice was quiet and guilty.
Lance wiped his eyes with his fist because there was no point hiding it anymore. "Well, it is."
"I'm sorry I yelled at you. Shiro's been teaching me how patience yields focus but I'm not very good at it."
Lance couldn't help but huff out a light chuckle. "Believe me, I know."
Keith nudged his shoulder and Lance nudged back as he wiped at his red nose.
"How about we try again? You can rewrite the question and break it down so you can read it easier."
Lance quietly nodded and reached for his pencil. Keith then stood up and walked to the counter to come back with a handful of napkins and set them down in front of Lance. The boy thanked him and wiped his eyes clean before blowing his nose.
They shared a small smile and went back to work, Lance rewriting the question and Keith writing down the steps on a separate piece of paper for Lance to look back at. It took one more try before Lance got the answer and they both cheered and high-fived in the most happy way despite doing homework.
They moved on to the last question and did the same process and it only took Lance two attempts for him to get the answer. They celebrated once again with the same amount of enthusiasm and quickly packed up and stashed the homework away in Lance's room so they didn't have to look at it anymore.
Turns out that all you need is a good method that personally works for you to achieve your goal.
The duo decided to spend time on the rooftop, a normal thing for them to do, so much so that the McClains first check the rooftop when searching for them. The climb is easy and practiced, no more fumbling and only complete confidence even with a bag filled with space books and snacks on their backs.
Flipping through the space books they have gathered over the weeks, they sat next to each other in a relaxed slump. Space books were the only books Lance could focus on, there was still some struggle with his mind going into far off places, but Lance likes to think it's because space just does that to him.
After all, the majority of the time when Lance's mind ventures away from Earth's surface, he's flying in the great expanse of space.
And Keith was right there with him.
"Thank you." Lance told Keith.
Keith looked up from his book and their eyes met. The boy chuckled and nudged Lance with his shoulder, "Sure thing, Dandelion boy."
May 24, 2096
Keith was warm under the mass of blankets Mrs.Shirogane plopped onto him when they settled into the couch. She sat right next to him with a bowl of popcorn on her lap for them both to snack on. Mr.Shirogane however did not like popcorn because he was an insane maniac who preferred peanuts, so naturally Mrs.S banned him from the couch so he had to sit in the arm chair.
Mrs.S lasted twenty minutes into the movie until she nudged her husband with her leg and without hesitation he made his way to her side and wrapped her in his arms. It made Keith a bit uncomfortable, sitting right next to a happy married couple very much in love and openly expressing that in simple manners. He felt out of place but then Mr.S used his arm around his wife to nudge Keith and send him a look of accomplishment and Keith felt himself naturally smiling back.
Moving his attention back to the action movie, Keith continued to stuff his face with popcorn, his hand sometimes interfering with Mrs.S which resulted in some hand wars to fight for dominance. Mr. S attempted to grab a handful of popcorn which resulted in his hand getting hit by both parties in the ultimate alliance.
The front door then swung open and Shiro came bouncing into the house with his Galaxy Garrison uniform on, a bright orange that Keith always thought looked stupid. He wore a stupidly giddy smile on his face, eyes lost in dreamland like the character in the movie who's currently talking to the other love interest.
Shiro let his backpack drop at the foyer, a low boom created by the heavy textbooks that he let Keith read sometimes. Keith watched with curiosity as Shiro calmly walked into the living room, grabbed the remote and paused the movie the very moment before the main character was about to murder her lover.
They all stared at Shiro who looked back down at them with a giddy smile. "I have news."
"You got a perfect score on your test?" Mr.S guessed.
Shiro shook his head. "Only ninety-six percent."
"That teacher you hate is retiring?" Mrs.S guessed.
Even the mention of said teacher who he has ranted about a billion times did not falter his smile. "Sadly, no. Iverson is still there."
"They started selling chicken nuggets at the cafeteria?"
"They have responded to my multiple emails and they finally agreed but that's not it."
Mrs.S chuckled. "Then tell us so we can finish the movie. The good part is about to happen." She pointed at the screen which showed the character's dagger held at her lover's throat.
"Okay, so you know how we were given our official flight groups today?"
"You were left by yourself because no one wanted you on their team?"
"Keith...please. Anyway, I was partnered up with Adam!"
Shiro's parents immediately perked up and began clapping their hands with oohs and ahhs. Keith was just confused about who the hell Adam was.
"Is he just as amazing as you dreamed he'd be?" Mrs.S asked leaning forward with excitement.
Shiro nodded enthusiastically. "He's super smart and funny."
"Did you ask him out or what? We've heard you rant about him so many times that your mother began to plan for your wedding."
Shiro looked horrified by this new piece of information and stared at his mother with newfound horror. "You what?!"
The woman just shrugged. "I've only come up with the colour scheme and that the ceremony will be at a secluded park. So did you ask him out or did you get too scared?"
Shiro huffed out a breath and slumped down next to Keith. The couch was only meant for three people so it was a tight squeeze but it helped that Mrs.S had most of her body on her husband. Despite that, Keith was squished and could barely move his arms but the others didn't seem to mind.
"We only just properly met, I wanna do this right. I don't even know if he likes guys."
Keith thought back to his discussion with Lance all those months ago when Lance was ranting about his crush on that girl.
"Does it have to be a girl?" Keith inquired, turning towards Lance.
Lance shrugged. "I don't know. They are who I like."
Keith frowned, obviously not satisfied with the reasoning. "Did you decide that or someone else?"
Lance's smile deterred as he thought for a moment.
"You like dudes?" Keith found himself asking.
Shiro seemed shocked by his question but it quickly melted into a soft smile. "Yeah, I'm gay."
Keith nodded and felt a confusing surge of relief. "Okay, you may continue."
"So did you ask him out or what?! Takashi I'm dying here." Mrs.S exclaimed.
That's when Shiro turned sheepish and his face swelled with a bright flush as he avoided all eye contact. "Um, apparently he didn't remember me from class and so when he asked my name I panicked and told him it was Shiro. A classmate overheard and told everyone to start calling me Shiro now."
There was a pause and then the two supposed adults began cracking up in laughter. Keith tilted his head in confusion, "I don't get it, Shiro is your name oh wait-" Then he realized and he began laughing hysterically. "I'm getting to you so much that you forgot your real name!"
Shiro scowled. "Now everyone is calling me Shiro! Even some teachers got into it!" He then wrapped Keith's head in a headlock and gave him a harsh noogie. Keith flailed and struggled in his hold, letting out a combination of laughter and grunts as the two boys continued to wrestle.
From behind them, there was cheering and then Mr. S shouting, "Keith, tickle your brother's armpits!"
Without thinking of the word choice, Keith did as he was told and aimed for Shiro's armpits to which the other boy responded by curling into himself and pushing Keith away. Keith cheered with triumph but when he looked at Shiro expecting a scowl, he was met with a bright smile.
"You responded to dad calling me your brother." His face was open and excited.
Keith started with disbelief. "No I didn't."
Mrs.S put a hand to his shoulder. "I believe the exact quote was 'Keith, tickle your brother's armpits!" She said in a deep voice to impersonate her husband.
Keith frowned. "But I didn't notice so it doesn't count."
Mr.S grinned wickedly. "Oh but it does. I said it for a reason y'know? My own little experiment and I think it turned out pretty great."
Keith glared at him. "This is why you're Shirogane three."
Shiro, who was beginning to become Shirogane two if he continued grinning like that, laid his arm across Keith's shoulders. "We can call ourselves the Brogane's, it's super catchy."
"Never call us that."
"Us what? The Brogane's?"
"Sure thing fellow Brogane."
"We're not even brothers!"
Shiro's grin softened and there was a small shine of sadness in his eyes but Keith couldn't figure out why. "We don't have to be legally related to be brothers."
"I don't think that's how it works."
"It's true," Mr.S piped up, "My best friend and I are so close we're practically brother's. We even make jokes about it to this day."
"But Shiro is not my best friend, Lance is."
Shiro chuckled. "We're not best friends, we're family."
Keith blinked blankly. "What did I just tell you?"
"And we don't have to be legally a family to be one."
Keith thought back to a past conversation with Rosa McClain, her warm motherly smile as she told him that he was a part of the family. It didn't matter that he wasn't a McClain, they still treated him as a little brother or a son, and that's what made him keep coming back even when Lance wasn't around.
He could have the same thing with the Shirogane's, but for some reason that didn't feel right. There was something missing but Keith couldn't understand why the thought of the Shirogane's being his pretend family was not enough.
"How about we finish the movie," Mrs.S suggested. "I wanna see if she'll actually kill him."
They unpause the movie and find out that yes, she does kill him, and it was pretty gruesome too which made Shiro complain to his parents about letting Keith watch it. They waved him off and gave Keith a wink before turning towards the movie and ignoring their son.
Shiro's arm was still around Keith's shoulders and as the night got darker Keith leaned closer into the warm touch. He wondered what they looked like from an outsider's perspective, if they'd see three members of a family and an outcast kid or would they look like one complete unit? Like it was meant to be that way all along.
After the movie was finished, Keith decided he didn't want to move, he was perfectly content curled into Shiro with his arm linked with Mrs.S. So when she suggested for him to stay the night, he found himself agreeing.
"It's pretty late out anyways. I'll just give Pluto a call to make sure it's okay."
Keith was relieved when she hung up the phone and gave him a bright smile. When he asked how they would ever agree to that, she said that Mrs.Davis answered and Keith automatically understood why. It reminded him that he hadn't talked to her in a while and should do that as soon as he got back.
It was awkward as he got ready for sleep, he never slept over at their house before so he just awkwardly stood as they gathered a clean toothbrush and extra pajamas that fit too big on him. They prepared the guest room, white walls and blue bed sheets with a simple wooden dresser and nightstand. There were no blinds or curtains for the window so the lights from the streetlamps shone into the room in a warm glow.
The three of them watched as he climbed into the bed, it was cold and obviously unused but it was comfortable nonetheless. He settled in then looked at the three who were still just standing there, hovering over his bed like a bunch of creeps as they grinned down at him.
"Um, no offense but can you leave?"
They immediately perked up and started apologizing. Mr.S ruffled Keith's hair, Shiro patted his cheek like a weirdo, and Mrs.S gave him a kiss on his forehead with a whisper of good night before they all left with a quiet shut of the door.
Keith shifted to his side, facing the window, the warm lights from the street shone brighter now that the room's light was off. He could see it even with his eyes closed so he turned to the other side.
The sheets smelled like laundry detergent, a soft floral scent that smelled just like the blankets on the couch and the pajamas he was wearing that used to belong to a younger Shiro.
Even with the comfort of the soft bed and the comforting smell, Keith still couldn't fall asleep. Maybe it was mainly the fact he was sleeping in a foreign place and those stupid lights that he could still see even when he squeezed his eyes shut.
He groaned into the pillow and shifted his limbs around to find a more comfortable position but it didn't work. He kept this up for another hour before ultimately giving up and sat up suddenly. He glared at the room that should be pitch black, but no! He can see very clearly thank you very much.
He got out from underneath the blankets quietly and slowly stood up from the bed, not leaving the room without giving the streetlamps two middle fingers out of pure spite. The door let out a high pitched creek and Keith silently cursed at it for possibly betraying him.
When he didn't hear any noise from the other bedrooms in the hallway, he began creeping forward with his destination being the kitchen for some water. For a moment he thought he was going to get away without being caught but then the bathroom door flung open from across the hall, revealing Shiro in cat printed pajamas.
"Um," Keith started pathetically, attempting to quickly think of an excuse.
The other boy frowned. "Why are you still up?"
"Why are you still up, huh?" Keith asked accusingly because if he crossed his arms and looked angry then maybe Shiro would forget to get an answer out of him.
Shiro gave him an unimpressed look as he leaned against the door frame. "Had to finish homework. Why are you not asleep?"
Keith deflated and let his arms hang lamely at his sides. "The streetlamps are bright."
Shiro winced. "Oh, sorry about that, I totally forgot. You can sleep in my room instead."
Sleep in his bed? As in share the bed with Shiro? Could they even fit, especially with how wide he was?
"How could we fit?"
Shiro seemed confused, tilting his head to the side but realization dawned on his face and he erupted with laughter. "I meant that I'd take the guest room instead but I'm down for sharing my bed if you want."
Keith's face flushed with embarrassment. "Wha- no! I didn't realize- I just automatically assumed-"
"Calm down, Keith." Shiro waved him off. "It's okay, we can fit as long as you're okay with snuggling. Come on."
Before Keith could protest, Shiro dragged him into his room which was littered with posters of space movies and real life astronauts. There were photos attached to his mirror of him and his parents and what Keith guessed were his friends. There was a desk in the corner covered in textbooks, loose papers and highlighters. His bed sheets were crinkled and purple with a single cat plushie sitting by the pillow.
"Why do you have a cat plushie?"
"His name is Roger and protects me from the monsters."
Keith gave him a look and Shiro just laughed with a shrug.
"Mom used to tell me ghost stories whenever I was being bad and I started having really bad nightmares. Dad gave me Roger to "protect me" and I stopped having nightmares."
"But why Roger?"
"I named everything Roger back then. My pet plant, my other pet plant, the bird that used to poop on my window like it was its life mission and my pet rock."
"I'm guessing you never actually had a real pet?"
Shiro shook his head as he closed the blinds completely shut, no light dared to peek through. "Nah, but I don't really mind."
Keith picked up Roger, his fake white fur was rough with stains of multiple colours, his glass eyes were scratched and his whiskers were unnaturally crinkled. "My dad had a pet lizard. There were a lot of them in the desert, always getting inside the house, but there was one that just kept coming back no matter how much dad tried to scare him off. Eventually he gave up, started collecting all the dead bugs around the house to feed him."
"What was his name?" Shiro's voice was a whisper, as if scared he'll ruin the moment.
"Pom Pom." Shiro let out a snort and Keith smiled, eyes still on the stuffed animal. "It was the name of the dog in a cartoon I used to watch. I wonder if he's still alive. Still going to the house even if it's empty."
"Well I hope Pom Pom is doing great."
Keith looked up and the older boy seemed to be glowing. He was probably happy that Keith just opened up to him. Sure it was about his pet lizard but that was still important.
"Me too."
Shiro got into the bed first and with some hesitation Keith followed. It was uncomfortable at first, an eleven year old with an eighteen year old squished into a twin sized bed. They made it work though, Shiro on his side and Keith's shoulder pressed against his chest.
Shiro turned off the lamp, letting the room fall into complete darkness. "Good night lil bro."
Keith smiled. "Good night Brogane."
Falling asleep was easy and when he woke up in the morning, he pretended not to hear Mr. and Mrs. S giggling and shushing each other along with the sounds of pictures being taken.
June 5, 2096
The walk to Pluto Orphanage was easy; simple walkways next to semi-quiet roads and frogs casually hopping to and fro. Many times Lance would stop to pick up the frogs and pet them, gently guiding them away from the road so they won't get squished. He would pass by Mrs.Penny who sold peaches, attracting cars to park on the gravel to buy them.
Lance would say hello to the kind woman every time he walked past and sometimes his mama would give him money for a basket of the sweet fruit or peach jam once they run out. Today, she gave him money for a basket to share with Keith since it was such a hot day outside.
Mrs.Penny lit up once she saw him, her brown hair with silver streaks up in a messy bun and her tanned skin had a shine to it under the blazing sun. "Look it here, I haven't seen ya'll round here in a while little Lance."
The woman was originally from Texas thus she had the accent to show for it. Lance had always been fascinated by her accent, especially when Keith mentioned his dad had one.
"Hi Mrs.Penny! Keith's been going to his parents house more often so we don't hang out as much." It was a sad thing, but Lance was genuinely happy for his best friend who seemed to have really warmed up to the Shirogane's.
Mrs.Penny wiped her hands on her apron. "Good for him! Tell'em to stop by soon, I got a basket of peaches with his name on it."
"I will. Speaking of, can I get one?"
"Sure thing sweet pea." Then she handed over a basket of blushing peaches and Lance handed over the exact change plus a tip. She waved him off as he walked away, holding the peaches close to his chest so they won't fall. He learned that the hard way.
He walked into the beige building, something he used to hesitate to do so long ago. Now he walks in without worry, the workers there only giving him a brief glance and a simple hello as he has now become a common face.
Mrs.Davis came out of a room and right when she saw him she gave him a bright smile. "Hello Lance, it's nice to see you again. Are those Mrs.Penny's peaches?"
Lance nodded.
"I gotta go buy some for myself after work. Keith is in the lunch room so just go ahead."
"Doesn't he usually eat with you?"
"I'm very busy today, got a new sponsorship so I've been running around. Now go on, shoo."
Lance thanked her, admiring how her bright, floral dress moved like waves as she gracefully walked away. The room was filled with kids of different ages and Lance said hello to a few who he's talked to in the past.
Finding Keith was easy because he had a signature looming presence that Lance could easily spot, but this time he was surprised to see him accompanied by two other boys. As he got closer, he noticed the look of disdain on Keith's face that showed up whenever he was annoyed. Not annoyed like when Lance looks over his shoulder whenever he's reading, but annoyed like when they first started hanging out and Keith seemed like he just wanted to run away.
Lance paused and assessed the situation. Observing was Keith's specialty, well kind of, he could still be extremely oblivious but he would observe his surroundings for an exit, for a way to get out of a conversation. So, Lance took in the two boys, one narrow and crooked and the other large and round. They didn't look friendly. Not with the way they were hovering over Keith to make them seem bigger.
"Red!" Lance chimed with a large happy smile, his teeth blindingly bright. "I brought peaches!"
The two boys paused, but their gross smirks grew larger. Keith looked relieved, his annoyance immediately being washed away at the sight of Lance which was probably the best feeling in the world.
"Well, isn't it the boy toy here to save the day." The narrow kid teased.
"Leave him alone Ian." Keith scolded, standing up and leaving his food tray. "Come on Lance, let's go eat outside."
"Don't think just because you got attention from a family it makes you any special Keith." The narrow kid, Ian, went on as they walked away.
"Yeah! You're not special!" The round kid repeated in a nasally voice.
"Just continue walking." Keith mumbled, keeping close to Lance.
Lance nodded, hugging the peaches closer to him, trying his best to get the irritation of these two boy's words out of his chest. But then,
"They're never gonna adopt you!"
Lance broke. He turned around to face the two bullies and gave them the deadliest glare that could rival Keith's. "The Shirogane's love Keith and Keith loves them! They are a family and you should stop being a jealous jerkface!"
Then he swiveled around, grabbed Keith's arm and they quickly retreated past the doors, across the foyer and into the front yard where the Sun comforted them.
Lance's heart was beating, he never stood up to someone like that and it was scary. What if they come back for him and beat him up, that's what bullies do in movies, right? The kids at his school were nice so he never had to tell one off. Should he prepare for a fight? Mama will be disappointed in him if that happens.
"Why'd you do that?"
Lance looked at Keith who seemed confused and worried. Will those two kids bully Keith more now that Lance told them off? Keith told him to just continue walking but he defied his word, so does that mean Keith is mad at him?
"I'm sorry."
"What? Why are you sorry?"
"I didn't continue walking and now they're gonna bully you more."
Keith chuckled which was a rather weird response to this situation. "It was cool that you stood up for me, so I don't care you didn't listen to me. Thanks for the back up even though you didn't need to do that."
"You're really not mad?" Relief settled his stomach from the overwhelming nerves.
"Of course I'm not. I'm actually impressed how you yelled at them. I taught you so well." Keith let out a dramatic and dreamy sigh while fluttering his eyes. Lance laughed and slapped the boy's arm to make him stop.
"I think I've taught you how to be dramatic." Lance wiggled his eyebrows.
Keith chuckled and glanced down at the basket of fresh peaches. "They look so good."
Lance nodded and walked over to the grass to sit on it, Keith following him. "Mrs.Penny said she has a basket just for you." He tossed a peach, the reddest one Lance could find out of the bunch and Keith easily caught it in one hand.
"I'll go tomorrow."
They both bit into the peaches which were so juicy that they had to repeatedly wipe away the liquid from their chins. They were as sweet as candy just like they always were when they are from Mrs.Penny's farm. It was a nice refreshing treat under the hot Sun despite how annoying it was when it stuck to their skin.
"Do they always bully you?" Lance finally asked.
Keith swallowed and wiped at the juice on his face. "They've been like that since I've first got here. At the beginning I got super angry and yelled at them but at one point I just got tired y'know? Ever since I've been hanging out with you they've got more rude because I am actually happy for once."
"Aww, that's so sweet. Not the bullying thing, I meant the happy when you met me."
Keith laughed. "I know what you meant. Anyway, they got even more rude when I started spending time with the Shirogane's and now that I'm barely at Pluto they're angry they can't make fun of me as often."
"Man, those guys are jerks." Lance aggressively bit into his peach for emphasis.
They stayed quiet as they finished their peaches and tossed the pits on the grass.
"Can I tell you somethin'?" Keith asked. He was starting to sweat so he kept on pushing his bangs back which now covered his whole forehead.
"I'm gonna ask them to adopt me."
Lance blinked in shock. "It's about time!" Keith leaned back in shock. "Listen Keith, they've been trying to adopt you for almost a year now. They're gonna be more excited than you!"
Keith huffed, his lips forming into a cute little pout. "How am I supposed to tell'em though? I can't just go up to them and say "Adopt me!" like some weirdo."
Lance scoffed. "Why not? Just barge in there and say," He opened his arms wide, nearly colliding with Keith's face. "Adopt me please and thank you!"
Keith frowned and lowered Lance's arm away from his face. "Shouldn't there be a segway before I do that?"
Lance shrugged. "Why make them wait any longer? I say to just go for it!"
"I'm not doing that." Keith deadpanned.
Lance sat back on his hands and he could feel them stick to the green grass. He watched Keith continue to attempt pushing his hair from his face. The red bracelet Lance made him was still perfectly intact around his wrist and it made him smile. Keith's hair was getting longer by the month, just how Lance planned, but what surprised him was that Keith was still growing it out.
"Why do you still have long hair?"
Keith turned to him like he grew a second head. "You're the one who told me to grow it out."
"Yeah but it obviously annoys you."
Keith shrugged. "Only when I'm sweating, but I actually like it better this way."
"Can I braid it?"
Keith shoved away the hand Lance was already reaching to touch the black locks. "Your fingers are all sticky."
"Your hands are sticky too and you're touching it!"
"Because they are my hands. Yours are different." Keith countered.
"That makes no sense."
Keith took his arm and the basket of fruit in his other hand. He walks closer to the building and sets the peaches safely on a bench. They continue along the side of the building, turning around the corner.
"Where are we going." Lance asked.
"There's a hose over here we can use."
"Won't going to the bathroom be easier?"
"You mean you want there to be a chance we'll bump into Ian and Julien?"
Lance assumed that Ian and Julian were the bullies, so he stayed quiet as Keith led him around another corner. The hose was green and wrapped around a beige hose reel. Keith turned it on and they took turns washing their hands and holding the hose for one another.
Then Keith sprayed him with the water.
The war began.
They both laughed and squealed as they fought for the hose and sprayed each other with the cold water. They ran through the grass and wrestled to get the upper hand. Lance tugged the hose from Keith's grip and pointed the hose upward while putting his thumb over it. The water sprayed in every direction then fell gently in individual water droplets.
"It's like rain." Lance said, head tilted back as he let them both be soaked by the man made rain. After a moment, Lance turned his head and saw Keith staring at him, wide eyed and mouth gaped, the water sending beautiful droplets down his skin and his hair had a blue sheen through it.
"What?" Lance asked.
Keith shook his head. "Nothing." Then he grabbed the hose and sprayed it at Lance's face.
They laid down under the sun to dry off, which didn't take too long considering just how hot it was. Lance laughed when he saw how poofy Keith's hair became and he agreed to let Lance braid it.
Lance always carried hair bands on him for occasions like these, so he sat behind Keith, his legs stretched out on either side of the boy. His hair was soft, with only a few tangles that he raked his fingers through. Taking his time, he let himself relax, redoing the braid even if it was good just so he could continue playing with Keith's hair.
Eventually he had to tie it up since he couldn't keep up the act for much longer. Keith's bangs were out of his face and when he faced him, Lance pulled out some loose strands of hair so they could frame Keith's face. Lance's hands lingered.
"I like your long hair." Lance whispered.
"I know. Thank you for today Dandelion boy."
Lance shoved his face away.
I just wanna say that Mama McClain's English is not so good because it's not her first language and spent majority of her life in Cuba. I based how she speaks by my own experience with Italian immigrant grandparents who don't do well with the English way of making words plural and mixing their native tongue into English dominated sentences.
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