Professor Kakos
Melody's POV
I looked up as I heard a familiar noise. I quickly scrambled to my feet and pressed my face against the bars, watching as the TARDIS materialized. Dad and Emily stepped out, but I shook my head. "It's a trap. This place is built on people's fears and uses them to trap them. Like me." I pointed at the ceiling. "I fell-"
"We know," Emily said. "You fell through the lake. We watched. Well, the Doctor did, actually."
"And you didn't do anything?" I asked him.
He shook his head. "Well, there wasn't much I could've done. Just watching, then you fell-surprised me a bit. Not to mention you went into water willingly. Let's just point that out a bit, shall we?"
"I had a theory that using my fears would get me out of the Labyrinth. And it did-and now I'm stuck in a cell."
"And indeed you are," said a familiar male voice. We all turned our heads towards the voice. A man with sleek blonde hair was walking towards us, fixing his tie as he went. "Melody Jane Piper. Emily Katherine June. The Doctor. So pleasant to see you. You know, you're not as...idiotic as some of the other people."
"You are talking to a Time Lord-were-cat hybrid here. And her Time Lord father," I pointed out. "Just an FYI."
"Silence!" the man snapped. Then he chuckled and shook his head. "Where are my manners? My name is Professor Kakos."
"That sounds like a brand of anti-grease soap," Emily said. Professor Kakos glared at her, but continued speaking as if he hadn't heard her. "My Labyrinth is an experiment. To see how long people can face their fears before giving in. Most-if not all-die in the process."
"That's pretty sick," I said.
"Isn't it? But humans are known for their stupidity," Professor Kakos shook his head. Emily hissed, but Professor Kakos waved a hand at her. "Now, now, Emily, I wasn't trying to be insulting."
"You're human too, though. Aren't you?" I asked.
Professor Kakos pressed a finger on his lips. "I'll let you think about that." With that, he left, leaving Dad, Emily, and I pondering about what he just said.
The Doctor's POV
"Hey, Dad, can you do me a favour and get me out of this cell?" Melody asked me. I jumped a bit and turned to her. "Oh, yeah. Sorry about that." I quickly soniced her out of the cell. "Hang on a sec. I want to check something out."
I stepped inside the cell and stared at the ceiling. It was made of stone. I reached down and picked a small rock. I chucked it at the ceiling and watched as the ceiling rippled as if I had chucked the stone into water. "Chameleon one-way force field," I muttered. "One side looks like water, the other, stone. Water can't fall through, but something heavy, like Melody, can."
"I really love it when you muttered as if we don't exist," Melody said.
"Right," I said, spinning around and clasping my hands together. "Sorry 'bout that. We've got things to do, people-well, one person to see, but that's not important. Now, Professor Kakos. Notice anything about him?"
"The Labyrinth. It first reminded me of Tim Burton's Labyrinth, but it's nothing like that," Melody said.
"Yes, but what does it remind you of?" I asked.
"Greek mythology," Emily said excitedly. "Daedalus built the Labyrinth for King Minos to house the Minotaur, and how King Minos would lure people in to get eaten by the Minotaur."
"Exactly!" I beamed at her. "And guess what? We're Theseus. We're the ones who'll kill the Minotaur. Minus the killing, of course. Maybe negotiate or something. But not get eaten. I promise you that."
"Who's going to eat us, again?" Emily asked.
"Forget who's going to eat us," Melody said. "Think about what Kakos said about being human. Kind of sounds like he's not even human."
"Took you long enough," we heard Kakos say. We all spun around again. "Do you really have to do that?" Melody asked.
Kakos ignored her. "And I thought you were intelligent."
"Oh, I knew," Melody snarled. "I just didn't have a chance to say it until after everyone else spoke. Oh, and let's point out I'm a were-cat."
She approached him. "But you're strange," she murmured. "Actually, no, you're not. I've encountered things like this."
"Like what?" Kakos asked, clearly uncomfortable by Melody circling him.
"Most people give off what we call an 'aura'. It simply means by feeling vibrations the body gives off, we can tell what they are. You, however, do not give off an aura. And that percentage that does not are not living."
Without warning, Melody reached into Kakos back and ripped out something. Wires. She continued, waving the wires in front of Kakos. "Those people are automatons."
Kakos grinned. "Oh, sweet Melody. I'm like no other. You see, I have a back-up. I will survive unless my body is completely destroyed."
His skin faded off. "See me how I am."
"Oh, you are beautiful," I said, stepping closer. "I'd be fascinated if I weren't so disgusted."
"Uh, guys?" Emily said nervously. "I'd get away if I were you."
"Why?" Melody began to ask as Kakos's torso spun around. A red dot appeared on Melody's face and she dropped the wires. She backed away and ran around him. As he spun to face her, I saw a gun embedded where his belly button should've been. She continued running as the wall above me exploded. Throwing an arm above my head, I burst into a sprint, Emily following me. Another part of the wall exploded. I saw Melody turn-into a wall. In a second, she disapeared.
I turned where she vanished and continued running. At the end of the hall, Melody was waiting by a glass cylinder. "Get in!" she ordered. Emily and I crammed ourselves in. Melody followed. "Can I see the screwdriver, Dad?"
I passed it to her and she pointed it at a control panel. All of a sudden, the glass disappeared and we were standing in the Labryinth. "We're in the voices section," Melody said in a choked voice.
"What?" Emily faced her.
Melody quickly explained. Once she was finished, Emily asked, "Do you still hear them?"
Melody shook her head. "And that's scaring me because there must mean there's something going on."
"So where are the voices?" I asked. The two girls jumped, and my question was answered. I heard whispers. As they grew louder, they became more distinct. Or, one voice became distinct.
She was screaming. "Save me! Save me, please...I'll do anything...I won't harm me from the Daleks!"
"It's always the same," Melody explained. "Save me...I won't harm me from whatever killed me..."
"Make them stop," Emily whispered, clutching her ears. "Please..."
"They're in your head," Melody said softly. "You can only get rid of them by thinking of a brick, sound-proof wall surrounding your thoughts."
So I did, and the voices disappeared. "And now we run."
I broke in a run, Melody and Emily following. Once we reached the end of the hallway, I skidded to a stop when I saw Kakos waiting. "It's time to die," he said.
"Oh? Well, you see," I said, grabbing my screwdriver from Melody, "what I noticed is that you're held together by screws. And you know what undoes screws?"
I pointed my screwdriver and pressed the button. "Screwdrivers."
Kakos exploded, showering us with metal. Once the last scrap clattered to the ground, I peered down the left corridor-it branched off. To my surprise and delight, the TARDIS stood there. "Hey, old girl!" I exclaimed. "How'd you get there? Ah, it doesn't matter. Come on, Emily, Melody."
I opened the door and hopped up to the console. Melody approached me. "Hey, Dad, can you take me to Thorn?"
"Want to show Emily the home planet?" I asked.
She shook her head. "No. Actually, I got a call from Jasmine. She says it's time for my training to start."
"Training?" I turned to her.
"After the war, I wanted to help people. The injured, the I signed up to be a healer. And my training's going to start soon. And now I've got to go, you know, live on Thorn."
"Live there? But, I wouldn't be able to see you anymore. The borders prevent me," I pointed out.
"Jasmine set up the borders to allow you no matter what," Melody said with a faint smile. "You'll be able to visit me. And you will, right?"
"Of course," I hugged her. I never noticed how this Melody was so thin, so petite. "We'll be there, ASAP."
Once we landed, Melody gave me a hug. "Visit. I'll miss you."
"I will, don't worry. And I'll miss you too. Hey, bring me back a sovenier, won't you?" I smiled.
"Oh, I will. See you, Dad. Same to you, Emily," Melody hugged her friend and left the TARDIS. I stood there for a moment, then Emily said, "Hey, can you take me home?"
I nodded and turned to the console.
Hey, fellow Whovians! How'd you like it? Sorry it took me SOOOOO long to update, but I've been busy and haven't had a chance to use the computer. Plus, I got writer's block at the beginning and once I finished the chapter the first time, I forgot a title once I clicked on the Save and Publish, and when I clicked Cancel, the stupid website erased all my hard work! So, have fun, I hope you really enjoy the chapter and it was worth the wait!
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