Chapter 4: Jason
War. I didn't want it but knew that's what we needed. A war to settle things. However that's settled depends on how the war goes. We need as many people as we can get. A meeting was settled at the mess hall with the majority of the camp including the seven and Reyna.
Percy's expression when he awoke from his unconscious state was a face of pure terror. Whatever this was was clearly powerful and unstoppable.
I clenched my fists, tightening my jaw and thinking about what was to come ahead. I guess it's true that war doesn't wait for anyone, not even people in pain. Like Percy. Percy who was full of happiness and energy. Who took the dullness out of everything and made people smile. Who's eyes used to be bright. Now he looks scared. The most scared I think I've ever seen him. His eyes are duller and he looks completely shattered. People who say things happen for a reason are stupid.
What reason is there for Annabeths tragic death? I sigh. I left Percy alone in the infirmary because he said he needed a moment alone. I wish I hadn't. His probably crying. I cringed, biting my lip and squeezing my eyes shut. Shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit.
What's wrong with me?
I saw Piper walking toward me. Frowning but looking determined as she approached me. I smiled at her but it felt forced.
"Jason. How's Percy?" she asked, looking serious. I frowned. "Not that good, he had a vision, a bad one. He said we can't post pone the war anymore but I could tell he wished he had more time to mourn" I told her. She looked down at her shoes. "The meetings about to start, we should go" she muttered. I just nodded and walked toward the mess hall next to a silent, thoughtful Piper.
In the mess hall people were looking for places to sit and talking amongst themselves. I searched for Percy in the crowd, wondering if his eyes were bloodshot from crying or if he was constantly being asked how he was doing. I spotted him and I walked toward him. Not saying anything to Piper as I did so, not even realizing how my feet seemed to move on there own.
"Percy!" I called out. He turned to me with sad eyes. "Hey Jase. Guess it's time for another war" he said in a low voice. I didn't say anything, letting the silence put space between us.
Suddenly someone in the front of the mess hall cleared their throat. It looked to be Reyna, with Rachel standing next to her. She gestured for us to some to the front with her so we did.
"As you all know Choas is rising, slowly but surely, and is planning on beginning a war. He wants to take over Mount Olympus and rule above all demigods and it seems because of this the seven accompanied by Nico di Angelo and myself are to embark on another quest. This quest may determine the fate of the war. I believe we're planning to leave early tomorrow morning. This might be a bit soon but we mustn't wait much longer, I hope you all wish us luck and prepare yourselves for the upcoming battle".
With every word that Reyna said I could feel my body tense. The intensity of the room felt so heavy that it was hard to breath. The room filled with nervous whispers and uneasy gazes. I looked at Percy and saw him nervously biting his lip unconsciously, his eyes scanning over the nervous crowd of frightened demigods.
"Now for questions" Reyna announced. The crowd rose their hands nearly in unison. Reyna pointed at a demigod with bright colored hair and dark clothes.
"Is it possible that we might need to recruit demigods from other camps to battle with us?" she asked. Reyna seemed to contemplate this, making a low humming sound. "Possibly, but that's yet to be determined".
The next twenty minutes was spent asking question after question from curious and worried demigods. It became exhausting asking all these questions and by the end of it both Percy and I didn't think we could take much more. Eventually Reyna was forced to call for a break. Relieved I escaped the crowd of angsty teenage demigods to get fresh air.
All I could think about was war. How dreadful it was before and how we'll have to endure it again.
"Hey" I heard a deep voice say from behind me. It was Percy, looking tired and exhausted. "Hey" I muttered back. "That was a lot" Percy said. I just nodded my head, grunting in agreement.
I looked at Percy. He looked so sad and helpless. He looked slightly pale and skinnier than he should be, and his eyes looked so empty and dead. He was looking far into the distance but at the same time nowhere at all.
"Percy...." I said his name softly, my heart taking over my voice. He turned to me, looking as if he might break into tears.
Without explanation or hesitation I hugged him. It didn't feel awkward or strange. He dug his head into my chest and gripped my shirt with his hands, crying. I stayed silent, letting him cry, not caring that his tears were soaking into my shirt. Despite everything he still had the same smell. He smelled like the ocean, like the sea.
He didn't stop crying for awhile but I didn't care, I held him until he lost his voice and he couldn't cry any longer so instead he just stood there shaking.
He stepped away from me and suddenly I felt cold. "Thank you Jason. I mean it, I needed that" he said, chuckling well wiping stray tears from his red cheeks.
I couldn't help but suddenly wish I could do more. But I couldn't and we both knew it. We let silence sink in once again but it wasn't awkward. It was comfortable and despite the cold breeze it felt warm. And Percy was smiling, not very much but more than he has in a long time.
I cherished his smile than came back to reality, realizing that this aching feeling in my chest wasn't normal.
It wasn't normal at all.
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