Chapter 3
When everyone got changed into there gym clothes you went over to Guy Sensei for further instructions.
"Ok everyone to day were gonna play dodge ball." He said doing his famous smiled."Sasuke and Y/n will be team captain."
You stood at the front with Sasuke.
"You go first Y/n." Sasuke said calmly buy you could see him starring at Naruto .
"Sakura." You said Ponting at her.
"Naruto." Sasuke said right after Sakura's name left your lips.
That went on for a minute or so , you had picked Ino, Shikamaru, hinata , Shino, Lee, and a few other people.
Sasuke had chosen Sai, Ten ten, Karin, Kiba, Neji and the rest of the remaining class.
The game began your team was winning at first. Sasuke finely got tired if it and went assassin mood and got almost everyone on you team out .
"He soo cute huh Y/n ." Sakura said in your ear.
"... Adorable." You mumbled
Not paying attention you hadn't noticed the ball flying towards your face.
You fell to the floor with a loud thud.
Sakura came running up to you .
"Y/n, are you ok." She asked pushing her hair out of the way.
You just laid there with a hand over you eye .
"My eye hurts." You said sitting up .
" Take her to the nurse."Guy said Sakura nodded helping you up.
When you got to the nurse Shizune wasn't there so uou sat down on the bed .
Sakura walked over to you taking your hand away from your eye.
"Well its not swollen so I think.... ." She smiled .
"Y/n.." Sakura wisperd.
When you looked up at her she kissed your eye gently and smiled.
"I think you going to be fine."
[ There's that chapter I hope you enjoyed it nest one will be up soon
Please forgive me for any grammar mistakes.]
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