Chapter 20
(Not how black looks just wanted to include)
Bulma walked around the gazebo yelling at the device she had in her hand, she was yelling for about five minutes before Whis had answered
"Oh hello Miss Bulma is everything alright?" Whis asked through the communicator
"No not at all I NEED TO TALK TO VEGETA NOW!!" She yelled so loud she basically went through the screen, everyone jumped a little in fear
"Bumla whats going on?" Vegeta asked from a distance through the communicator
"Trunks has returned," Bulma said into her communicator turning it, shifting the view from her to the unconscious blue-haired boy.
Both you and Trunks shared a look of confusion as you listened, you were both utterly confused as you had never heard of another Trunks, Goku had mentioned a friend that came from the future to warn them about cell but you never got a name.
"What?!" Vegeta yelled coming into view on the communicator
"He just showed up but he looks pretty beaten up, I think he might need our help again" Bulma responded urgency not leaving her voice
"Well be right there Bulma, if you're with y/n tell her to raise her energy as high as it can go I can lock onto it," Goku said from Whis's side of the communicator
"Did you hear that ?" she looked over at you
You nodded, stepped outside the gazebo, took your stance, and raised your energy, and not even 10 seconds later, Goku, Vegeta, Whis, and Beerus were beside you.
"How is he" Vegeta stepped forward to look at his son
"He's doing alright Goku could you go get a sense bean from Korin?" Bulma answered Goku vanished and reappear in moments giving Bulma the sensu, they started talking about what happened and you turned your attention to your father's hearing their conversation.
"Whis are you seeing what I am seeing, " Beerus asked looking from the unconscious boy to the younger boy sitting beside him.
"Yes I am My lord" Whis replied with a stern-looking face
"That boy looks identical to that boy" Beerus pointed between the two
You had only seen them that serious when there was an issue at hand but before you could ask why your attention was pulled away when the other trunks started to wake up.
Everyone watched as he blinked his eyes a few times before opening them fully, he looked at his mother before embracing her in a tight hug.
"Mother" He let out a breath of relief as the realization hit him that he actually made it
He let go and admired his mother for a moment before letting his eyes float around the gazebo, taking in the familiar face before landing on Goku's.
"YOU!!" he yelled gaining everyone's attention and charged at Goku
"What is the matter trunks?" he asked with a serious face stopping his fist with his hand
"I'll kill you for what you've done!" Future trunks screamed growing in anger, before he could do anything Bulma slapped him hard
"What are you doing that's Goku!"
Trunks blinked a few times before pulling himself together and taking a look at Goku
"You're alive! I thought you died to Cell?" he got up and hugged Goku
"Yeah I did but a lot of things have happened since then it's a long story but I got my life back" Goku replied patting trunks on the back
"Now that you are alive we might have a chance of defeating them!" he exclaimed turning to his mom with a look of relief
Hearing this Beerus and Whis shared a look and Whis stepped forward to ask the boy a question when Future Trunks finally noticed there were others there, his eyes met the other two before meeting yours and you saw the look of relief vanish and pure rage take its spot.
Future Trunks pulled his sword out and charged at you, you were startled by the advance but before you could do anything Goku appeared in front of you stopping him.
"SHE'S HELPING HIM!" he yelled trying to get Goku to get out of the way
Vegeta appeared behind Future Trunks and smacked him over the head copying Bulma "That's your aunt boy!"
Trunks dropped his sword and rubbed his head, he looked up to see both Goku and his dad with a look and knew they were telling the truth.
"Mother never mentioned anything about an aunt." he looked back at Bulma who looked upset by the scene unfolding in front of her
"That would be because, in your time, we had no reason to go to earth so your aunt has never met you guys or knows who you are" Whis made his way forward stopping in front of Future Trunks
"Time travel is a forbidden thing, even messing up one thing can set a chain reaction off that could lead to the destruction of a planet," Whis said looking down at him
"That is a serious universal crime that deities aren't allowed to break" Beerus piped up coming to stand next to Whis
"Deities? Who are you guys?" Future Trunks face filled with fear
"you heard him right Thats Lord Beerus and Whis, he's called a destroyer god"Little Trunks answered
"And maybe destruction is needed here" Beerus added
Trunks instantly got on his hands and knees in from of Whis, thinking that he was the destroyer, Beerus went wide-eyed and Whis let out a short laugh.
"Your destroyer is right there" he pointed to Beerus" I am his faithful attendant"
--- mini time skip --
You, Vegeta, and Goku were talking to Future Trunks, and Bulma was in the time machine looking for a way to see about getting back there and fixing the glass you broke.
"So who's the threat now? is it majin buu?" Vegeta asked
"No, I stopped that a while ago, Supreme Kai warned me and I was able to defeat Dabura and Babidi before they couple awake Buu"
"So who is it?" You asked from beside Goku
"I'm sorry for attacking you earlier, I had no clue you weren't them you both look insanely similar" he looked down at the ground
"Who?" you all asked
"They look exactly like you guys they go by your names, we didn't know you so we didn't give you any nickname but for Goku, mother started calling him Goku Black"
All this information was quite shocking, even to Beerus and Whis who were off to the side still listening
"How? Shouldn't I still be with you guys" You turned toward them
"Why would you be with them? you mentioned it earlier but u haven't put it together yet" Future Trunks asked
"That's a long story for another time, but essentially they are my parents," you said, Future Trunks fell over
"You'll have to tell me the story later because this is too confusing, anyway that's why I attacked, I thought you were her," he got back on his feet "Their plan is to wipe the universe clean from any mortals"
"Why would I be doing any of that though, I don't understand even growing up with a destroyer like my dad I always loved mortals, it was my favorite thing when we got to go to other planets"
"I'm not sure, but you weren't working alone, it seemed you took orders from the others" he paused thinking back to what had happened
"He said he had already wiped multiple species from the cosmos and that he was only getting started," he looked at all of you and you could see the anger in his eyes "I was able to hold him off for some time but there's barely anyone left on earth, and Mother sent me here to get help, on my way here she she killed her" he let out in pain
"WHAT you're saying the future me is dead?" Bulma shrieked overhearing them
Trunks looked down disappointed in himself
"So you just tucked your tail like a dog and ran?" Vegeta scuffed
"Hey that's a little harsh Vegeta" Goku chipped in feeling a little uncomfortable
"Shut up Kakarot!" Vegeta yelled and pointed his finger at F Trunks "You have royal blood pumping through your veins and you run to hide"
You went to but in but Bulma stepping front of Vegeta waving a book in his face
"He didn't run away, he came for reinforcements and he has a plan it's all written down here thanks to future me"
you smacked Vegeta over the head and followed Bulma to a table where you laid out her notes
"See it's all here, this disc will run diagnostics and will tell me everything about the ship and how to fix it, ill have us ready to go in no time!" she exclaimed proud of her future self
"ha and ill be the one to defeat 'em you hear me Kakarot!" Vegeta put his nose in the air smugly
"That's not fair why do you get to have all the fun?!" Goku whined thinking of all the fighting he wouldn't get to do if they actually did that
"He said there were two of them, and there's two of you plus I'm willing to help out" you spoke up trying to help the situation, you felt a bit guilty that there was a version destroying worlds let alone beings around the universe.
The two of them continued to argue about who would fight, before agreeing that they would each get to fight someone, after they settled that you all tried to start brainstorming a plan but it was hard as only one of you had actually fought him before.
"Well, how about we gauge the strength of these guys" Goku spoke up and turned to F Trunks "How about you fight me and tell me how I match up?"
"Sounds good" F Trunks nodded
The two took to the sky and Trunks instantly powered up to super saiyan two followed by Goku, the two exchanged blows for a good chunk of time, Trunks was handling himself with somewhat ease fighting Goku in super saiyan two, but when Goku transformed into super saiyan three he could see his power wasn't anywhere near equal, Trunks went to strike at full power with his sword and Goku stopped it with four fingers.
They both powered down and lowered themselves back to the ground, they made their way back to everyone before Goku started listing a few ideas but ultimately they really wouldn't know what would work until they faced them.
Everyone was brought out of their concentration when the sky got dark and a portal started forming in the sky made of purple and black waves, lightning began to strike from the portal in various directions and a man stepped out. The lightening faded and everyone's attention was brought to the man standing in front of the portal.
Everyone stared in shock, the man before them was an identical copy of Goku who was standing beside them,
The man looked at his ring before smirking and looking around at the others
"you see that my lord," Whis asked Beerus
"Whis is that- "
"it is," Whis said cutting him off
The man noticed Vegeta, then his eyes drifted to Beerus then to you and his smirk widened, his eyes traveled a few more faces before settling on the one he chased here.
"So this is where you ran off to boy, another universe for us to ruin!" The man broke out into laughter
"What is this? How did you get here?!" Future trunks ground his teeth his head filling with confusion and anger
"The same warping that brought you here has also allowed me to travel here, or maybe it was your soul crying out to meet its end" The laughter continued
"Come and try!" Trunks yelled pulling out his sword getting ready to charge
"Stop!" Vegeta yelled taking a step forward stopping Trunks in his tracks
"FATHER!" Trunks yelled in anguish
"You came here for help, you won't win, I'll handle it" Vegeta answered getting ready to take to the sky
"Haha sorry Vegeta" Goku interrupted them as he was already flying up to meet Black
"Damn you Kakarot!"
Everyone watched as Goku stood/floated across from where Black was and you stood off to the side and stared in wait at what was to come.
This chapter is sponsored by two peaceful cuties
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