Through the Roof
The Doctor's POV
The control room was in chaos. Smoke was in the air. Several guards were on the ground. Melody nudged one with her foot. "I think they're dead," she said in a choked voice.
I took a deep breath. "I think we're in the right place," I said.
Through the smoke I could see her dirt smeared face. Gone was the determination. Worry shone in her eyes. Her hair was a tangled mess. "You ready?" she asked.
I chuckled. "For what?"
"To shut down Liliana," she said. I felt her slide her fingers into mine. She was truly scared. "I don't know what she's capable. None of us do. She could try to kill us."
"But she's just a computer program, right?" Clara asked.
Melody shook her head. "She's capable of so much more than a regular computer program. She can enslave people. Even with the 'normal' tracking devices."
"Normal?" Clara repeated.
"There are two kinds of microchips," I said quietly. "One is used to track people. The other..." I swallowed hard. "The other is used to do Liliana's bidding. Only two people had the other-Anastasia and Melody."
"But that's gone, though," Melody said. "Anastasia's dead, and I burned it up in regeneration." She took a deep breath. The smoke had disappeared completely, and I could fully see her face in the blue light. Tears trickled down her face.
"Are we just going to stand here?" Clara asked. She walked forward a little. "Come on."
"She's right," Melody said. She let go of my hand and made her way deeper into the room. Once she got to the line of computers at the end, she gasped. "Oh my God..."
I rushed to her side, Clara following right behind. She had bent down over a body and was brushing his hair away. When she looked up, she looked distressed. And when I saw the face, I knew why.
It was Sebastian.
Clara's POV
"Who's that?" I asked, bending down. "Is he the hacker?"
"That's my b-brother," Melody stuttered. "Sebastian. But why's he here?"
"Is he the hacker, though?" I repeated quietly.
"I wouldn't be surprised," the Doctor said, frowning. "After-what was it? Last summer or the one before?"
"Last summer. I'm eighteen, remember?" Melody said. "And that would be Sebastian. This would be his way of fixing the mess of last summer. Or at least preventing it again. But telling Anastasia to kill herself? You thought that would fix some things?"
She shook her brother's shoulders, then she pulled away. "We need to stop her," she said. "If he can't finish the job..."
She stood up and leaned over the computer. She examined the string of numbers on the screen. The Doctor looked over her shoulder. Melody looked back at him. "I don't know what I'm suppose to do," she whimpered.
The Doctor pulled out his screwdriver and pointed it at the screen. The numbers were changing so quickly it was a blur. Then it stopped. Melody examined the code. "This is way too easy," she muttered. "I feel like there's something missing."
She looked at the code again, then she bent down over the key board and began punching in numbers. Her face showed a mixture of concentration and determination.
Then the room began to tremble. I looked back and forth at Melody and the Doctor. "What's going on?"
"No clue," the Doctor said.
"That better not be the ceiling caving in again," Melody said. She looked worried.
"No, it's not," Liliana said. "Just the building crumbling."
The Doctor and Melody looked at each other. One of the poles in the room fell down, bringing down a lot of the ceiling with it. "Run!" the Doctor screamed, and we bolted for the exit.
Not Melody. She shook her brother's shoulders harder. "Wake up!" she screamed in his ear. He groaned and rolled over. But Melody pulled him up. "We need to leave now!"
The panic in her voice woke him up. He half-stumbled, was half-dragged by Melody to the exit. The Doctor pushed the door shut behind them.
Sebastian's POV
I didn't remember what happened before the explosion. I was knocked unconscious, and the next thing I knew, Melody was shaking me awake, telling me that we had to leave.
I could barely run; I was still recovering from the explosion. But I somehow kept up with Melody and the other two people.
"You can run," Liliana's voice said, filling up the corridor. "But you won't make it out alive."
We spun around the corner. "Where's the TARDIS?" Melody screamed.
"I think you're lost. Oh, dear," Liliana said carelessly.
"We need to stop the building from crumbling," Melody said.
"There's another control room. It's small, but it's still got the same software," I said. J
"I'm pretty entertained right now," Liliana continued. "So much running like a mouse in a maze. But it's getting a little boring. What about Daleks?"
"We need to run," Melody said. "This isn't going to hold up much longer."
I nodded. But we wouldn't get far.
Melody's POV
We hadn't even made it past the first intersection when they came after us. I pulled out another gun and pulled the trigger. And again. And again, until all the Daleks were smoldering wrecks. We pushed passed them and made our way down the corridor. But dust was coming down thick. "Not again," the Doctor muttered.
I paused. I was a good distance from Dad and Clara. I made eye contact with Dad.
And the ceiling fell in.
I fell back, coughing. A barrier prevented Sebastian and I from reaching the others. I could hear Dad calling, "Melody? Sebastian? Melody?"
"I'm alright," I coughed. "Dad, this wasn't an accident. I think she wants us to be separated."
I leaned against the wall. My vision was fuzzy around the edges. I shook my head, trying to clear my sight.
The first to go is your sight. Then your sanity. And your memory. Then, eventually, it turns your whole immune system against itself and you. It's an autoimmune disease. That is, if you don't kill yourself...first."
Those were Caroline's words, when she told us about the effects of the virus. I called through the blockage, "Dad, Clara?"
"I have a question. How's your eyesight?"
I could tell they both thought the question was strange. "Um...fine? Why?"
"Because the virus. The first sign is blindness. So, it isn't blurry around the edges?" I asked.
"Yes, Melody," Dad said. "Why are you bringing this up now?"
"I think the virus is working quicker on me," I said quietly.
Dad was silent. Then he said, "We need to work quickly. Sebastian, Melody, can either of you contact Melissa or Jasmine?"
Sebastian shook his head. "I can only get in contact with people with the special microchip-that is to say, no one."
"And I don't have my phone," I mumbled. "Wait. Clara-you have a phone on you, right?"
"Um, yeah," she said. "But I don't know any of their numbers."
I quickly gave Clara the number for the mansion. I found a decent hole-just big enough for a phone to fit through-and peered through it. She had the phone to her ear and was pacing back and forth. "Cara," I said quickly, "give the phone to me through this hole. I promise I will return it to you, just-let me borrow it for the time being, all right?"
She pushed the phone through the hole and I grabbed it, pressing it against my ear. It was ringing, then I heard Jasmine, "Hello?"
"Hi! Any news about medicine for us? Because I'm starting to feel the effects of the virus. I think. Or it's this damn concussion," I said quickly. Now that all the running around and collapsing buildings had stopped for the moment, it was starting to come back to me.
"Give me a second," Jasmine said. I could hear her call for Melissa.
"Melody? What's wrong?" Melissa asked worriedly.
"Concussion, side effects of having the deadliest disease ever...I wonder why I'm the only one feeling the effects, though. Dad and Clara aren't feeling anything." As I said it, it sounded strange to me. "Do you think it's because I'm technically three aliens in one?"
"I think maybe the human is feeling the effects, Melody," Melissa said.
"Clara's human," I said quietly. "Could it be the were-cat?"
"That would be very bad," she responded. "Look, do me a favour- destroy Liliana, get the hell out of there, and get home. You hear me?"
"Ay, Captain," I said. "Look, I've gotta go."
I pressed the end button and looked through the hole again and found Dad staring back through it. "Melody, we're gonna go find the TARDIS. You shut down Liliana, get out of here."
"I agree," I said, grabbing Sebastian's arm. "And I think I know how to do it."
I broke into a run, dragging Sebastian with me.
The Doctor's POV
"I really do not like this at all," I said, leaning back from the hole.
"Oh, my poor Doctor," Liliana said. "Are you scared?"
"Scared? Oh, not at all. Just worried. About my daughter. And that a psychopathic computer program might kill her. It's called being a father."
"Is it because of your other children, too? What about your granddaughter? What happened to her?" Liliana asked.
"Shut. Up," I said through gritted teeth.
Liliana was silent for a moment, then she said, "Nah. Too boring."
I ignored this and got to my feet. "Let's find the TARDIS," I muttered to Clara.
"That's a good idea," Liliana said. But she didn't sound sarcastic or like herself, really.
"How could they have hacked on so quickly?" Clara said, looking around.
"I downloaded the information about the program before the control room was bombed," she said. No-that was definitely Sebastian.
I just nodded and burst into a run, leaping over piles of rubble and bodies. I tried not to think about that last bit.
We turned a corner and saw the TARDIS. I ran up to the old girl and jammed the key into the lock. I held the door for Clara and fumbled with the phone with the other. It took a couple tries, but I got Clara's number dialed.
"Melody! Oh, thank God, you're not dead!" I said when she picked up.
"I'm so glad you made it back to the TARDIS. Listen, get the TARDIS out of here," she said breathlessly.
"Why?" I asked.
"We're gonna blow the joint. Literally."
"Melody, I don't think-" I began, but the busy tone cut me off. I hung up and ran to the console, throwing my coat over the railing. I ran around the console, urging the TARDIS to bring us away.
Sebastian's POV
Melody looked down the hallway. At the end, a door glimmered. "I think that's the exit," she said. All of a sudden, we heard footsteps. It wasn't long before we saw the guards. Melody and I glanced at each other.
Then I pressed the button to set off the bombs and threw the software at the guards.
The guards lifted up their guns and began to fire as we turned and ran, Melody clutching my arm. She was completely unsteady on her feet.
The door was so close. There was a small window set on the door, showing the outdoors. I urged my feet to go faster, faster...
We burst out into the fresh, cold night air. It was pitch black out, but I could just barely make out the outlines of trees and-what was that box? That was the TARDIS, wasn't it?
I dragged Melody with me, but we couldn't put enough distance between us and the building. I was lifted off my feet and landed a couple feet away. I felt heat beyond my imagination. Ignoring the pain, I rolled over, grunting. "Melody? Melody, where are you?"
I heard her groaning beside me. I pushed myself to my feet, ignoring the pain in my ankle, and lifted her up. I ran with her in my arms until we reached the TARDIS as the door flew open. I managed to make it through the door before collapsing, Melody tumbling out of my arms. I wanted to sleep so badly, but I forced myself to stand. The Doctor was bent over Melody, checking her pulse. "Is she alright?" I managed to say.
He nodded. "I think she passed out."
"I don't blame her," I said, leaning against the railing, then collapsing to my knees as my vision went black.
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