Song is Perfect By Hedley.
Midnight's P.O.V
I look at my hands. What am I going to do? Should I tell them or not. No I can't. I walk down the hallway. I only had a teared muscle in my ankle. Sure yeah it hurts. But I healed it. What if they think that I'm evil? It's in my name title. Dark Sorcerer Midnight. I tried to be good but I always end up turning evil and screwing things up. I stop. I listen to the rain hit the windows. I look out the window. I can't even trust myself around people. Why am I even here then? I look at the ground. I walk a little bit and then I stop. They won't like me here. I know they won't. I put my hand on the wall. Why is it that most things seem to be able to be control and I can't even control myself most of the time? Because I overpower you. No you don't. I put my back on the wall. I sink to the ground. I can't give up. Yet I remember the last time I lost it. I actually try not too. I was with a friend and we were helping someone and I lost it. I just lost. But I blame the fact that someone ripped my amulet off.
-Two months from today
"Is that it?" Alison asks. It looks like it.
"Yeah it does."
"That good. What is it?" Alison asks.
"It's a...umm..a....I have no clue." I look at the sky.
"It's getting dark." We start walking to my house. I hear a twig snap. I look around. Someone appears in front of us. We both stop. He teleports in front of me. He grabs my amulet. No. He rips it off. FINALLY! NO! He disappears. I fall on the ground. Alison kneels next to me.
"Midnight." Alison said. She's gonna get hurt. She puts her hand on my arm.
"Why? What's wrong?" Alison asks. I'm pushed to the back of my mind. My eyes turn black. Alison falls backwards and crawls away from me. I stand up. I look at her.
"What's wrong Alison? See a ghost?"
"Midnight." Alison said. I walk towards her slowly. I smirk.
"What h-happen to you?" Alison asks. I grab her by her neck and slam her against the tree. I put a knife to her throat. Let her go! No. This will be fun.
"Midnight." Alison said. I take the knife and stab her in the chest. She screams. NO! I back away. She falls on the ground.
-Back to the present-
I hug my knees. Tears stream down my face. Why didn't I stop her? Why did I let her do it?
"Hey you okay?" Someone asks. I look up. It's Seto.
"I'm fine." Seto raises an eyebrow. He sits next to me. I look at him.
"Then why are you crying?" Seto asks.
"I'm not crying. I'm sweating through my eyes." Seto smiles.
"That's the most used excuse I have ever heard." Seto said.
"I know it is."
"What's wrong?" Seto asks.
"My friend died two months ago and it was my fault."
"What happen?" Seto asks. I look away from him. I burst into tears. I cover my face with my hands. I feel wrap his arms around me. I cry on his chest. I bury my face in his chest. I put my arms around him and hug him tight. Awww how cute. Can I ruin it? Don't you dare. Too bad. I kind of want to. This moment is perfect to ruin. No your not hurting anymore people. I won't. You will. I feel a shock through my body. I squeeze my eyes shut. I put my hand next to my face. I open my eyes. I'm pushed to the back of my mind. My eyes turn black.
"Midnight." Seto said. I smirk. I look at Seto. His eyes turn purple. Wait is Seto a sorcerer? Yes he is. You didn't know that? No. You dead. I let go of him and I stand up. Seto does too. I grab Seto and pin him against the wall.
"Sorry Midnight for this." Seto said. He pushes me off of him. I look at him. I target a spell at him. I shoot him. He goes flying down the hallway. Stop it! Leave him alone! I'm just getting started! He stands up. He throws a spell at me. I turn to the side as it pass me.
"Is that the best you got?" Seto says nothing. I laugh.
"It is. That's pathetic." I point my hand towards Seto. Let's see how good he is without magic shall we? No. Don't. His magic is his life-force! Then he'll die where he stands!
Seto's P.O.V
She move out of the way. But how? No one has been able to dogde that. She points her hand at me. I have to get to her somehow. I can't fight her. She hits me with a spell. I scream and go on my hands and knees. What was that? My eyes turn normal. What the heck? I look at her. She took my magic. She's a Dark Sorcerer. No. Only a Dark Sorcerer can take magic away from sorcerer. I lay on the ground. She walks towards me. I look at her. I put my hand flat on the ground. If I'm still standing then I have very little magic left. I'm about to do something extremely stupid. I smile. That's why it's perfect. My eyes turn red. The ground stars shaking. Midnight stops.
"What are you doing?" She asks. I feel a stabbing pain in my heart. I grip my chest. I grit my teeth. I look at the ground.
"Lagyu hisje seme bleu-"
"No not that spell! You'll die!" Midnight yells. I can hear my own heartbeat. Not good right? Not stopping this though.
"Gjske borjy kitle Majh Lobis JAYTE!" I look at her. Blue streaks and needles hit me and her. Midnight screams. I scream too. The windows break and rain comes in. You don't know pain til you felt this. Midnight falls on the ground. I look at my arm. It's turning black and I can't feel it. I'm too weak to go on. I can barely breathe as it is. Midnight groans and pushes up a little. My vision blurs. Midnight has cuts all over her, her clothes are ripped and bloodstained, she has needles in her and that dumb same smirk on her face.
"Nice try. That was stupid." Midnight said. She stands up. She shouldn't be able to stand. She kicks me in the side. I yell. She laughs.
"Poor Seto. The best sorcerer around and is beaten at his own game by a Dark Sorcerer. It's pathetic." Midnight said. She kicks me again. I grit my teeth. She starts walking away. She's gonna hurt more people. Not if I can stop her. I'm not giving up, I'll die if I have to stop her. I push up on my left arm. I go on my hands and knees.
"H-Hey." Midnight stops. I cough up blood on the ground. Midnight looks at me.
"O you want more do you?" Midnight asks. How did that spell not knock her out? It should have. I'm pretty sure that I have glass in me. I hit the wall. I lean against it as I stand up slowly. I put my hand on my right arm. Whatever is on it is spreading fast up my arm. It feels like it's on fire.
"You shouldn't be standing." Midnight said. Midnight appears in front of me. She grabs my neck. Nice try. I smirk.
"yoji fahgir ashes." Midnight gasps and her arm starts turning into ashes. She lets go of my neck. She slams into the wall and screams. She closes her eyes. She sinks to the ground. I look at her. I hope she's down now. My vision blurs. Midnight grabs a piece of sharp glass and stands up quickly. She grabs me and slams me against the wall.
"Hiesks joyti grle." Vines come outs of the wall behind Midnight. The glass cuts my neck a little and cuts down my chest. Midnight is tied to the other wall. She struggles. She looks at me. I put my hand on my neck and I look at my hand. It's dripping red. Thunder flashes outside. The hall is wet.
"You should be dead. How are you alive?" Midnight asks. I smirk. Cause he has me.
Midnight's P.O.V
I struggle. I look at Seto. I can't see his eyes. He's looking at the ground. Stop it. No I want to kill this bastard now for making me take longer then usually. Not a good reason.
"You should be dead. How are you alive?" Seto smirks and looks at us. My eyes widen. H-His eyes. They weren't that color before right? N-No. There are black like a Dark Sorcerer's.
"You changed into a Dark Sorcerer. How did you manage that?" You made Seto evil. Not Sorry. This is going to be interesting to see him like that. No it won't! You corrupted Seto! I smirk. He's weak. I can feel it.
"I took your magic away how are you casting spells?" A vine wraps around my neck.
"How do you know these a-are just spells?" Seto asks wearily. Of course they are. What's in them? I look at the vines. A purple strand shows. O my god. I look at him. He wouldn't do that. That's an idiots move and a death wish.
"You tied your soul to the spells. Why? No one does that." Only someone with a death wish would do that. Seto puts his hand on my forehead.
"Did this kill your friend Midnight?" Seto asks. He's shaking. He's dying. Ever moment that pasts a piece of him is destroyed since he tied his soul to his spells in order for him to cast magic. What a brave idiot. I give him props to be able to pull this off with so little magic. He should be dead, yet he is still standing. Why is it that all the Sky Army people are such idiots that they would risk themselves like this? Nothing good comes from it. He is just fighting for killing people. But he would really risk it all for someone? I look into his eyes. I don't sense fear in him at all. How? He's not afraid to die? Are all them not afraid to die? Cause if they are them they stupider then they look.
"ytie hughe pagke." Seto whispered. No not that spell! YES! Shocks go through my body. I scream. I regain control. My eyes turn normal. The vines go away. What did he do? Seto goes on his knees. I do to.
"Seto." I catch him. I put him in my lap. His eyes are still open. He's still barely alive. I put my hand on the side of his face. No. She didn't kill you. She didn't.
"Seto. Stay with me." I put my hand on his neck. I hear footsteps.
"Look at this." Someone said. I look up.
"Who are you?"
"I'm Dylan." Dylan said. She kneels down in front of me.
"N-No." Seto said. I look at Dylan.
"What do you want?"
"I can help you. Do you trust me?" Dylan asks. I look at Seto.
"N-No." Seto said. I look at Dylan.
Seto's P.O.V
"Yes." Midnight said. NO! I can't move. Dylan puts her hand on Midnight's arm. She disappears. I lay on the ground.
"Wow that was too easy. As for you Seto I think your time is up for good." Dylan said. She grabs me and puts me against the wall. I'm sitting on the ground. She grabs her sword. She brings the sword towards my chest. An arrow hits the sword. She drops it.
"Stay away from him!" Someone yells. I look down the hall. Tay walks towards us with an arrow in her bow.
"Dylan get away from Seto now before I put an arrow in your skull." Tay said. I can hear the seriousness in her voice. Dylan look at Tay.
"Came alone?" Dylan asks. I hear a bow pull back. She didn't. I smile. I look to my right. Mitch has a bow aim right at Dylan right behind her.
"No she didn't. Get away from Seto before I put an arrow in you." Mitch said. Dylan stands up and looks at Mitch.
"Just the guy I was looking for." Dylan said. She walks towards Mitch. Wait I know what she's planning? She's planning on letting Dustin out to hurt Sky. Not if we can stop her. I try to stand up.. But I fall back down. It's too much pain. It's unbearable.
"Seto stop. You'll hurt yourself even more." Tay said. I guess she's right.
"I mean it Dylan. Stop." Mitch said. Dylan stops. She smirks. She snaps her fingers. Ty shows up beside me. I look up at him. His eyes are black. He's still under her control. Not good for us. Hmmm where is Sky when you need him?
"Ty." Tay said. Ty is Endelox. But he looks different. His wings are completely black instead of purple. He looks at me.
"Let's see you two protect Seto from Ty. Kill Seto Ty. I don't care how just do it." Dylan said. She disappears. Ty hits Tay at she drops her bow and goes flying back. He grabs me and slams me against the wall. I scream. Ty fires something at Mitch. It hits him and he goes flying back. Ty grabs me. His arm turns into a sword. He stabs me repeatedly in my stomach. I scream.
"Ty Stop it!" Tay yells. A white wolf hits Ty and he goes flying to the side. I fall on the ground. What's with the wolf? The wolf looks at me. Those eyes, they look like Ghost's eyes. But she can turn into a wolf? Since when can she do that?
Ghost's P.O.V
I look at Seto. I nudge him. Seto doesn't move. How could Ty do this? I know that he is controlled. But I would never let it go this far. I take that back I was controlled by Lily and I hurt Jason and Ty pretty bad. Then Jason, Sky, and Ty kicked her ass so, nevermind. I never do turn into a wolf usually. But it was the only thing I could think of right now. I look at Ty. He stands up. He looks at me. I growl at him.
"G-Ghost." Tay said. I can't talk as a wolf. I nod.
"Holy sh*t. She can change into a wolf?" Mitch asks.
"Yeah." Tay said. She runs next to Seto. I run at Ty. I turn back into my human form as I run towards him. I hug Ty. I look into his eyes. They are black.
"Ty it's your friends. Please it's Ghost." Ty struggles. I put my head on his chest. I hug him tight. Do whatever his wants I don't care. I just want Ty back.
"Please come back to me. Please." Ty gets out of his ender form. I look at Ty. His eyes are normal. I smile. Ty hugs me back.
"How dare you take Ty?!" Someone yells. I turn around. Dylan comes at me with a sword. I won't be able to move out of the way in time. Someone grabs her arm and she stops. The tip of the blade is inches from my face. What? I look at who stopped her.
Thanks for over 600 reads!! Thanks for all the support!! Been working on this chapter for what felt like forever. But I'm glad it's done. I hope you guys liked it.
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