Chapter 5
(Short chapter -This chapter is to fill you in on what happens during your childhood, I'm trying to speed up to get to the main part of the story)
As the years went by you grew your skills and strength, you were kind and caring but don't mistake that as weak. Growing up with Beerus and Whis gave you quiet the personality. You liked to play pranks on Beerus with Whis, and with your newfound skills thanks to Whis you were able to make a fake copy of something out of water, you would often replace Beerus's meals with a fake copy and he wouldn't realize until he took a bite, this would lead him to chase you until Whis would stop him.
You were a mischief maker but you also hated the see the people you cared about get hurt. Anytime Beerus would push himself training with Whis and would hurt himself you would always take care of him after even if he told you he was fine, you would make sure of it because he always did it to you.
The bond you had with each of them grew every day and Beerus wasn't the biggest fan of training you but when you were six, Beerus was watching you one day and as you were playing on your structure you tripped and scratched your knee, you started crying and Beerus had told you to suck it up knowing you were just overreacting and before he knew it had gone into a fit of rage.
You raised your energy to a level of 10,000, and you grew a gigantic ki blast in your hand. He turned to you as you threw the gigantic ki blast at him, he barely dodged it as he wasn't expecting it. Beerus stared at you in shock, he didn't think you could throw something so dangerous. Realization hit him that he couldn't be babying you as much anymore and you realized what you just did and you broke back down into a ball of tears.
Ever since that day Beerus and Whis started training you, one day you would work on strength with Beerus, and the other you would spend with Whis learning skills and speed. By the time you were 10 Whis started to train you more physically.
You had mastered your ki control and started growing your own skills, like the fake objects, you also harnessed the force field around your fist and made it so you could hit anything with your fist and have damage to your hand. You also developed a beam attack that could be thrown in one consecutive beam or multiple miniature beams.
Your aunts and uncles would stop by once and awhile, they were impressed to see you growing in skill and they would always teach you a thing or two each time they came. They were also surprised to see you didn't age as a normal being did, your saiyan nature kept you in a child-like bodily until puberty would hit and they weren't sure when that would be.
Last time Belmod and Marcaritia were there, they were teaching you one of Belmod signature moves where he makes domes around all opponents that render them immobile, you were working on the move but you weren't able to make domes around them but you were able to make a variation of it where you could render them immobile with you ki without making a dome.
One day while 13 Vados and Champa were visiting Vados was talking to Whis and Beerus about saiyans while watching you as you were showing Champa what you could do now. "Whis it does seem like y/n is more progressed than the saiyans from our universe, Are there others here in your universe?" Vados asked while watching you.
Whis lifted his staff as he looked into it "it seems there is a few, they aren't together through, spread through the galaxy. There are three together but the remaining are spread on different planets"
As Whis and Vados were discussing saiyans a thought of a memory crossed Beerus mind about something the oracle fish was telling him about before you had arrived, but he couldn't remember what it was. *it was an arch rival but why did saiyan tie into it* Beerus was thinking to himself. He couldn't remember but maybe he could remember after a nap. Beerus turned to Whis and interrupted him.
"Whis, I had a premonition, and I can't remember, I'm gonna go for a nap and maybe it will resurface in my mind, will you let y/n know" Before Whis had a chance to answer Beerus was already walking away heading towards his sleeping chamber. He was too consumed by his thoughts to hear Whis respond.
"Will do my lord" Whis shook his head as he turned his focus back to his sister. They continued their conversation for a while more before you and Champa had come back.
Champa was impressed and a little annoyed, after they had visited when you were 8 they went back to their universe to check out what their saiyans were like, and to say they were unimpressed was the truth, they all had very low power levels except a few.
They had said goodbye and they headed on their way back to their universe, you turned to Whis to ask where Beerus went and he informed you he went for a nap and he had to explain why it wasn't like the naps you usually take because Beerus could be asleep for a couple of hours or a few centuries. You weren't exactly thrilled, how was he gonna help you grow, how is he gonna see me get stronger than him you thought to yourself, but you used that as fuel to push you harder.
You knew that you crashed here when you were a baby and you knew you were a saiyan but Whis couldn't or wouldn't tell you more about where you came from. You pestered him and petite red him but all he could tell was that you came from a planet called planet Vegeta when you asked what it was like he used words in the past tense like "use to" or "was" and when you asked why he was talking in the past tense he said that the planet wasn't round anymore it opened a door of questions that he couldn't answer.
You finally hit puberty at 15 and you went from being a height of 3'5 to a height of 5'2, you were still small compared to Whis but you finally didn't feel so small anymore unless you were standing next to him.
You were training every day and were almost able to get a hit on Whis, you were pushing yourself harder and harder each day you were determined to make Beerus proud when he awoke and you also wanted to be stronger than him, you wanted to be the strongest you could be and occasionally you would wonder if you could get as strong as Whis but you just told yourself that if that was possible you would just have to keep pushing yourself.
You never set limits for yourself as Whis told you that limitations are what hold you back the most.
The next 15 years passed quickly as you and Whis worked harder and harder on mastering your skills and growing strength and speed. You and Whis were in the middle of a sparring match when out of nowhere you heard Beerus' voice bellow across the land
This chapter is sponsored by Lord Beerus and The Oracle Fish (cat and fish hehe)
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