I woke up, slowly. I had no desires to leave the safety of my the bed America must have carried me in but I was hungry.
No answer.
"Alfred Jones!"
"Alfred Freedom Jones!"
I was kinda glad he didn't answer. It would have been a little awkward attempting to explain how I knew his middle name. I rolled out of bed and flopped onto the floor. After struggling to get up, I saw my freshly washed clothes lying on a table. I got dressed and took out the braid I had fallen asleep in. My hair fell in perfect crimped waves, looking quite nice. I slipped the rubber band around my wrist as I trudged down the stairs. I walked aimlessly in circles around the house calling
I found a note tapped to the fridge.
I've gone out to get us donuts from this place called Tim Hortons which is the Canada equivalent of Shiplys. I didn't know what kind you wanted and I didn't want to wake you so I'm just getting 2 of everything. I left your clothes out on the table by your bed and I charged your phone. It's in the living room. I'll be back soon.
Stay away from British idiots
After I read through his note I walked to the living room. My iPhone 4S was plugged into the wall. I clicked the home screen button. My background picture was of me and Taylor at the movies. I typed in my pass code; RYCB.
That stood for Run You Clever Boy. It was a Doctor Who reference.
I frowned a bit.
It reminded me of Arthur.
My finger hovered over the call button on Taylor's contact. Oh god... he was gonna be pissed. The ringer dialed.
"Hi Taylor.", I said weakly.
After explaining everything and letting him lecture me there was a knock on the door.
"I gotta go, Taylor Tay."
"Ok, Mari just..."
"Just what?"
"Stay safe. Bye." And then he hung up.
The knock came again.
"Commmminng!", I called as I trudged over to the door. I opened it to see..
It looked like him, but at the same time he didn't. The man before me wore a pink vest over a button down shirt with a blue bow tie. His arms and face were very freckled and his strawberry blond hair stuck out messily. The worst though, were his eyes. They were an electric blue. I looked into them and had the feeling of needing to hide.
Chaotic eyes.
Insane eyes.
I gapped at the man for a few minutes.
"A-Arthur?", I stuttered.
"No, poppet, my names Oliver.", The man said. His voice was unnervingly similar to Arthur's yet I knew Arthur would never call me poppet.
Suddenly I felt strong arms grab me and press a clothe against my nose and mouth. Spots swam before my eyes.
"Nighty-night Mari.", Oliver said with a chuckle. I struggled for a few moments, fighting to stay conscious, but I soon blacked out...
Ok, next chapter is the last one! Just warning you! Then I'm starting the sequel:
Searching, A Hetalia Fan Fic
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