Chapter 5: Percy
The sun peeked through the slits of the closed curtains and a beam of sunlight struck my face, making me groan in protest.
I got up from my bed and knew today was the beginning of war. There was an uncomfortable lump in my throat and my heart hammered loudly in my ears.
I took a shower and threw on some clothes unconsciously, my head filled with thoughts of war. I ran my hand through my unruly hair, not bothering to brush it.
I walked out into the freezing cold winter air, I breathed it in and closed my eyes. I played with the pen in my pocket, thinking back to the last time I used it. I didn't want to remember but it was impossible to forget.
We were to meet on the hill where the enterence of CHB opens up. I walked up the hill toward what might be my death. There stood most of the seven, Reyna and an impatient looking Nico.
"Am I late?" I asked.
"Nah, we're still waiting for Piper and Jason, those two could be making out for all we know" Leo grumbled. I suddenly felt uncomfortable at the mention of Jason and Piper but pretended not to notice.
Two figures came into focus up the steep hill. They weren't holding hands and there was a clear gap between their bodies. Jason looked confused and Piper looked sad. What happened?
I shook my head and reminded myself it was none of my business. " 'Bout time" Leo grumbled once again. Reyna cleared her throat to bring our attention to her. "There's a bus waiting for us so we mustn't waste much more time" she said as she walked off toward to forest.
I followed behind and felt Jason's knuckles brush against my hand. I felt my cheeks become hot for some unfathomable reason.
I wanted to open my mouth and talk to him but it felt like my lips were glued stuck. My heart was beating fast and I felt a strange flutter of nervousness. I shook it off and stood up straighter.
"I can't believe we're doing this again" Jason said, his voice low. I just nodded, remembering the last time I went off on a dangerous quest. I shuddered.
"I'm not sure I'm ready for this shit" I admitted. Jason chuckled and I involuntarily smiled, something I didn't know I could even do anymore. "I don't think any of us are ready".
We reached the bus that was driven by no other than a cranky satyr.
"You kids couldn't be any slower" Coach Hedge grumbled. He glared at us with his beady eyes and crooked baseball cap, a mop of curly hair covering his brows and his mouth arched in a deep frown.
"Hey Hedge, how's the kids" Leo said in a joking way, as Leo does. Hedge just grumbled something incoherent and gestured for us to get on the bus.
We all walked on in a single file line and sat in the front. Reyna sat next to Piper with a large map in her hand.
"Gaea came from Chaos, as did many other things. We're going to have to travel to other mythologies. We're going have to gather other powerful children of other myths and magic in order to truly defeat the creature that created the worst of the worst" Reyna explained.
"So, you mean, there's more?" Piper said, looking frightened.
I nodded. "I've met A-Annabeths cousin, Magnus. He's from Norse mythology, he's the son of Frey, the Norse god of healing, I think. I've also met Carter and his sister Sadie who are associated with Egyptian mythology" I explained. I tensed my shoulders as everyone stared at me.
"Well in that case we should retrieve them first. They'll probably be hesitant to help us but we'll find a way to convince them. We have to. More than just our camp is in jeapordy" Reyna said. I didn't like how dramatic she was being but she was right about everything. We really had no choice. The bus was silent and the mood was dreary. None of us were really in the mood to talk.
I was next to Jason who was staring out the window of the bus blankly, frowning.
"Percy, you're going to have to direct Hedge to the first stop" Reyna said.
Before I could even utter a single word a glowing shadow appeared above my head. A scroll shaped outline formed in white mist.
To be continued...
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