Chapter 7
(I will skip most of the fight scene btw)
On earth
Vegeta was pacing back and forth on the side of the ship. King Kai had just contacted him about Beerus coming to earth and not to toy with the destroyer god as he had beaten Goku in two blows.
"Kakarot was beaten in two blows... what kind of creature could do that" he clenched his fist in anger "damn it pull yourself together, Prince Vegeta does not tremble before any fool.." "Beerus the destroyer why is that name familiar, I've heard it before but where?!"
You, Whis, and Beerus had arrived on a cruise shift to see a man pacing back and forth. He couldn't sense your ki because Whis taught you how to make it disappear and Whis and Beerus's power level were unrecognizable for any normal mortal.
"Well if It isn't Prince Vegeta" Beerus said and you all watched as Vegeta whipped his head back and forth trying to find where the voice came from.
*why can't I sense anyone* the prince thought to himself
You and Whis watched as Beerus played with him a little making him think he was crazy for hearing a voice before you chimed in
"Dad that's not very nice to play games" Vegetas head whipped upwards where he saw you and Whis floating down to the deck. When his eyes met your face as a shock went through his mind like he had seen you before but he couldn't place it before he could say anything he whipped his head back the other way as Beerus started talking.
"Greetings" a smug smirk across Beerus's face
"Who are you !" Vegeta demanded
"Telling you that is a waste of time... considering that you won't be alive much longer" Beerus started talking as you sent him a glare for that comment
Vegeta noticed the glare but couldn't think about that because he won't let some buffon kill him, he rushed Beerus only to be paralyzed. As he lay there on the ground he finally remembered where he had heard that name before and how he had been in this exact situation before. The tall man was also there but you were he must have seen you somewhere else.
"You know I spared you as a child because I'd hope you'd grow up to entertain me oh well another saiyan disappointment"
"HEY! Better watch your words there" you glared at Beerus
He turned back to you and gave you a glare "you don't fall into the same category so calm down"
Vegeta stared at the two in shock *a female saiyan ?! How could there be another saiyan and a female at that ..... could it be * his thoughts were interrupted as Beerus approached him and knelt down in front of him
"So what can you tell me about a super saiyan god?"
"A Super saiyan god?" Vegeta repeated as he started back at Beerus shock not leaving his face
"Could you have gotten the premonition wrong my lord?" Whis asked
"I never get such things wrong!" Beerus scowled at Whis
"Haha replace never will always my lord isn't that right y/n" Whis laughed as he spoke, and his comments also caused you to laugh which earned you both a glare that could kill from Beerus
But as Whis said your name everything clicked in Vegetas mind and Whis could tell by the look now forming on the prince's face. It was his baby sister, he couldn't believe she was right there in front of him. He went to planet Kernot after he arrived on earth when he took Bulma's spaceship for training. When he was in the middle of nowhere the thought of you crossed his mind so he searched the planet up and punched in the coordinates, when he got there the planet was deserted and not a soul in sight, he figured that he would never see you again and here you were standing in front of him and calling Beerus the destroyer dad.
As Vegeta was about to respond, Bulma walked to the edge of the ship and turned to see her husband on the ground her first initial comment was "Please tell me you aren't doing push-ups" and as she saw him struggle to stand "Are you okay?" She asked
"Stay back !" Vegeta yelled hoping Bulma wouldn't get involved "Get out of here!"
"That's not a very nice way to speak to a woman Prince Vegeta" Beerus comments on Vegetas response to the woman in front of him. "Nothing to worry about my lady, he's just had too much punch"
"Who are you guys?" Bulma asked a little confused
Whis stepped forward " I'm sorry we should have told you, My name is Whis madam and this fine gentleman here to my right is Lord Beerus and to my Left is our daughter Y/n" you gave a little awkward smile
"We were just passing by your planet when we saw Vegeta and thought we'd stop by to give our regards" Beerus added
"Oh you're from space huh I guess I should have known, well this is a pleasant surprise to tell you the truth I didn't think Vegeta had any friends" Bulma half whispered the end as she laughed a little, she walked up to Beerus and held out her hand "I'm Bulma Vegetas wife believe it or not"
"It is both an honor and a pleasure to meet you," Beerus said with a smile
"I'm having a little party for my birthday, well I guess it isn't so little when it is on a ship but you are all welcome to join if you'd like to" Bulma asked
"Why thank you, everything here smells delicious"
"Well in that case I'll lead the way" Bulma grabbed Beerus arm as she started to lead him away Whis turned to follow and Vegeta tried to yell out to stop them when someone stood in front of him
"Sorry about my dad he has quite the temper, but apparently you've seen that before," you said with a little laugh before holding out your hand
Vegeta looked up to see you standing in front of him holding out your hand to help him up. Normally he slap the hand away or scowl and make some derogatory comment but all he could think was how could you be standing in front of him, He took your hand and you helped him up.
"Uh thanks" he muttered quietly while dusting off his pants
"Well I gotta catch up to them, but hopefully we can talk later," you told him as you ran to catch up to Whis who was following Beerus and Bulma as she showed them around and introduced them to all the guests. Vegeta just stared at you as you ran to catch up.
As the day went on Vegeta watched from a distance, he knew he couldn't just come out and say hey your my sister that father sent away, that isn't exactly a conversation starter or at least a good one. Whis watched as Vegetas watched them from a distance he could tell that the prince was struggling and yet he didn't want to lose his daughter he couldn't hold her back from a chance of being with her real family, Whis leaned over to you patting you on the shoulder getting your attention.
"Yes Fa? " you asked warming Whis heart
"Why don't you go talk to Vegeta or one of the other saiyans" Whis pointed at Vegeta, and to another black-haired man who kind of looked like the man you saw on the Kai's planets and two boys playing with each other.
"Is that okay?" You asked wanting to make sure it was alright
"Yes you could learn more about yourself than I could teach you" Whis said as he gave you a confirmatory smile
You turned your head to look at the scenes in front of you, you decided to go talk kids because they would be the most welcoming of a stranger, they were in the open part playing some kind of game, and as you approach the two turned their attention to you and you noticed one of the kids looked identical to the saiyan you met on the Kai's planet and the other kid kind of looked like Vegeta but had purple hair
"Hey I'm y/n what are you guys up to?" You asked as you got in front of them
The purple-haired one gave you a glare and the other gave you a huge smile "Hi I'm Goten and this is trunks"
"Ugh Goten why did you have to tell her my name" Trunks said from beside Goten
"Why not trunks and can't you see she's also a saiyan?" Goten told Trunks while looking proud of himself for knowing and gaining him a shocked look from trunks
"What no way really?!" Trunks exclaimed
"How did you know that ?" You asked kind of surprised
"Tell unless that's a brown fuzzy belt, you have some horrible fashion sense"
"Ugh, how could I be so dumb" Trunks said while pulling at his hair,
"In your defense little man, he's the first person to be able to tell, I guess most people think I have a horrible sense of fashion haha" you patted Trunks on his shoulder "I came over here to ask what you guys could tell me about us saiyans, I grew up with those two" you said pointing to Whis and Beerus "so I don't know much about what makes us so special"
As soon as you said that both boys just started spewing nonsense about saiyans which then turned into Goten trying to tell you stuff about saiyans and trunks gloating about what he could do. You learned that they knew how to master different transformations and if you have a tail and there's a full moon you'll turn into a giant ape.
You were talking to the boys when Gohan goten's older brother and his wife Videl came to introduce himself after asking Piccolo who was talking to his brother and trunks.
Gohan told you the story about how his dad came to earth and you shared with him how you grew up with Beerus and Whis. As you were telling the three saiyan boys this story, trunks couldn't help but remember a story that his dad had told him one night.
How he had an aunt that his grandfather sent away and his dad could never find. He quickly got up and ran to find his mom or his dad without muttering as much as bye which left both Gohan and Goten were surprised at the boy's actions.
Trunks saw his dad off the side and he ran there as fast as he could
"Dad, you know that story you told me a really long time ago ?"
"Yes and that's her, she doesn't know it though so don't you dare tell her!" Vegeta exclaimed at Trunks, his pride won't allow for some sappy reunion but he knew he had to tell her sooner or later.
"Jeez okay Dad no need to freak out" Trunks put his hands up in defense before he made his way back to the group
"Trunks what did you run off for," both Goten and Gohan asked
"Umm i uh i had to use the bathroom yes" Trunks stammered to find the right words
"Oh okay" Goten said with a carefree smile
The time flies and everyone was having a blast, you were making your way around talking to all the new people when you saw Beerus and a guy name Buu getting into an argument over pudding, everything happened so quickly and you were trying to stop people from attacking Beerus as they had no chance. After Bulma yelled at Beerus and attempted to slap him she herself had gotten slapped by Beerus causing Vegeta to launch into a fit of rage attacking Beerus
You were watching with everyone else when Vegeta got thrown into the ship signaling the end of the fight
"Y/n get up here now we are destroying this planet and leaving" Beerus declared from above the shop with Whis. You were conflicted you had just found your people and you didn't want that to lose them because of some stupid reason
"No, I won't let you rip away the last part of my past I have" you yelled back up at him surprising everyone including Vegeta who was struggling to get out of the hole he was in.
This time Whis chimed in "y/n this isn't a smart idea"
"Well Fa smart ideas don't always work out" you raised your ki earning another shocked look from everyone
"Hey Gohan isn't her energy level as high as your dads in super saiyan 2" Piccolo asked gohan
Gohan shared a concerned look with Piccolo before confirming his thoughts "Yeah it seems her base level is the same as dads super saiyan 2"
"That's impossible," Vegeta thought to himself overhearing what Gohan and Piccolo had said and what he himself could feel, as he got the strength to move a bit out of the hole Bulma and Trunks both rushed to help him the rest of the way
All attention was on you as you flew up in front of Beerus
"Dad don't do this" you stated
"Y/n you may be stronger than these earth saiyans but don't let that make you think I won't beat you in a fight," he said with daggers in his voice
"I have no choice but to try" you charged at Beerus knocking him back in surprise, he hadn't had a chance to fight you since he had awoken so he really wasn't sure what he was in for but he knew you wouldn't beat him.
You threw attack after attack, not letting up, you powered your force field fist and landed a blow on Beerus's face sending him past the boat about 50 miles. You felt like you were up in the fight only to have Beerus pop up behind you and hand a blow causing you to drop out of the sky and start falling to the ocean
"Aunty y/n!" Trunks yelled as he watched you disappear from view. Everyone besides Vegeta stared at him in shock, he got up to try and run to find you when he was stopped by Vegeta grabbing his wrist
"You don't get in the middle of this boy, your aunt can hold her own she is a saiyan warrior" he said as everyone's mouths dropped open
"Vegeta what are you talking about ?" Everyone exclaimed
bulma placed her hand on his shoulder "Vegeta is that really her?" Vegeta had told Bulma a long time ago about his sister and he didn't like to talk about it so Bulma never pushed.
He slightly nodded his head at his wife before he snapped at the others "This isn't time for story time"
He struggled to lift himself he got to his feet refusing the help Bulma and Trunks were offering and he started to make his way to the edge of the boat, as he made it to the edge of the boat shot out of the ocean, and fly right past his face causing him to stagger back
This caused Trunks to yell for you again "YAY! You got this Aunty Y/n" which then caused you to pause and questionably look at him. This caused you to turn your back allowing Beerus to get another easy hit off you sending you crashing into the ship.
Before you could hit the boat you were caught in a pair of arms. You looked up to see it was Vegeta you both shared a small smile before he helped you stand
"So you're my brother" you stated earning a pained look form Vegeta
"I am but it looks like we have bigger things to worry about right now" You looked at him to see him staring at Beerus holding a gigantic energy ball hovering above the earth
"Y/n this is your last chance to get up here before I blow this planet to bits"
"My lord this isn't very wise" Whis said as he couldn't contain his worry, knowing that you being the stubborn saiyan you are, wouldn't listen
"This isn't right!" You shouted "I won't stand by your side during an act as such!"
Beerus frowned as he heard your reply, as much as he loved you he wouldn't let his pride fall
"So be it"
Beerus started to lower the ball before someone interrupted him
This Chapter is sponsored by Namek Vegeta
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