Chapter 1: Percy
The tip of her nose was pink as well as her cheeks. She blew white puffs of air into her hands as she rubbed them together. She stretched to her tippy toes then back to her heels impatiently. Blonde waves of hair falling on her shoulders and out of her snow hat. Somehow she looked beautiful and I felt like savoring the moment, I was always worried we might not get another moment like this, seeing that we were always chased by demigod eating monsters and all. She blinked her calculating eyes at me and rolled them.
"Whatya staring at seaweed brain?" she said playfully. "Checking me out?". Now it was my turn to roll my eyes.
"Psh, I have no clue what you're talking about, you're delusional Annabeth" I joked back. She chuckled and went back to rubbing her hands. "I suggest you keep your hand on your pen, we have no idea what we might run into here" Annabeth said, her voice going all serious-like. I nodded in agreement, feeling riptide in my pocket. Despite preparing for college and studying and all that good stuff we were ordered to come back to Camp Half-Blood for "serious business". Whatever that means. I internally groaned when I got the news from Annabeth, it felt like I'd been impaled in the chest. I thought I could at least try to lead a sort of normal life but that was clearly a bust. Now here I am.
Finally the bus came speeding down a sharp turn and abruptly stopped in front of us. The old, gruff looking bus driver stared down at us as we walked in. Annabeth grabbed money but the man put his hand up in a stop motion.
"No need, I know who you are, I'm taking you to Camp Half-Blood" he said in a scratchy, deep voice. Annabeth seemed suprised and shoved her money back in her pocket. "Well that's new.....does Camp Half-Blood own some brand of buses or something?" I asked Annabeth. She shrugged. "Who knows". We took a seat in the middle of the bus where we had a good view of who walked in, not because we were creepy but because you never know what human disguised monster might come stomping in. "I wonder what Camp Half-Blood wants now? More importantly what the gods want now?" I said but truthfully I didn't really want to know. Annabeth suddenly grabbed my hand and squeezed it, her grey, stormy eyes full of warmth. "Whatever it is we'll get through it" she said. I squeezed her hand back.
Ever since tarturus we've been around each other a lot more and way more careful in the outside world but we always feel infinitely more safe when we're together. As long as I'm with Annabeth I feel like I can defeat anything.
The bus took an abrupt stop causing me to nearly head butt the seat in front of me. I glared at the bus driver and he gave me an apologetic look. "You're here!" he yelled. I hadn't realized until then that we were the only passengers. I jumped from my seat with Annabeth behind me. We walked outside to the cool winter air and I felt the goosebumps rise on my arms and legs. The bus took off, leaving us behind at the entrance of the forest that led us "home". I took Annabeth's hand as we entered the dense, snow layered forest. Annabeth's left hand held onto the handle of her dagger instinctively. I could almost feel my own brush against my leg. The forest seemed eerily quiet and yet somewhere in the far distance I heard the sound of laughter and swords hitting swords. It was familiar sound and it felt nostalgic. "It's been awhile since we've been in this forest" Annabeth said, voicing my thoughts. "I wasn't really sure if I'd ever come back" I said aloud. Annabeth looked at me with wide eyes.
"Of course you were going to come back eventually, it's unavoidable and we both know it". Annabeth was right and I couldn't deny it. We were demigods, this would always be our home.
We dwelled deeper and deeper into the forest and yet didn't encounter any monsters. I could see an opening in the distance that must of led to Camp Half-Blood. I sped up and Annabeth followed on my trail. Then I heard a scream and a low growl. I spun around and saw Annabeth being grabbed by a giant minotaur. Dread and déjá vu set into the pit of my stomach as I saw Annabeth thrashing from the minotaur's grip. I grabbed riptide and uncapped it. I felt the handle adjust to my hand and watched as it stretched into complete sword form. I felt angry, of course we would run into something eventually.
The minotaur balled it's empty fist. And then I gasped. How had I not noticed it before? It was losing one of it's horns. How was it still alive? I gulped, all that I knew was that it was pissed. It's feet stomped toward me and I slashed my sword at it's face before it could get much closer, it wasn't easy, seeing our height difference, but I managed and heard it howl in pain. Instead of fighting back it took Annabeth and threw her on the ground, very hard. I screamed Annabeth's name then ran toward the monster with a triumphant battle cry. I didn't care what I did, it all came in a blur. I slashed and stabbed and screamed before the minotaur had a chance to fight back. I felt hot tears fall down my cheeks and I felt the monsters golden blood ooze onto my sword and my hand. I felt it splatter against my clothes and my face but I didn't care. I cried out Annabeth's name and gave the beast no mercy. And once I was done there were huge gashes all over the monsters body and it fell to the ground, it's body turning into golden ash. I fell to my knees as I watched the wind blow the golden dust away, I cried loudly, watching my tears mix with the golden blood. I ran toward Annabeth and looked at her usually calculating grey eyes which looked back at me blankly, I closed them with my shaking fingers and watched my own tears drip down her face. I held her limp body in my arms. She was dead. I held her close to me and cried louder. Until I could barley breath. She died too easily, too quick, it wasn't fair. I kissed her forehead.
"I love you wise girl" I breathed out, sobbing. "I'm sorry". I could barley say anything else without erupting in more tears. It's my fault she's gone, I couldn't save her, I couldn't protect her. I'm pathetic. Now she's gone. I dug my head into her chest, wishing I could hear a heartbeat, wishing I could hear her voice once more. Teasing me, calling me seaweed brain or scolding me, anything. Blood fell from a scar on her forehead and I wiped it away. I picked her up with wobbly legs and stared out at the entrance of Camp Half-Blood. Here goes nothing.
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