Everyone was setting up there little chairs and big umbrellas, on the hot sand. Kids splashing in the light blue ocean.
"Mom I feel like something wrong is gonna happen..." I told my mom. She sighed.
"What, I'm serious!"
"Okay...You do you,"
"I will do me!"I insisted. I sat down next to my mom. I pulled out my phone and totally forgot there was not WiFi.
"Ugh! I can't do me!"I added. My phones my life and if I don't have WiFi I can't to anything! I can't even text my friends either! I wish I never came on this trip. I wish I could just get away from this. I want to get away from all this I rather have a whole stack of homework. I'm so mad I can't just get WiFi. I need to get this all of my head.
"What," I looked over my shoulder and I saw someone I didn't want it see.
"This is Blue she's same age as you, perhaps you could hang out,"
"Perhaps not,"I ordered.My mom gave me that look that I had to.
"Where's your manners,"She said.
"We can hang out,"I told Blue. I stood up.
"Its so on!" I said walking by her.
"Have fun!"
"Honey please everyone knows I win every fight!"She claimed. I stop walking turned around.
" Honey? The names Light I'm not a crayon like you are!"I told her.
"I'm not a lightbulb!"She exclaimed.
"Bring it!" I continued.I stared at her.
"Okay lightbulb, bring it!"Blue said, I'm a crayon and many people need me,"
"What that makes no sense!"
"Not everything makes sense... Just like you. You don't make sense,"She said turning her back at me. UGH!
"Don't turn your make on me,"I mumbled.
"What? I couldn't hear you," She said. I didn't speak, I was speechless.
"Wimp,"She mumbled as she walked away. My hand curled up in a fist. I was outraged. I wanted to tackle her. Don't do it... Do it! No don't do it! DO IT DO IT! I can't do it... I am a wimp. I need to take easy.
"What did you say? Couldn't hear you because you were to quiet,"I said. She just turned round and gave me the death look and just continued walking. There's something up with that girl.I went to my mom and I didn't want to tell her anything so I had to lie.
"How was it? She seemed nice,"
"Hmm she's really nice! She's my best friend!"I lied.
"Cool! Maybe tomorrow you guys can hang out,"
"What...Hang out? Again? No, sorry she's not that good and I can't even look at her!"I said.
"I thought-"
"No! Have you ever heard of a lie?"
"Wow." I sat down on my chair and closed my eyes. I hate this weekend! I want to go to Hawaii in peace already.I felt so tired and fell asleep.
An hour later...
I woke up to a sound of a loud horn. I opened my eyes and the ship was leaving without me.I sat up quick.
What happened :
"The ship's docking we're got to go,"Said my mom "Oh get up don't act like you're sleeping!"My mom got up and started walking to the ship. I didn't even know what what was happening I sound asleep thinking about unicorns for some reason.Then the ship was leaving.
"Wait!"I yelled. I ran toward the boat and I went in the water and it was going so fast I couldn't even catch up. Blue was standing there with a smile waving. I was speechless, I didn't know what to do. There come back in like five minutes.
When five minutes passed
There a tiny wire dot!I'm doomed there's nothing to eat, no where to sleep! Also I'm not sleeping on this sand, there's animals! Oh wait I can just call...My...Mom... No WiFi, ya dunts!I'm gonna get eating alive... I walked on to the sand and sat down. My life is over and I can't even post it on Snapchat!
"Why!"I said to myself. It was really boring waiting for myself to die. Maybe a bird would fly but nothing interesting. I took out my phone and signed.
"Well this is useless..."I said throwing my phone is the water. I totally regret that... Well I'm gonna be stuck here forever so might as well make myself at home. I then noticed the sun was setting. Oh no! Not now! I could hear the wolves howling. No... I'm doomed for good...
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