Chapter 8
Everyone's attention turned to the top of the cruise ship.
There stood Goku; he quickly started running down the side of the cruise ship. He jumped down and landed in front of everyone.
"Goku!" Everyone shouted, except for you and Vegeta. You had sensed him there during the fight, but you had bigger things to worry about.
"So, Saiyan, do you know how to summon this Super Saiyan god?" Beerus asked from above, recapturing everyone's attention as he made his way towards Goku.
"I have an idea, but it is gonna take a bit of time," Goku replied while giving a sheepish shrug. "We are gonna summon Shenron and ask if he can bring your Super Saiyan god thingy here," a big smile stretched across his face.
"Who is Shenron?" Both you and Beerus asked at the same time.
"He's a Namekian wish orb dragon," Piccolo chimed in.
The confusion left Beerus's face but still remained on yours.
"What is that?" You asked, turning towards Goku.
"If you collect all 7 Dragon Balls, you can make a wish for anything!" Goku exclaimed with a wide goofy smile.
"Within the dragon's power," Whis added.
As Goku summoned Shenron, he asked about the Super Saiyan god. According to Shenron, the Super Saiyan god is a Saiyan deity temporarily created by gathering six purely righteous Saiyans; therefore, he couldn't make the Super Saiyan god appear.
"Well, let's get a move on then!" Beerus growled. "Y/n, help them out since there's only five," he turned to face you.
"You were going to kill me, and you think I'm going to listen to you?" you snapped, getting mad at Beerus for demanding anything from you.
"I could still if you don't," Beerus roared back, earning wide eyes from everyone.
"Lord Beerus, sir, I'm currently pregnant. The baby would be a 1/4 Saiyan; it might still work. I could take her place if she really doesn't want to," Videl spoke up while moving to the front of the group, causing Gohan to freak out happily and earning congratulations from everyone.
"I'll do it. I don't want you to hurt yourself," you spoke, smiling at Videl. "I'm not doing this for you, Beerus," you said, making both Whis and Beerus look at you with shock. It was the first time you had actually called Beerus by his name instead of Dad.
You earned a thank you from both Gohan and Videl, and as you looked at Goku, you could see he was smiling at you, so you gave him a small smile before you, Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Vegeta held hands as Vegeta and Gohan put their spare hands on Goku. After a few seconds, Goku began to rise up and glow; his hair started changing from his natural black to a bright red. As he landed back on the ground, everyone stared at him in shock.
"His hair is red," Trunks said with a look of shock on his face.
"He hasn't changed that much," Bulma stated.
"That form... so that's Super Saiyan god," Krillin added.
"At last, my patience is rewarded," Beerus chimed with a smirk. "Let's get this fight on, and once I win, I will destroy Earth."
"Okay, Beerus, but if I win, you will leave Earth!" Beerus agreed, and they started the battle of the gods.
Off to the side, you were standing next to Vegeta, Whis, Piccolo, and Gohan, watching as it all went down. You had noticed that Goku's ki was similar to some of the gods you had met and even some of the Kais.
"Why does his ki feel like that?" You turned and asked Whis.
Before he could answer, Gohan turned to the three of you and asked, "Why can't I sense father's ki?"
Piccolo had the answer: "That's proof that he's now turned into a deity; no mortal can sense ki that comes from the gods."
Whis beamed happily, "You sure know a lot."
"Hpmh... that doesn't explain, though, how y/n could sense him," Piccolo asked with a raised eyebrow, making the other two Saiyans turn to you for answers.
"Umm, I'm not sure. I could always sense Beerus. I'm not a deity though," you said, still mad at Beerus for caring so less about you but knowing you weren't a deity, so you too were now a little confused on how you could sense them.
"That's correct! Y/n isn't a deity, but since she's spent 30 years with us, she's learned tactics from us and some of the other gods."
"OTHER GODS!" They all exclaimed except you.
"I don't remember learning that, though?" You asked, ignoring the three shocked faces beside you.
"You were too young, but look," Whis said, steering the conversation, "the fight is almost over." With that, Whis floated up into the atmosphere, disappearing from sight. You turned to see the three were still looking at you for answers on the other gods, but their attention was side-swiped when you all looked up to see Goku smashing through the atmosphere and heading for the boat.
"Get out of the way!" Vegeta exclaimed, shoving the two kids out of the way on the deck to catch Goku before he hit the ship.
Goku looked up at Vegeta with a small smile, "Good catch, buddy."
"Oh, shut up," Vegeta snapped back.
Whis and Beerus floated down from the atmosphere, then landed on the ship and started walking towards the group. Vegeta struggled to get Goku on his feet, a little scared.
This was it, Beerus was going to destroy Earth everyone was thinking the same thing.
As Beerus gathered energy in his hand and shot it towards the ship, it curved up and stopped in the sky. Everyone turned to Beerus to see he was suddenly what looked to be unconscious and had a snot bubble inflating and deflating from his nose.
"Oh, wow!" Whis exclaimed. "Looks like Lord Beerus has fallen asleep. It's been awhile since he has had to use that much power; he should be asleep for a while now."
"So does that mean he won't destroy Earth?" Bulma asked from the side.
"No, he won't be; he will most likely forget about it," Whis smiled, looking at Beerus and then to you.
Beerus started to mumble something, and the only clear word was "pudding," making Whis laugh.
"He probably won't forget about the pudding, so make sure you have lots of it next time we visit," Whis turned to you, signaling that he wanted to talk privately to you. You and Whis walked a little bit away from everyone before Whis started talking again. "Are you going to be coming back with us? Or did you want to stay here for a while, get to your family," he said as he pointed to where Vegeta and Trunks were watching you two talk, but when Whis pointed at them, Vegeta turned away quietly raising his nose, and Trunks just gave you a wave with a smile.
"I'd like to, for those reasons and some others," you looked at Vegeta and Trunks with a smile and then looked at Goku, who was getting back to normal after eating what they called a Senzu Bean. You and Whis spoke a bit more before heading back to the group before Whis addressed the whole group.
"Okay, well, I'll be back soon to try some more of these fabulous foods. I will see you later, y/n." Whis grabbed Beerus's shoulder before turning to you and giving you a smile before he and Beerus were back on their way home.
You turned to the group to see a mix of smiles and a few confused looks and Vegeta looking unfazed by everything that just went down.
The party continued after, Goku and Vegeta stuffing their faces with food, trying to restore their energy that they had just used. You were talking to Bulma, getting to know her, and found out that you two got along really well.
"This has been the worst birthday ever!" Bulma exclaimed while shaking her head.
"I'm sorry for everything that happened today," you said, giving her a small smile.
"It's not your fault. I can't really even blame Vegeta," she laughed, earning a laugh from you too.
You two continued talking, and she introduced you to everyone, and you had also gotten along with 18 really well too. Bulma also offered you a place to stay, and you gratefully took it, not really knowing exactly where you would sleep otherwise. You had never been to Earth, so as much as you would've liked to deny her offer, you didn't know where else you could go.
The boat was almost back at the dock, and you were standing off to the side of the boat, watching the creatures in the water and how the water ricocheted off the side of the boat as it glided through. You were deep in thought that you hadn't noticed that Vegeta was standing beside you, admiring the same things; it wasn't until he spoke up that you noticed him.
"I never thought I'd see you again," you turned your head to see a hurt look on his face. "I would have looked, but when our world was destroyed, and we what was left, our people were enslaved by Frieza. I knew I didn't want you to have the same life."
You placed your hand on his shoulder, and he took his vision of the water and onto you. "I don't blame you, and if you did come looking, you wouldn't have found me," you gave him a small smile.
"I would like to believe I would have," he gave a cocky comment before he enveloped you in his arms.
You two had stayed like that for what seemed like forever but was a few minutes when Trunks turned his attention away from Goten to see the two of you hugging. He couldn't stop himself from flying over and launching himself into your legs.
You and Vegeta gave the same grunt from the collision, but the difference in the both of you is that you bent down and gave Trunks a hug while Vegeta yelled at him for sneaking up on him.
When the boat got to the dock, everyone has started to head home except for the occupants of Bulma's house and Goku. You were walking behind everyone as Goku and Vegeta were deep in an arguing match over who could eat the most food before Goku turned around and brought you into the conversation.
"Y/n, you're a Saiyan too. I bet she could eat a lot too, Vegeta! We gotta have an eating competition!" Goku exclaimed with a wide smile as he wrapped both his arms around your and Vegeta's shoulders. Vegeta was the first one to step out of his grasp before bellowing.
"Let go of me, you clown."
Which caused you to laugh. "I'd be down for an eating competition. The food here on Earth is a lot better than at home."
"What kind of food do you have at home?" Goku asked, looking like he found a leprechaun at the end of a rainbow.
You and Goku got into a long conversation about the different foods from your home and the foods of Earth. The conversation lasted until you were back at Bulma's house.
"Well, I'm getting pretty tired, but maybe you could show me some of those foods tomorrow or something?" You asked with a smile.
"Yes, that would be great! We can see who has the biggest stomach!" Goku said excitedly.
You and Goku shared a laugh before Vegeta interrupted you guys from the door.
"Y/n! Hurry up before I lock you out!"
You both laughed again, and you turned to start walking inside before Goku grabbed your shoulder, turning you around to face him.
He looked into your eyes and gave you a wholehearted smile. "I'll see you tomorrow." He pulled you into a hug, startling you before you wrapped your arms around him.
You two shared a hug for a short moment before Vegeta interrupted again, pulling you away from him and towards the house.
"Kakarot! Let go of my sister! Y/n, it's time to go inside." Vegeta dragged you behind him as he marched into the house. You let out a laugh before waving at Goku as he flew off, and you were in the house.
As you got inside, Vegeta said he was going to train, and you couldn't care less, so Bulma showed you to the room you would be staying in, and she gave you a tour of where everything you would need was and where it would be.
After getting the tour and hanging out with Trunks a bit, you had settled down in bed, rethinking the day's events. You couldn't help smiling to yourself every time Goku popped up.
He was one interesting person, and you found yourself excited to see him again.
A/n I started reading the manga and I absolutely love the art, these are my favorite atm
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