Surprise Reunion
"Hi! I'm Mabel, your cousin. And this is Dipper, my brother, your his cousin too, and that guy who just fainted outside was Soos..." Mabel babbled on, not wasting any time in introducing herself to the new kid.
I stood against the wall besides Stan, who was sitting on a chair looking exhausted.
"Are you ok Grunkle Stan?" I asked.
"I... I didn't know I was a dad... She never even told me! Granted she didn't know where I lived ... Or my full name... Or what I did for a living... but neither did I!" He sighed. "I knew I shouldn't have killed that Llama..."
"No time for regretting your life choices Stanley. You need to sort this mess out once and for all." Ford said.
"How?!" Stan exclaimed.
"I don't know! What do most people do when they screw up as badly as you always do?"
"Hey! Guys! This isn't the time!" I tried to intervene.
"You shut up." Ford hissed at me. I stepped back, blinking at him worriedly.
"Leave the kid alone Ford." Stan sighed, rubbing his temples. "Aren't you sick of this yet?"
"What I'm sick of is your bad decisions always affecting me!" Ford snapped.
Just then, a sudden wave of nausea hit me like an ocean wave. I stumbled forwards. Holding my hands over my head as I clenched my jaw, trying not to cry out.
"Dipper? Hey Dipper!" Stan grabbed my shoulders, holding my upright.
What... Was that...? Bill asked, sounding panicked.
I groaned. Trying to stand up properly.
"Hah! So this is the little human her Majesty wants dead... " A female voice echoed through the room.
Oh god not again! Bill took control and we looked around. Trying to find the source.
"What was that?" Mabel asked. Eyes wide. Oh right, she didn't remember the last demon attack.
"You have got to be kidding me! What is it now!?" Ford snapped.
Zachary was standing up. Not moving. His eyes were narrowed as he glared at the wall. "Something's here." He said darkly.
Wow. We've found ourselves a regular old Sherlock here haven't we? Bill smirked.
Not the time Bill!
"Look at all the little piggies, one, two, three, four, five! They all look so yummy! Maybe I'll help myself once I've done the job..."
Bill, we have to get out of here like we did last time. We can't risk getting anyone in danger. We need to move!
You think I don't know that pinetree? I'm not an idiot...
The lights went out. Leaving us in the kitchen with the only light coming from the daylight through the window. But it seemed like the light was getting less and less bright with every moment.
In the semi darkness we turned for the door, and Bill tried to hurry for it.
It slammed shut just as Bill reached it, smacking into us and knocking us backwards onto the ground.
Above the door came a cackle of laughter, and two pairs of bright green eyes opened simultaneously in the air, the scleera a poisonous shade of green, with a yellow slit serving as a pupil. Slowly the rest of the demon appeared. It looked like a woman-snake hybrid, with black hair hanging in thick tangles from her head, and from her chest green scales grew, turning her body to a giant green rattlesnake's. Huge skeletal wings sprouted from her shoulders.
She grinned at us, revealing sharp teeth. "Yum yum yummy, a tasty body and a tasty soul just for me." She rasped.
The demon reached out with a clawed hand for us, and Bill hasily tried to pull away from her.
Bill! Do something!
If I start fighting now we could end up killing everyone here!
But before we could even move there was the sound of a laser blast, and the demon's hand seemed to quietly seperate from her body, falling to the ground in a wash of black blood.
The creature screeched furiously and launched itself across the room, slamming into a window and ceasing through it, escaping into the daylight.
"Hah! Nice one Ford!" Stan exclaimed.
We turned to Ford, but he was looking just as confused as us.
"Where's Zachary?" Mabel asked quietly.
"Oh god no..." Bill said, and rushed to the window.
Outside, in the empty field we used as the parking lot, the snake demon was writhing around savagely, at first it looked like she was furious, but sparks of red kept appearing on her body, and the sound of gunfire. Her opponent was behind her, with her back to us.
"Stop it! Stop it child! You can't kill me! You ca-" she was cut off when a black light hit her and she gave what sounded like seven screams at the exact same time, the sound fading into the forest.
Her body began to dissolve, parts of her splitting up and rising into the sky where they shrivelled into nothing. She burnt up like a piece of paper, until there was nothing left.
"What... What just happened?" Mabel asked.
As the creature dissolved, a figure dressed in black was revealed, holding up a gun that glowed red. Breathing heavily.
I stared, wordless, as the figure walked towards us. Packing the gun back into his duffel bag slung over his shoulder.
He rubbed the back of his head and smiled sheepishly at us. "So, I might have left a few details out when I introduced myself before. Sorry."
"Who... are you...?" Bill asked him, clearly struggling to hold back the anger in his voice.
He cleared his throat, "uh, let me try again. My name's Zachary Pines, seventeen years old, and special Class ranked Demon Hunter."
Of course he is...
End of Book 2
Book 3 out soon
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