Chapter 2: Jason
Talk was spreading around camp about the prophecy and I didn't like the idea of Choas rising. It sounded terrifying but after defeating Gaea it felt almost as if we could defeat anything, as foolish as that sounded. We waited at the mess hall where the seven had arrived with exception of Percy and Annabeth. Even Nico, Will and Reyna were in the mess hall but still no Percy or Annabeth. It was starting to get worrying, they probably ran into some monsters or something. Piper was talking to Reyna with a grim expression and I wasn't really sure if I wanted to join them in the conversation. Partly because I didn't want to find out what horrible fate was ahead of us and also because I knew whatever was in store for us it was going to be bad.
Finally someone barged into the mess hall doors and I expected to see Percy and Annabeth but instead I was met with something else. Percy shaking, his sea green eyes full of rage as tears fell from them, Annabeth in his arms with blood dripping from her forehead and arms. Percy was splattered with gold blood and didn't seem bothered to wipe it away. Some people gasped, others weren't sure how to react and some rushed towards Percy with hesitancy.
"A-Annabeth's dead" Percy stammered, barley able to speak. I couldn't look at the body in Percy's arms and forced myself to look away.
Everyone crowded Percy but I stood there, knowing that things just got a whole lot worse.
Annabeth deserved a good funeral. She was a strong, respectible demigod and her funeral shouldn't have been so short. Percy was in such pain that even when people offered he couldn't make a proper speech without sobbing. Everyone did their best to comfort him but with no success. Even I tried but it was almost like Percy was pushing me away. I came to the conclusion that he needed time alone to get over her death. I felt like a lot of us needed the same thing.
Some how the prophecy seemed like a small thing compared to this. It's always been Percy and Annabeth or Annabeth and Percy but now Annabeth was gone and Percy was alone. Everyone was devastated about her death. I was better at hiding my pain but Piper wasn't and couldn't help but cry at the littlest mention of Annabeth.
It was hard for me to register her death because it always seemed so unlikely that such a powerful demigod would die but now it was real and it felt like a nightmare. Not just for me but for everyone, Percy especially.
After this no one was sure how they were supposed to carry on with the quest and unraveling the prophecy. And without Annabeth it was almost like we couldn't, like it wasn't possible without her. Chiron proposed we shold postpone the quest and let everyone have time to get over Annabeths death.
Some people went home and others felt like staying at camp. Everyone expected Percy to go home but instead he hid away in his cabin. He wasn't eating or speaking or even leaving his cabin and no one was really suprised.
But then weeks had passed and everyone was starting to get concerned about Percy's health. So I took the initiative and decided to check on him.
I knocked on the door lightly at first and it was silent. Then I knocked harder and still heard nothing. Curiosity got the best of me and I opened the door. It creaked open and I found myself walking into complete darkness. The only light was a sliver of light coming from a slightly opened bathroom door.
I approached the door cautiously and pushed it open. What I saw made me feel so many things I couldn't even think straight.
Percy laid in a pool of his own blood with cuts across his arm. "Percy!" I cried running toward him and lifting his head. I checked his pulse and he was barley alive yet I could somewhat feel a faint heartbeat.
Shit. Shit. Shit. I carried him bridal style and ran out the cabin, ignoring the weird looks I was getting and the panicked faces.
I waited for Percy to wake up and I still felt fear deep in my gut. Fear that he wouldn't wake up at all. I heard a groan and a small whimper and saw two sea green eyes beginning to open.
"Jason?" he groaned. He blinked at me, almost like he was in disbelief. "Hey buddy" I said gently as he hoisted himself up so he was sitting up right.
He looked down at his arms, his eyes dull and empty. "Her was all my fault Jason. Now she's dead and it's all my fault". He started sobbing and I had a sudden urge to do anything I could to make him stop. "No Percy, it's not your fault, don't blame yourself for what happened, Annabeth wouldn't want you to and neither do I". Percy looks up at me. His sea green eyes were glittering with tears and his cheeks were red and puffy, he looked exhausted. I felt a sudden jolt of pain in my chest when I looked at Percy's sad eyes and sullen cheeks.
He suddenly blushed. "H-hey Jason, um....I know this is kind of a weird question and you don't have to but do you think you could stay here tonight, I don't want to be alone" he said in a small voice that made me feel sick. I nodded my head quickly. "Of course I can". It was all I said when Percy closed his teary sea green eyes and fell asleep.
I grabbed a chair and sat next to the bed, instead of falling asleep I watched his chest rise and fall slowly, his eyelashes wet from crying and his mouth slightly open, drool falling out of the corner of his mouth.
I knew it would be a while until I saw the normal Percy again and that made me hurt more than I could possibly describe, I had to do something, anything to return him to the way he was. I realized that than. My eyelids felt heavy and I fell asleep laying my head in Percy's lap.
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