With Eustace pulling them along, the ship reached the destined island just as the sun was slipping into gold on the horizon. The island itself was beautiful. Mountains of green and cliff faces from which waterfalls cascaded down into the sea. The water spray sending up rainbows that glimmered in the early evening light. Otto watched them as the row boats slipped towards the beach. The greenery of the island turning into overgrown dense jungles as they approached.
By the time they had moored the boats and set out, night had fallen over them like a cloak. It was a warm night and the only light came from the silvery moon and the blue glow of the star hanging above them. Caspian and Edmund led the way. Caspian with Peter's lion headed sword and Edmund with one of the swords from the lords. Lucy and Otto were just behind. Edmund had given Lucy another of the lord's swords and the glee on her face made Otto laugh. She had never really had a chance to hold a sword before this adventure and she seemed to be enjoying it. He carried his spear but the third of their found swords hung on his belt.
The beam of Edmund's torch picked out cared stone overgrown with moss and cobbled paths obscured by jungle. There must have been civilisation here once, but they were long gone. The remains of stone structures gave a eerie feeling to the beautiful island. It was a place long forgotten and it felt like they were not supposed to be there, that they were trespassing.
They walked in almost complete silence. Even the fifteen crew members behind them were quiet, just the sound of their footsteps and the calls of distant birds echoing in the quiet as they were drawn deeper into the island. It continued like this until Edmund's torchlight picked out a coppice of trees that had twisted round to form an arch over the path. Otto and Caspian both paused before it. It was all too similar to the arch Aslan had created to send the Pevensie children home last time. Otto had fallen through a gate before by accident, he didn't want to do the same thing twice. Yet when Edmund stepped through, nothing happened. Caspian stepped after him and only then did Otto follow. This arch seemed safe at least.
Beyond the arch was a stone table upon which was laden a feast. Golden plates and platters filled with variety of food stood still next to unlit candles. It was untouched and in pristine condition. It was wrong. One of the crew members, a minotaur stepped forwards with hungry eyes. "Food".
Drinian held out an arm to stop him. "Wait".
Edmund had been advancing down to the end of the table where no golden platters of tempting food stood. That end was overrun by vines and branches. His touch shone over it and Otto gasped in surprise, a sound that was echoed by Lucy. At the sound of shock, Caspian and Drinian drew their swords. Three old men were seated at the table. Their hair and bears dusting the floor and their clothes rags. "That", Otto grimaced. "Is very creepy".
Caspian and Edmund had drawn closer. Capian's sword pointed at the hands of the old men where they rested on the table. The gleam of metal rings shone in the torchlight. "Lord Revillian. Lord Mavemom. And Lord Argoz", he stated as they examined each man.
Lucy had managed to slip round to push the hair out of Lord Argoz's face. Otto squeaked upon seeing that his eyes were open. The lord staring unseeing ahead. Lucy gave a second squeak and jerked back suddenly. "He's breathing", Caspian murmured as he leaned in close.
"This is really creepy", Otto whispered under his breath. "Really fucking creepy".
"They're under some kind of spell", Edmund stated.
"Don't eat the food!" Caspian called. Instantly there was a clatter as the crew all dropped the food. Luckily none of them appeared to have eaten any yet.
"The stone knife", Edmund pointed at something obscured by brambles. "This is Aslan's table".
"Get the sword", Caspian commanded. Instantly Edmund and Lucy pulled the swords from the enchanted men's belts. Otto pulled the one from his own belt and laid if on the table with the others.
"That's six", Edmund said.
"Still missing one", Caspian muttered.
In the light of the blue star, the blades seemed to glow. Otto glanced up and called out. "Look". The blue star was descending through the sky. It's shape changing and reforming as it grew closer. Caspian unsheathed his sword as they stepped past the old men towards the other end of the table where the light was falling. When it reached the ground the light flared then dimmed to a blue glow. A woman was standing there. She was clothed in a flowing white dress and silver gold hair cascaded over her shoulders. Her skin emitted the blue light of the star and when she spoke, it was with a soft echoing voice.
"Travellers of Narnia. Welcome". At once the crew all fell to their knees. The only ones who remained standing was Caspian, Otto and the Pevensie children. The woman smiled and raised her arms. "Arise". The crew rose. "Are you not hungry?" she asked.
"Who are you?" Otto asked instead. She turned her gaze on him and he felt a prickle of unease. She was so classically beautiful that it was disconcerting. He wasn't attracted to women but it felt like an injustice not to be attracted to her. Stars, after all, were things people yearned for.
"I am Liliandil, daughter of the Ramandu", she replied. "I am your guide". She took a few steps round the table. The four of them drifted closer to her, drawn by her presence.
"You are a star", Caspian exclaimed with audible wonder. Liliandril nodded at him with a smile. "You are most beautiful". Otto frowned at the words, then shrugged. He had eyes and she was beautiful. He was not as insecure as to grow jealous over Caspian simply admiring beauty. She was beautiful in the same way art was beautiful. Stars were distant and lovely.
"If it is a distraction for you, I can change form", She stated.
"No!" Edmund objected, slightly too harshly. Lucy, Otto and Caspian all glanced at him. The boy flushed in the gloom. Lucy and Otto shared a look and rolled their eyes at each other with nonverbal understanding. A beautiful woman could distract anyone (Unless you were like Otto, or simply not attracted to anything). He poked Caspian in the ribs pointedly. Caspian started and rubbed at the spot while giving him a sheepish grin over this shoulder. Otto smiled back, amused.
Liliandil had turned her attention back to the group at large. "Please, the food is for you". She raised her arms and the candles burst into life, illuminating the feast before them. "There is enough for all that are welcome at Aslan's table. Always. Help yourselves".
"Wait", Edmund called as the crew reached for the food. "What happened to them?" He gestured at the three corpse-like old men.
"Those poor men were half mad by the time they reached our shores. They were threatening violence upon each other. Violence is forbidden at the table of Aslan, so they were sent to sleep".
"Will they ever wake?" Lucy's face was pale under the blue light.
"When all is put right".
"Seems a bit harsh, being sent to sleep for decades", Otto muttered. "I have definitely fought over food before".
"Remember that time you and Peter fell in that puddle because you were fighting over that sausage roll?" Edmund voiced. Otto and him both laughed at the memory.
"Come", Liliandil interrupted them. She waved an arm. "There is little time". Then she was gliding over the forest floor. Caspian and Otto shared wary looks before following. Lucy and Edmund on their heels.
Liliandil's form shimmered and grew translucent, flickering like a candle as she weaved her way through the trees. She led them up some steps and to a partial destroyed stone balcony that stood on a cliff edge. "The magical, Coriakin, told you of dark island?"
"Yes", Caspian answered as he stepped up beside her. Otto on his other side was they stared out over the view. The sky was orange in the distance with coming dawn, which surprised him. He had not realised the time passing. They had sent all night here. But between them and the sunrise was a black shape of grey and luminous green fog. It seemed to be an island but the green glow coming from it was almost alive. It made goosebumps rise on Otto's arms.
"Before long the evil will be unstoppable".
"Coriakin said to break it's spell, we need seven swords on Aslan's table", Caspian spoke up.
"He speaks the truth". The blue star nodded, her form fading with the dawn.
"But we only found six", Edmund pointed out. "Do you know where the seventh is?"
Liliandil dint answer. Instead she pointed out towards the evil island. "You will need great courage. Now waste no time", she turned to them.
"It was lovely to meet you", Otto smiled at her. "May we meet again one day". She smiled in reply before her form was dissipating and the star was ascending up into the sky. They watched her go as dawn blossomed.
When Otto glanced back, it was to find both Edmund and Caspian staring at him. "What?" He shrugged. "She is not my type but I still have eyes".
Caspian nodded. "Neither is she mine but she was beautiful". He stepped forwards and held out an arm. "Your majesty". Otto laughed and took it.
"Your highness". Caspian grinned and pressed a kiss to Otto's cheek.
"Ewwww", Edmund grumbled sourly.
"Let them be cute", Lucy scowled at her brother. Otto laughed.
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