"What are you talking about?" Caspian asked. He had moved quite a few feet back from the water's edge to inspect the blade but at Edmund's comment, he turned back towards them. Otto had not moved from his spot between Lucy and Edmund. His weight leaning against his spear was he watched the water with narrowed eyes.
Edmund picked up a shell. A wide spiral conch. He knelt down and dipped the tip in the water before quickly dropping it on the bank, watching as the whole thing turned to gold. The light shimmered from it as he held it up. "What are you staring at?" Lucy asked, concern in her voice. There was something in Edmund's gaze that was worrying. A glint in his eyes.
"Whoever has access to this pool could be the most powerful person in the world".
"But Edmund", Otto spoke slowly. "We're already kings of Narnia". Behind him, Caspian and Lucy exchanged looks.
Edmund didn't seem to hear him. He was looking over at Lucy, the light from the water reflecting on his face, voice low. "Lucy, we could be so rich. No one could tell us what to do or who to live with".
"You can't take anything out of narnia Edmund", Caspian stated calmly.
"Says who?"
"I do". The statement was sharp and it cut through any sound.
Edmund turned and picked up his sword. He stood, stepping up towards Caspian, eyes almost unseeing and cold. He didn't look like himself and for a moment, it was easy to see how the ice queen had manipulated him to her side. "I am not your subject".
Caspian smiled, not a happy look, pointedly and his dark eyes harshened. Otto hadn't seen that look on him before, glimpses of it back when they had been fighting Miraz but never like this. He didn't like it. It wasn't the Caspian he knew. "You've been waiting for this, haven't you? To challenge me. You doubt my leadership". The words held a veneer of amusement but there was a threat there.
Edmund got up in Caspian's face. Mouth contorted in a furious line. "You doubt yourself".
"You're a child!"
"And you're a spineless sap!" Lucy reached forward but Edmund shoved her aside. His voice echoing. "I'm tired at playing second fiddle. First it was Peter and now it's you. You know I'm braver than both of you! Why do you get Peter's sword? I deserve a kingdom of my own, I deserve to rule!"
Caspian's tone was low and challenging. "If you think you're so brave. Prove it!" He pushed Edmund sharply at the last word and the boy stepped back, swinging his sword up with a yell. Caspian met the blade with his own and the clang of steel echoed in the cave. Once, twice, then they were reeling back.
Otto smacked their swords apart with his spear. The blades hitting wood with a thud. Caspian blinked at the sound, sword lowering as he turned his attention to Otto. His face falling and eyes widening as his shoulders relaxed and the harshness fled. He took a breath and something returned to his face. "Stop it both of you!" Otto snapped loudly. Lucy stepped forwards, eyes on her brother as she pleaded with him to calm down. Otto focused on Caspian, taking his lover's free hand in his and gripping it tight. Black eyes hesitantly met brown and he watched as Caspian breathed, hand holding tight.
"Look at yourselves", Lucy scolded. "Can't you see what's happening? This place has tempted you. It's bewitching you. This is exactly what Coriakin was talking about". Edmund blinked, suddenly confused. He glanced down at the shell in his hands, seemingly wondering why he was holding it.
Otto smiled at Caspian. "Let's just get out of here", he muttered softly, making sure that he was gentle. The sudden fight had scared him. He hadn't realised how angry they had all been growing until it bubbled over. This could've ended very badly. Caspian blinked at him, giving him an unreadable look before nodded and squeezing his hand. The dark haired man turned and led the way out. Otto walking with him, Lucy on their heels. There was a brief silence before a splash was heard and then Edmund was following them too. All silent as they climbed from the cave. A tension that had been hanging unknowingly between them for days was suddenly too present to go ignored anymore.
Otto wondered how this would affect everything.
They returned to the beach where the men were waiting. Caspian let go of Otto's hand and strode ahead as soon as the boats had come into sight. Otto followed at a more subdued pace, walking with Lucy as Edmund lingered behind them. He was still unsettled by what had happened by the pool of gold. Watching his friend's minds become so easily influenced was scary and he was sure that he would not rest until this quest over and that green mist was gone.
"What food did you find?" Caspian asked as they joined the sailors round the boats. Otto glanced into the baskets and sighed. They were barely full.
"It's volcanic your majesty. Not much grows", one of the men stated apologetically. Caspian sighed but there was nothing much that he could do.
"Where's Eustace?" Lucy asked as she looked around. Everyone was there apart from the small blonde.
"I believe he's out not helping us load up the boats", Reepicheep stated grumpily. Otto picked up a basket and handed it to one of the men while Lucy looked around.
"Eustace!" Her voice echoed over the rocky terrain. Caspian jolted slightly at the sound, he had been gazing into noting with an unreadable look on his face that made Otto worry. When he looked like that, it felt like it widened a gap between them. Three years separated them now and Otto didn't know how to branch it.
Lucy turned to her brother. "Edmund, I've got a bad feeling".
Edmund's shoulders sagged in defeat. "I'll go and look for him".
"I'll come with you", Caspian spoke. Edmund sighed but didn't say anything as Caspian handed the sword they had fished out of the pond to Otto and strode after him. Otto took the blade and he and Lucy watched as the two of them walked away.
"Are things going to be alright between them?" Lucy asked him quietly as the men continued to load the boats. The gentle breeze tugged on Otto's hair and the sun was hot on his neck as he squinted after the two disappearing dark figures.
"I'm sure it will be fine", he replied, though his tone revealed his uncertainty. "I'm more worried about my relationship".
"What do you mean? You and Caspian are perfect?" Lucy gasped. Otto stepped away from the rowboats and she followed, not comfortable taking about his relationship issues around the sailors.
"There is a lot to make up for and time lost", Otto smiled slightly. "But we will get there, I hope".
"You will get there", Lucy nodded encouragingly. He flashed her a warm smile.
"Come on. Let's take the supplies back to the ship. We can leave a boat here for them when they return". He turned and called the orders out to the sailors who obeyed him eagerly. Otto watched with slight surprise, not used to being the one in charge. The boar rocked as they boarded it and pushed it out to sea. It took half an hour for them to row back to the ship and load the supplies up on board. During that time Caspian and Edmund had not reappeared on the beach.
Otto leant over the railing with Lucy and Gael. Drinian looking out over their shoulders as they waited for the two kings. "Where could they be?" He muttered.
Suddenly a sound echoed from the mountains, some piercing shriek that roared over the stone. It made them all jump in surprise. "What was that?" Lucy gasped. Distantly, flames flared up into the sky. The organ and gold bright for one second before they disappeared.
"Was that a volcanic eruption?" Gael asked.
Drinian looked rather pale and he replied in a slow and low voice. "Oh no. That was something else". He turned and stormed down the deck. "Ready on deck! Archers arm yourselves!" The men flew about in a hurry as another screeching roar echoed over the island. Then the creature soared round a cliff and came into sight.
It was a dragon, there was no other name for it. A scaly golden creature with large reptilian wings and sharp claws. Otto gasped as it flew towards them. The wings carrying it faster than it appeared to be moving and it arched in a circle round the ship. "Take up positions and wait for my command!" Drinian's voice echoed over them. The archers all armed with crossbows at the ready fell into rank.
"What's it doing?" Lucy cried as the dragon landed on the mast. The wood creaked and tilted ominously under it's weight and the creature roared. Big blue eyes gazing down at them as the archers raised their weapons.
"Fire! It'll break the mast!" The arrows flew and bounced off hard scales, the dragon slipping off the mast in shock. It's massive wings keeping it from falling as it glided out over the water and back towards the island. The crew all shouting and cheering as it left. Otto watched it flee with sudden dread. Caspian and Edmund were still on the island. He could see two small figures on the shore. The dragon swooped around the snatched one of the figures up, carrying him high into the air. It circled the ship again and Otto caught a glimpse of Edmund hanging from it's claws.
Then the dragon was growing distant as it flew towards the island. Edmund going with it.
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